Top Open Access publications matching Nephrology
Rankings Journal Title Publisher h5-index
1. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 40
2. BMC Nephrology BioMed Central 36
3. Nephrology Wiley-Blackwell 31
4. Journal of Nephropathology Society of Diabetic Nephropathy Prevention 27
5. International Journal of Nephrology Hindawi Publishing Corporation 25
6. Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases Iranian Society of Nephrology 21
7. International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease Dove Medical Press 15
8. Nephro-Urology Monthly Kowsar Corporation 13
9. Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Elsevier 11
10. Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis Karger Publishers 9
11. Case Reports in Nephrology Hindawi Publishing Corporation 8
12. Open Journal of Nephrology Scientific Research Publishing 7*
13. Hong Kong Journal of Nephrology Elsevier 7
14. Journal of Pediatric Nephrology Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences 5
15. Revista de Nefrologia, Dialisis y Transplante Asociacion Regional de Dialisi y Transplantes Renales 1
   The listed h5 indexes were originated from Google Scholar Metrics updated in June 2017.
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 * The h5-index for this journal is calculated based on the citations statistics from Google Scholar.