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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Classification and Characterization of Landscapes in the Territory of Adilabad District, Telangana, Deccan Region, India

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103745, PP. 1-39

Subject Areas: Genetics, Plant Science

Keywords: Anthropogenic Landscapes, Cultural Landscapes, Landscape Dynamics, Landscape Ecology, Landscape History, Land Use Changes, Natural Landscapes, Rural Landscapes, Semi-Natural Landscapes, Tribal Landscapes, Urban Landscapes

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We are in the Anthropocene and recent studies have revealed that conventional land management strategies diminished natural landscapes and created anthropogenic ones. The classification and characterization of landscapes, therefore, provide a mechanism for quantifying anthropogenic changes to the landscape systems in the Anthropocene. This study was aimed at classifying and characterizing landscapes in the territory of Adilabad District, Telangana, Deccan region, India, which was selected as the area of case study. It was a multi-method approach, where ecogeographic and environmental data were gathered using user/visual-based approach, while socio-economic data were gathered through direct observations, interviews, focus group discussions, questionnaires and literature surveys. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study was undertaken by National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar in collaboration with Vegetable Research Station, Rajendranagar during 2010-2012. In the District, a very wide range of land use types was observed. In the last 60 years, the District’s landscape has undergone a remarkable transformation and fragmentation as a consequence of anthropogenic activities like deforestation, agriculture expansion, intensive agriculture, transport infrastructure, urbanization, trade, tourism and recreation. The results revealed that there is a growing body of evidence supporting the hypothesis that the geographical space, which is a mosaic of natural and anthropogenic landscapes (semi-natural and artificial landscapes), is limited in the District. Hills, valleys, forests, rivers, streams, waterfalls and lakes were certain natural landscapes with little or no human impact found in the District. Traditional land management strategies including burning and clearing practiced by indigenous tribal communities, the native inhabitants of the area, have diminished natural landscapes and created semi-natural and artificial landscapes. Complex interactions between humans and nature resulted in a rich amalgam of anthropogenic landscapes and new ecosystems and habitats were created in urban, rural and tribal areas. The artificial landscapes are classified into three main categories: urban, rural and tribal landscapes based on the dominant human societies inhabiting them in the District. Our study identifies the same importance to all types of landscapes: thus natural, semi-natural, tribal, rural, urban landscapes are the key factors in cultural identity of the District. Our work on landscape analysis as a tool for the strategic assessment of the case study area enabled us to use user/visual-based approach based on the assessment of the visual fields of the District.

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Reddy, M. T. , Pandravada, S. R. , Sivaraj, N. , Kamala, V. , Sunil, N. and Dikshit, N. (2017). Classification and Characterization of Landscapes in the Territory of Adilabad District, Telangana, Deccan Region, India. Open Access Library Journal, 4, e3745. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103745.


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