
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ACEVEDO” ,找到相关结果约1187条。
The HLP mutation confers enhanced resistance to leafrust in different wheat genetic backgrounds  [PDF]
Cristina Andrea Kamlofski, Alberto Acevedo
Agricultural Sciences (AS) , 2010, DOI: 10.4236/as.2010.12008
Abstract: In several plant species, lesionmimic mutants simulate the diseaseresistance response in the absence of pathogens. Interestingly, some of these mutants confer broadspectrum resistance to diverse pathogens. We previously demonstrated that the HLP (hypersensitivelike phenotype) mutant of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) exhibited spontaneous hypersensitive response (HR) in the absence of any pathogen input. However, when HLP plants showing HR phenotype were challenged with leafrust (Puccinia triticina) they were more resistant than plants of the motherline of comparable developmental stage that did not show spontaneous HR, suggesting that the HLP mutation may confer enhanced resistance to the fungus. In this paper we validate the aforementioned finding in several wheat genetic backgrounds. Two way crosses were performed among the HLP mutant and eight wheat commercial stocks, and third backcross progenies with and without spontaneous HR were challenged with leafrust to investigate the response to the fungus. Backcrosses to cv. Sinvalocho M.A., the mother line, and cv. Purplestraw, highly susceptible to leafrust attack, were used as controls. Third backcross progenies of cvs. Sinvalocho M.A., Purplestraw, Buck Guaraní and Pro INTA Imperial bearing spontaneous HR phenotype were more resistant to the fungal pathogen than third backcross progenies that did not carry the HLP mutation. Other four wheat stocks were as healthy as the HLP mutant. As expected, backcross to the motherline demonstrated that the HLP mutation conferred an additional resistance to the already healthy performance displayed by the motherline at adult plant stage. The introgression of the HLP mutation conferred heigh tened leafrust resistance and caused no kernel weight reduction on the backcrossed progenies. Taken together, these data validate the direct use of this type of mutations in diseaseresis tance breeding.
The use of reactors in biomining processes
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology , 2000,
Abstract: microbial processes applied to mining operations are gaining increasing interest in the last years. potential and current applications include the mining of gold, copper and other heavy metals, desulfurization of coal and oil, tertiary recovery of oil and biosorption of metal ions. currently, bacterial leaching of copper and biooxidation of refractory gold concentrates are well-established large-scale processes that are carried on using heaps and tank reactors. heap operation is simple and adequate to handle large volumes of minerals, but their productivity and yields are limited because of the severe difficulties in exerting an adequate process control. on the other hand, reactors can economically handle moderate volumes of material, but they allow for a close control of the variables involved, rendering significantly better performances. this paper reviews the basis of reactor selection and design for bioleaching processes. special attention is given to the influence of oxygen and carbon dioxide mass transfer, process stoichiometry, solids suspension and slurry homogeneity, and the use of bioreactors in gold mining. it is concluded that the future of reactors in biomining is promising and that new applications, such as the bioleaching of copper concentrates, will soon be a reality.
Present and future of bioleaching in developing countries
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology , 2002,
Abstract: nowadays bioleaching occupies an increasingly important place among the available mining technologies. today bioleaching is no longer a promising technology but an actual economical alternative for treating specific mineral ores. an important number of the current large-scale bioleaching operations are located in developing countries. this situation is determined by the fact that several developing countries have significant mineral reserves and by the characteristics of bioleaching that makes this technique especially suitable for these countries because of its simplicity and low capital cost requirement. the current situation of commercial-size bioleaching operations and ongoing projects in developing countries is presented and discussed with especial reference to copper and gold mining. it is concluded that this technology can significantly contribute to the economic and social development of these countries.
Acuerdos Comunes de Validez: Diálogo entre la Metodología Cuantitativa y Cualitativa
Cinta de moebio , 2011, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-554X2011000300004
Abstract: this article is divided into three sections. first, we define the state of physical science and logical positivism, concluding the transit of both towards constructivism. second, we outlined the piaget constructivism. third, with the intention of developing an example of this confluence in social sciences, we argue that few criteria of qualitative methodology validity are completely complementary to those contained in the statistics (paradigmatic technique used for quantitative analysis).
Resumen del libro: El transporte como soporte al desarrollo de Colombia. Una visión al 2040
Jorge Acevedo
Revista de Ingeniería , 2009,
Abstract: El propósito fundamental de este texto es que los lectores interesados tengan una visión global del libro "El transporte como soporte al desarrollo de Colombia. Una visión al 2040", trabajo interdisciplinario realizado por un grupo de profesores de la Universidad de los Andes y publicado por la misma Universidad. A continuación se resume en forma condensada algunos de los planteamientos y resultados de este libro, cuyo propósito fundamental no es predecir el futuro en tan largo plazo, sino plantear una visión prospectiva que estimule el debate sobre importantes decisiones de política pública que el país debe tomar en el corto plazo y que repercutirán decididamente en el largo plazo. Los méritos del trabajo pertenecen al grupo de autores, pero las omisiones e interpretaciones de este resumen son exclusiva responsabilidad de su autor.
