Vniversitas 2011
EL DERECHO A LA PAZ. ?UNA NORMA PROGRAMáTICA, CON TENDENCIA A LO NORMATIVO O A LO SEMáNTICO?: IS IT A PROGRAMMATIC NORM TENDING TO WHAT IS NORMATIVE OR TO WHAT IS SEMANTIC?Keywords: right to peace, right to tranquility, constitutional rules. Abstract: the purpose of this article is to analyze the right to peace, taking the theory of the constitution as a reference point. in that sense, the authors try to determine the programmatic, semantic or normative nature of the right to peace. in order to achieve said purpose, the authors will describe the right to peace from the doctrine and case law, with the intention of expose its use in different contexts as the colombian one, in which, the right to peace has a very particular meaning, because of the conflict. finally, the authors will offer some conclusions.