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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Prevalence and Risk Factors of Child Malnutrition in Community Based Nutrition Program Implementing and Nonimplementing Districts from South East Amhara, Ethiopia

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1100425, PP. 1-17

Subject Areas: Nutrition

Keywords: Anthropometrics, Community Based Nutrition Program, Stunting, Underweight and Wasting

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Background: The burden of malnutrition in Ethiopia is the second highest in sub Saharan Africa. According to the recently released Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey report of 2011, the prevalence of child stunting, underweight and wasting were 44% stunted, 10% wasted and 29% underweight respectively. Objectives: To determine the magnitude and risk factors of malnutrition among 6 - 59 months children from Community Based Nutrition Program implementing and nonimplementing districts from south east Amhara. Methodology: Descriptive community based, cross sectional study in which a total of 987 children (620 from Community Based Nutrition im-plementing and 367 from nonimplementing districts) were sampled. A structured questionnaire was administered to mothers or caregivers of the children. Anthropometric measurements were taken following standard procedures. Nutritional status of the children was determined based on Z scores of < ?2 or >= ?2 Standard Deviation. Logistic regression was used to test significant asso-ciations between outcome and factor variables. Setting: Rural communities from Artuma Fursi and Kemissie districts. Results: A total of 987 children of 6 - 59 months of age and 987 mothers/care- givers had participated in the study, giving a response rate of 99%. The percentage of male and female children in CBNP district was 330 (53.2%) and 290 (46.8%) and that of non Community Based Nutrition Program (CBNP) district was 192 (52.3%) & 175 (47.7%) respectively. The prev-alence of stunting, underweight and wasting were 60.6%, 31.1%, 12.6% and 39.0%, 27.5%, 14.7% in CBNP and nonCBNP implementing districts, respectively. The possible risk factors for child malnutrition were area specific and different for the two districts. Conclusion: Child under nutrition is a serious public health problem in both districts, so that holistic programs need to be designed and implemented according to the guidelines.

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Tariku, B. , Mulugeta, A. , Tsadik, M. and Azene, G. (2014). Prevalence and Risk Factors of Child Malnutrition in Community Based Nutrition Program Implementing and Nonimplementing Districts from South East Amhara, Ethiopia. Open Access Library Journal, 1, e425. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1100425.


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