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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Factors Influencing Household Perceptions of Drought in Laikipia West Sub County, Kenya

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103764, PP. 1-12

Subject Areas: Natural Geography

Keywords: Perception, Adaptation Measures, Drought, Household Survey

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The need for perception studies to drought is informed by the fact that different people perceive drought differently and derive local adaptation measures based on their individual perception. The objective of the study was to establish the household perceptions to drought and the factors that influence formation of such perceptions in Laikipia West sub-County, Kenya. The study adopted a household survey research design. The study utilized household surveys (N = 180). Logistic regression was used to identify the factors influencing drought perception in Laikipia West sub-County. The study found that 52.8% of the households felt that the 2009 drought was moderate and 47.2% the drought was severe. Drought perception was significantly related to age, source of income, and type of land ownership and the length of engagement in farming. The study recommends that formulation of the future policies on drought adaptation strategies in Laikipia West sub-County should take into consideration the household drought perception for effective implementation.

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Karanja, A. , Ondimu, K. and Recha, C. (2017). Factors Influencing Household Perceptions of Drought in Laikipia West Sub County, Kenya. Open Access Library Journal, 4, e3764. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103764.


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