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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Digital Storytelling for 21st-Century Skills in Virtual Learning Environments

DOI: 10.4236/ce.2014.59078, PP. 657-671

Keywords: Digital Story Telling, Learning, 21st-Century Skills, Videos, Collaboration, Engagement

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This article finds that the new virtual learning environments comprise more spaces and practices in which digital resources, tools, and applications are used. The article introduces how digital storytelling can create virtual learning environments when it is used for learning 21st-century skills and competencies needed in students’ future working life. The study describes how students (n = 319) in three countries and their teachers (n = 28) value digital storytelling and what they think students have learned. Their experiences are analyzed using a theoretical conceptualization of the global sharing pedagogy that sets categories of processes or tools as mediators: 1) learner-driven knowledge and skills creation, 2) collaboration, 3) networking, and 4) digital literacy. Analyses have been quantitative and qualitative. The article describes students’ experiences when they created their digital stories and how they engaged in learning. The major findings are that students enjoyed creating their stories, and they were very engaged in their work. They learned many 21st-century skills when creating their digital stories.


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