
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Elisenda;” ,找到相关结果约91条。
Adams operations on higher arithmetic K-theory
Elisenda Feliu
Mathematics , 2009,
Abstract: We construct Adams operations on the rational higher arithmetic K-groups of a proper arithmetic variety. The definition applies to the higher arithmetic K-groups given by Takeda as well as to the groups suggested by Deligne and Soule, by means of the homotopy groups of the homotopy fiber of the regulator map. They are compatible with the Adams operations on algebraic K-theory. The definition relies on the chain morphism representing Adams operations in higher algebraic K-theory given previously by the author. In this paper it is shown that a slight modification of this chain morphism commutes strictly with the representative of the Beilinson regulator given by Burgos and Wang.
A chain morphism for Adams operations on rational algebraic K-theory
Elisenda Feliu
Mathematics , 2008,
Abstract: For any regular noetherian scheme X and every k>0, we define a chain morphism between two chain complexes whose homology with rational coefficients is isomorphic to the algebraic K-groups of X tensored by the field of rational numbers. It is shown that these morphisms induce in homology the Adams operations defined by Gillet and Soule or the ones defined by Grayson.
On uniqueness of characteristic classes
Elisenda Feliu
Mathematics , 2006,
Abstract: We give an axiomatic characterization of maps from algebraic K-theory. The results apply to a class of maps from algebraic K-theory to any suitable cohomology theory or to algebraic K-theory, which includes all group morphisms. In particular, we obtain comparison theorems for the Chern character and Chern classes and for the Lambda and Adams operations on higher algebraic K-theory. We show that the Adams operations defined by Grayson agree with the ones defined by Gillet and Soule.
Injectivity, multiple zeros, and multistationarity in reaction networks
Elisenda Feliu
Quantitative Biology , 2014, DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2014.0530
Abstract: Polynomial dynamical systems are widely used to model and study real phenomena. In biochemistry, they are the preferred choice for modelling the concentration of chemical species in reaction networks with mass-action kinetics. These systems are typically parameterised by many (unknown) parameters. A goal is to understand how properties of the dynamical systems depend on the parameters. Qualitative properties relating to the behaviour of a dynamical system are locally inferred from the system at steady state. Here we focus on steady states that are the positive solutions to a parameterised system of generalised polynomial equations. In recent years, methods from computational algebra have been developed to understand these solutions, but our knowledge is limited: for example, we cannot efficiently decide how many positive solutions the system has as a function of the parameters. Even deciding whether there is one or more solutions is non-trivial. We present a new method, based on so-called injectivity, to preclude or assert that multiple positive solutions exist. The results apply to generalised polynomials and variables can be restricted to the linear, parameter-independent first integrals of the dynamical system. The method has been tested in a wide range of systems.
Patrimonio gastronómico y turismo cultural en el Mediterráneo. Jordi Tresserras y F. Xavier Medina (eds.).
Loscos Presculí, Elisenda
PASOS : Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural , 2008,
Sitkis : una herramienta bibliométrica para el desarrollo del estado de la cuestión
Tarrats Pons, Elisenda
BiD : Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentació , 2012, DOI: 10.1344/105.000001831
Abstract: En las primeras fases de una investigación es fundamental la detección de los autores y publicaciones más relevantes de la materia objeto de la investigación. Sitkis, como herramienta bibliométrica, facilita el proceso de búsqueda, selección y tratamiento de información científica de alta calidad. A continuación especificamos la descripción de este programa, su funcionamiento, las utilidades principales así como sus limitaciones. Como conclusión destacaríamos su utilidad y conveniencia en el desarrollo del estado de la cuestión de una investigación o de una tesis doctoral.In the initial stages of a research project, identifying the most relevant authors and publications in the particular field of study is fundamental. Sitkis, a bibliometric tool, aids the research process by facilitating the selection and treatment of high quality scientific information. We outline the specifications of the program, describing its operation and identifying its main uses and limitations. In conclusion, we highlight its usefulness and appropriateness in undertaking state-of-the-art reviews of a research field or for a doctoral thesis.
