
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Durán” ,找到相关结果约234291条。
Responsabilidad Social Matriz de indicadores sustentables que refleja el impacto de la forestación en tierras marginales del Partido de Bahía Blanca, Argentina
Regina del Carmen Durán Durán
Contaduría y administración , 2009,
Abstract: Actualmente, se han empezado a considerar otras obligaciones que tienen las empresas para con su comunidad; se trata de aspectos vinculados con las dimensiones sociales y ambientales. Desde este contexto, nuestro trabajo tiene como punto de partida el concepto de responsabilidad social desde la noción de sustentabilidad. El objetivo es evaluar la forestación como instrumento para mejorar la sostenibilidad de los sistemas productivos tradicionales en tierras marginales del Partido de Bahía Blanca, mitigando los impactos del desarrollo no responsable de la producción primaria. Para ello, se han identificado técnicas de manejo generadoras de externalidades positivas en otras actividades agropecuarias complementarias, donde existen limitantes edafológicas, apoyándose en las tres dimensiones del concepto de sustentabilidad: ecológica, económica, sociopolítica y cultural. De igual forma, se dise ó una matriz de evaluación y ponderación de impactos, que contempla indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos, de cuya aplicación surge la forestación como una alternativa sustentable
Wiesner Durán,Eduardo;
Revista de Economía Institucional , 2007,
Abstract: this paper suggests that the best way to evaluate and drive development policy is to understand the root causes that explain the political economy restrictions limiting the developmental effectiveness of multilateral and bilateral institutions. to mitigate the deleterious effects of collective action restrictions this paper recommends a two-pronged interdependent strategy: an enhanced use of ex ante evaluation in all interventions and through a more intensive application of the paper trail approach; and changes of constitutional rules or macro-institutional conditions which determine the decisions made in all institutions.
Herencias moderno-coloniales en actuales discursos sobre la Orinoquia colombiana
EURE (Santiago) , 2012, DOI: 10.4067/S0250-71612012000300009
Abstract: three representational discourses about orinoquia region of colombia and are shaping the present and future of this area. the first views it as an immense and empty space - hegemonic discourse -; the second, as an area for conservation; and the third, as an intercultural place. we defend the thesis that these contemporary perspectives about the colombian orinoquia have a modern-colonial heritage, that is to say, they are structured by multiple relations of domination, which have been settled and transformed in time. methodologically, this paper prioritizes a qualitative stand point for the identification of the discourses; through an analysis of historical and contemporary documents, and of interviews and departmental forums. it highlights the social challenge of promoting means for plural relations that might help make visible and recognize as legitimate, the knowledge, subjectivities and dominions which have been, in many cases, denied, violated or subsumed by hegemonic logics of significance.
Formación psicopedagógica a profesores noveles de Enfermería
Durán Arrieta,Guillermina;
Educaci?3n M??dica Superior , 2012,
Abstract: the psychopedagogic formation of new professors for the nursing studies was considered very important to the integral preparation of students so that they could acquire the required knowledge. this paper was aimed at devising the preparation and the formation of new professors for the nursing career in "hermanos ameijeiras" hospital. the universe of study was 25 heads of wards, that is, 100 %. they were provided with an intensive methodological course for their psychopedagogic preparation; pedagogic textbooks, manuals, doctoral theses of pedagogic and didactic orientation, consultation to experts to enrich the paper, surveys, courses and others. the participating human resources were heads of wards, professors, tutors and experts, whereas the material resources covered computers, sheets of papers, pens and others. the research method was explanatory and descriptive, based on the study materials related to the specialty. from the ethical viewpoint, the informed consent by the scientific commission of the institution was applied. this paper showed the knowledge acquired by the professors on the importance of professional guidance, in addition to their criteria about the use of this tool in guiding the students.
El concepto de ciudadano en el pensamiento de Simón Rodríguez: igualdad y universalidad
Estudios de filosof?-a pr??ctica e historia de las ideas , 2010,
Abstract: this paper aims to explore the concept of citizen implicit in the political pedagogical project developed by simón rodríguez in chuquisaca. the paper will be divided into two parts. in the first of which will develop a brief analysis of the historical evolution of the concept of citizen. the last part of our discussion will focus on the specific proposal of simón rodríguez. the purpose of this second section is to show the originality of the concept of citizen led by rodríguez within the context of its application.
El primer escrito de Simón Rodríguez en el marco de las reformas borbónicas: límites y alcances
Historia de la educaci?3n - anuario , 2012,
Abstract: this paper aims to demonstrate that the first volume of simon rodriguez, las reflexiones, is the product of an official loyal to the crown, rather the work of a republican revolutionary. to achieve our objective we will try to prove that the rejection of the project due to the resistance that led to imperial policy in regional elites to implement a series of reforms aimed at creating a new cultural model, through the mobilization and training human resources.
Exploring gender differences in the EFL classroom
Durán,Norma Constanza;
Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal , 2006,
Abstract: this article aims to describe a case study which explores teacher and students' conceptions about gender in an efl setting and the way they are manifested in their discourse patterns. this exploratory case study was carried out with a group of eleventh grade students and an english teacher at liceo de la universidad católica high school in bogotá colombia. the data collected included direct observation of classroom interaction, audio and video recording of the teacher and students' interactions and interviews on the teacher's and students' discourse. the analysis of the data revealed that in fact there are imbalances in relation to boys' and girls' participation during interaction, made manifest by verbal and nonverbal attitudes. there is also sound evidence of girls' low self esteem in response to the lack of value and respect granted to their opinions by their male peers. stereotypes are part of teachers' and students' conceptions regarding gender and thus they are maintained to a great extent. the teacher's attitude in the classroom with respect to boys and girls also appeared to show inequality that favoured boys. the girls showed evidence of awareness of the teacher's conscious or unconscious indifference towards them, which seemed to affect their autonomy and confidence as english language learners
Cuadernos de economía , 2005, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-68212005012600007
Abstract: during the last couple of decades, migratory movements in chile have been minimal. regions are far from achieving equality in per capita income, and migration has not been an equalizing force. hence, there is marked persistence in regional inequity. this paper attempts to explain this lack of convergence. the main hypothesis is that there are some public policies that have an inhibiting effect over migration. in particular, the educational subsidies would act as an anchoring element. using an enlarged version of the harris and todaro model (1970) we conclude that in effect the "in school" food subsidy given by the ministry of education (for over 40 years) a powerful deterrent of migration between regions in chile
Fotografías y desaparecidos: ausencias presentes
Cuadernos de antropolog?-a social , 2006,
Abstract: in the last few years, new forms of expression that offer growing importance to the visual aspects have been adopted to accompany the formal demands of justice as a way of renovating the attention on these claims. photography, since its use in signs with the faces of the disappeared in the demonstrations in plaza de mayo to the most current photographic essays, has been a recurrent form of standing out the absences. in this paper, we will approach from a semiotics and ethnological perspective, to three of this kind, where the aesthetic articulation of photography points to the (re) construction of memory and identity in the present.
Escenario para leer a Nereo López (fotógrafo)
Mutis Durán,Santiago;
Nómadas , 2009,
Abstract: this article presents a critique of the nereo lópez work which leaves off from the usual assessments of his work as a "minor artist" or as "the photographer of things anonymous", to show, as a change, the uniqueness of his eye in that it sees the face of the other equally. based on photographs, it shows, on one hand, the absurdity of civilized models that are imposed on development plans, bringing "regimes of terror" to marginalized regions, and, on the other hand, the dignity of the anonymous people expressed in the photographer's lens. using the nereo's work, in a "simple" and "friendly" way the article invites us to respect a world which we have treated brutally.

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