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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Advances in Microwave on Chemical Reactions

DOI: 10.12677/HJCET.2014.44007, PP. 45-62

Keywords: 微波,微波作用,电磁波,化学反应
, Microwave Effects, Electromagnetic, Chemical Reactions

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Microwave is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum occurring in the frequency between infrared and radio waves. More and more attention to microwave has been paid, due to its “magic” effects in chemical reactions. The special electromagnetic field effect and the special heating way of mi-crowave make chemical reactions system be heated quickly and uniformly and bring necessary changes in molecular energy levels. Microwave makes chemical reactions become more and more high-speed, low-energy-costing, high-efficiency, green and environment-protective. In this review, the applications of microwave in chemical reactions are summarized, including the applications in organic synthesis, preparations of inorganic materials and catalytic materials and applications in environmental pollution control. In addition, subsistent problems in microwave chemistry are also systematically discussed and the possible developing orientations in the field of microwave effects on the chemical reactions are also prospected. Progress of microwave applications for synthesizing of nano-materials and catalytic materials, removal of NOx and SO2 and treatment of wastewater are reviewed. Microwave provides a new direction and new powers for chemical reaction, which possesses wide applications in accelerating or changing chemical reaction. In the future, researches will be focused on the mechanisms of microwave chemistry, establishing the basis of microwave chemistry and improving the systematical theories of microwave chemistry. Designing and creating of microwave chemical reactor device for industrial applications are also expected.


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