Sitkis : una eina bibliomètrica pel desenvolupament de l'estat de la qüestió
Tarrats Pons, Elisenda
BiD : Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentació , 2012, DOI: 10.1344/105.000001830
Abstract: En les primeres fases d'una investigació, esdevé fonamental la detecció dels autors i publicacions més rellevants de la matèria objecte d'investigació. Sitkis, com a eina bibliomètrica, facilita el procés de recerca, selecció i tractament d'informació científica d'alta qualitat. A continuació especifiquem la descripció d'aquest programari, el funcionament, les utilitats principals, així com les limitacions. Com a conclusió destacaríem la seva utilitat i conveniència en el desenvolupament de l'estat de la qüestió d'una investigació o d'una tesi doctoral.In the initial stages of a research project, identifying the most relevant authors and publications in the particular field of study is fundamental. Sitkis, a bibliometric tool, aids the research process by facilitating the selection and treatment of high quality scientific information. We outline the specifications of the program, describing its operation and identifying its main uses and limitations. In conclusion, we highlight its usefulness and appropriateness in undertaking state-of-the-art reviews of a research field or for a doctoral thesis.
Drets fonamentals i Devolution: el nou Tribunal Suprem i la proposta de Carta de drets fonamentals del Parlament britànic en el marc de l’Estat compost
Elisenda Casa?as Adam
Revista d'Estudis Autonòmics i Federals , 2012,
Abstract: Human rights and devolution: The new Supreme Court and the proposals for a bill of rights for the UK within the complex framework of the State. The articulation of human rights protection within the complex nature of the State is currently under intense debate in the United Kingdom, sparked by the establishment of the new Supreme Court and the proposals for a UK bill of rights. This article analyses the current reforms and their surrounding debates, focusing on the case of Scotland, which at the same time highlights the complexity of the model and the effects of devolution on the pre-existing constitutional framework. To this end, it is organised in three parts which consider the interaction between devolution and rights protection, the debates surrounding the Supreme Court in human rights cases for Scotland and the debates surrounding the proposals for a bill of rights for the United Kingdom. The different positions in these debates reflect the diverse perceptions of the nature of the State within the United Kingdom (unitary-decentralized, union, federal), which result in different views of how rights protection should be articulated.
Al seu rotllo: aproximació al llenguatge juvenil català ["Al seu rotllo": an approach of Catalan teenagers' language]
Bernal, Elisenda,Sinner, Carsten
Zeitschrift für Katalanistik , 2009,
Abstract: The paper examines the lexicon used by young Catalan speakers by studying a night-time radio program called Prohibit als pares (‘Parents Not Allowed’), which the station Ràdio Flaixbac FM aired during the period of Sept. 2003–July 2006. The show targeted mainly young people and dealt with topics such as love, sex, friendship, infide lity or drugs. The published materials manage to convey the no-holds-barred nature of the program, rendering the text very close to the hearts of young people, who identify with what is said. Precisely because of the specific features of the show and the accu rate rendition of the actual words used by these speakers (and not, as stated, because of the spelling, morphology or syntax), the corpus allows us to describe the colloquial lexicon of young people today: what type of lexical mechanisms are used (loanwords, deriva tions?), to what extent these mechanisms pertain to the Catalan language or are other wise borrowed or new, etc.
Problemes de la representació verbal en els diccionaris bilingües català-alemany-català des del punt de vista de l'aprenentatge [Problems in the representation of verbs in the Catalan-German-Catalan dictionaries from the perspective of language learning]
Bernal, Elisenda,Sinner, Carsten
Zeitschrift für Katalanistik , 2011,
Abstract: In this contribution we analyze some modern bilingual Catalan-German-Catalan dictionaries from the point of view of language learning. In particular, we concentrate on verbs that for different reasons are problematic, among them motion verbs. Verbs are the center of the phrase, they are the most polysemic lexical units and their use in many cases depends on additional information, such as, in German, the position of the speaker. Thus, we analyze which information is given and how it is codified, the differences and contradictions of systematization and presentation, and whether the given information allows the students to arrive to acceptable solutions in the foreign language.

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