Los costos económicos de la violencia en El Salvador
América Latina Hoy , 2009,
Abstract: RESUMEN: Este trabajo efectúa un ejercicio de cuantificación de los costos económicos asociados a las diversas manifestaciones y consecuencias de la situación de violencia prevaleciente en El Salvador, utilizando información para 2007. Tales costos son clasificados en cuatro grandes categorías: i) costos en salud; ii) costos institucionales (legales, judiciales y policiales); iii) costos preventivos en seguridad privada; y iv) pérdidas materiales. Los resultados de las estimaciones efectuadas indican que, en dicho a o, la violencia impuso sobre El Salvador un costo económico equivalente a 10,9% del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) y a más del doble de las asignaciones presupuestarias para Educación y Salud. ABSTRACT: This essay carries out an accounting exercise on the economic costs derived from the violence situation which prevails in El Salvador, using information for 2007. Those costs are classified into four main categories: i) costs on health; ii) institutional costs (legal, judiciary and police); iii) preventive costs for private security; and iv) material losses. The results from the estimations performed indicate that, in 2007, the different expressions and consequences derived from the violence situation imponed on El Salvador an economic cost which was equivalent to 10,9% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and more than twice the combined budget allocations to Education and Health.
La religiosidad popular expresada en lo político: el mito del reino feliz
Graciela Acevedo
Espacio Abierto , 2012,
Abstract: En este texto se analizan resultados parciales de una investigación donde buscamos, como objetivo general, acceder a las formas de participación religiosa de los inicios del tercer mileno y pretende dar contenido teórico a elementos constitutivos de la religiosidad que surgieron en la aproximación fenomenológica al objeto de estudio. La perspectiva teórica milenarista, que hace coincidir el deseo de justicia social y la necesidad de trascendencia con la existencia de un estado en crisis social, guía el estudio y nos explica como el Mito del Reino Feliz se ha actualizado en la forma del Mito Revolucionario. A partir de esa caracterización pudimos entender la intencionalidad de las acciones sociales -en donde parece sustituirse el miedo por la esperanza- que están fundamentadas en valores expresados en los testimonios (igualdad, solidaridad, sencillez, eternidad, justicia) perfectamente cónsonos con los que han constituido las diversas actualizaciones del Mito del Reino Feliz
New Reports of Spiders in Three Mexican Ant-Acacias  [PDF]
Sandra Luz Gómez-Acevedo
Open Journal of Ecology (OJE) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/oje.2021.111003
Abstract: The richness of spider species on the foliage of Mexican ant-acacias in Los Tuxtlas (Veracruz), and Santiago Pinotepa Nacional (Oaxaca) was documented. A total of 11 species, grouped into five families were found; in Los Tuxtlas five species representing two families were identified, whereas in Santiago Pinotepa Nacional, the number of taxa was eight, belonging to five families. The richness of spiders in Santiago Pinotepa Nacional was higher than that found in Los Tuxtlas. In both locations Nephila clavipes Linnaeus and Eustala illicita O. Pickard-Cambridge, both from Araneidae, were found; these species had been previously reported as common inhabitants of Central American ant-acacias. The presence of E. illicita in Mexican myrmecophytic acacias was confirmed. A total of 10 species grouped into five families are reported for the first time inhabiting Mexican ant-acacias, increasing the richness of spider interactions documented in Mexico. This study showed that the occurrence of spiders in the Vachellia-Pseudomyrmex mutualism system has been overlooked and is likely more common than what has been reported until now. This opens an opportunity for the study of the evolution of spider-ant-plant interactions.
New allergens of relevance in tropical regions: the impact of Ascaris lumbricoides infections
Luis Caraballo, Nathalie Acevedo
World Allergy Organization Journal , 2011, DOI: 10.1097/wox.0b013e3182167e04
Distributional patterns in Brazilian Serjania (Sapindaceae)
Acevedo-Rodriguez, Pedro;
Acta Botanica Brasilica , 1990, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-33061990000100005
Abstract: the present paper analyzes the distribution of serjania in brazil, by comparing and contrasting the species occuring in three major phytogeographic regions: the atlantic coast, the planalto, and the amazon basin. the atlantic coast region has the highest percent (70%) of species endemic to the area, and shares many species with the planalto region. the planalto region shares most of its species with the atlantic coast and the neighboring countries, but still has a 33% of endemic species to the area. the amazon basin has only a 4% of species endemic to the area, with most of the reminder species widely distributed through-out the area.

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