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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Research Data Management (RDM) Strategy for Academic Libraries in Ghana: Setting a National Development Agenda

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105383, PP. 1-24

Subject Areas: Information Science, Library, Intelligence and Philology

Keywords: Research Data, Research Data Management, Socio-Economic Development, Strategy, Academic Libraries

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Academic libraries have in tandem, gradually assumed a superior role in a nation’s development. Academic library policies and practices over the world have therefore advocated holistic research data management in a physical and virtual landscape. These dynamics have posed challenges and consequences for socio-economic development for academic libraries in Ghana. This study analyses and assesses research data management policies and practices in academic libraries in order to develop a strategic and comprehensive framework that depicts real time coordination among stakeholders for socio-economic development, thus setting a strong agenda for national development in Ghana. Using ethically professional research methods, this study adopted the purposive sampling techniques to select its sample size, scooped both quantitative and qualitative data from survey-based secondary data sources and modifies existing research data management theories and models to unravel and explain its findings. The Ghana Library Board (GLB), the Consortium of Academic and Research Li-braries in Ghana (CARLIGH), and the Ghana Library Association (GLA) are key policy formulation agencies in Ghana’s academic library industry with a goal of negotiating licensing agreements and play leadership roles to re-inforce research data management. Poor level of collaboration between researchers and librarians, lack of research data management skill, lack of technological innovation and financial constraints are key challenges of academic libraries in Ghana. Surely, academic libraries in Ghana have ex-hibited potentials for revitalizing research data management in the areas of health, education, employment, land and housing, governance, water and sanitation, agriculture, energy, urbanization, youth and gender studies, and the environment. The recommended national research data management policy framework with an embedded enterprise wide research management information system will assure the world’s academic library industry of an effective RDM strategy that drives global development, hone the expertise of academic libraries in Ghana and direct their research data management strategies.

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Zotoo, I. K. and Liu, G. (2019). Research Data Management (RDM) Strategy for Academic Libraries in Ghana: Setting a National Development Agenda. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5383. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105383.


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