
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Ivonne;” ,找到相关结果约612条。
Efecto teratogénico y toxico de ácidos grasos de cadena corta insaturados, en Rhodnius prolixus
Gomez, Ivonne;
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz , 1985, DOI: 10.1590/S0074-02761985000400001
Abstract: the teratogenic role of two short-chain unsaturated fatty acids, octinoic acid and undecylenic acid on the hemimetabolic metamorphosis of the insect rhodnius prolixus (hemipter) is studied. the acids penetrate through the cuticle of the abdomen and tarsi, independently of the amount of distention. the effects are registered equally in satiated or hungry insects, in those treated topically or in those where the treatment was applied to the support paper. the acids apparently do not affect the formation of the cuticle, melanization, nor the metamorphic process. the damage induced by these acids are manifested at random in the locomotor as well as the cephalic appendices, a displacement of the proboscide being observed as the dosage is increased. octinoic acid acts as a teratogen at doses of undecylenic acid which are lethal for the insect. the malformations of the proboscide include the labium the most dramatically damaged, as well as other bucal appendages, separately or accompanying the damage to the labium. damage in the locomotor appendages is frequently displaced to the second and third pair of legs, while the first pair is the least affected.
Lo que hemos aprendido sobre la atención a mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual en el conflicto armado colombiano
Revista de Estudios Sociales , 2010,
Abstract: the article describes what we have learned about psychosocially and psycho-legally treating female victims of sexual violence in colombia's armed conflict. sexual violence has characteristics that differentiate it from other forms of violence against women: the strong tendency for victims to remain silent "invisiblizes" the crime. this silence arises from the sense of guilt and shame that stem from cultural imaginaries and patriarchal ideologies which maintain that women can avoid being raped and assumes that somehow they provoked the attack if they were. this strong cultural prejudice makes women keep quiet and not report the crime. in the armed conflict, sexual violence has been systematically used as an effective weapon, but one that has been silenced and is neither admitted by its victims nor its perpetrators. the psychosoical treatment of sexual violence in the conflict should consider the issues of gender, human rights, and political position in order to help victims stop seeing themselves as such and become, instead, citizens who demand their rights.
La argumentación y las emociones en el debate televisivo
Revista signos , 2009, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-09342009000200002
Abstract: this article reports the results of a qualitative and exploratory study of the argumentative discourse employed in the tv talk show el termómetro. the objective of this investigation is to identify the types of emotions expressed in the argumentative discourse being studied, their location in the argumentative plan, and how these emotions relate to the topic being discussed. the method derives from critical theory and discourse analysis. the findings show that emotions expressed while arguing can be positive or negative, depending on the emotional load of the theme proposed by the tv host in the form of a specific question and a given title, both of which guide the participants in the debate to be inclined to either of the poles.
El papel de algunas instituciones sociales en el derecho a decidir sobre la regulación de la fecundidad
Ivonne Szasz
Papeles de población , 2002,
Abstract: El artículo presenta algunas posiciones que se debaten en la bibliografía actual sobre el papel de las instituciones sociales en la toma de decisiones sobre los eventos reproductivos y su regulación. Se plantean algunos términos del debate sobre los derechos reproductivos y el papel de las instituciones públicas de salud, distinguiendo entre el desempe o de esas instituciones en distintos tipos de escenarios estatales. Se analiza también el papel que pueden desempe ar las organizaciones no gubernamentales en la promoción del derecho a decidir, distinguiendo entre las ONG vinculadas con movimientos sociales de base y las organizaciones asistenciales asociadas con grupos de poder. Un peque o apartado se refiere a la importancia de la familia y las relaciones de parentesco en la toma de decisiones reproductivas, y por último, se se alan las potencialidades del ámbito escolar tanto en la reproducción como en la transformación de relaciones de género y generacionales de tipo autoritario que dificultan el desarrollo de la autonomía personal y de la reflexión crítica.
Aproximación a la idea de "Lo propio" en el arte latinoamericano a fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del siglo XX.
Ivonne Pini.
Historia Crítica , 1997,
Lo que hemos aprendido sobre la atención a mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual en el conflicto armado colombiano.
Ivonne Wilches.
Revista de Estudios Sociales , 2010,
Abstract: The article describes what we have learned about psychosocially and psycho-legally treating female victims of sexual violence in Colombia’s armed conflict. Sexual violence has characteristics that differentiate it from other forms of violence against women: the strong tendency for victims to remain silent “invisiblizes” the crime. This silence arises from the sense of guilt and shame that stem from cultural imaginaries and patriarchal ideologies which maintain that women can avoid being raped and assumes that somehow they provoked the attack if they were. This strong cultural prejudice makes women keep quiet and not report the crime. In the armed conflict, sexual violence has been systematically used as an effective weapon, but one that has been silenced and is neither admitted by its victims nor its perpetrators. The psychosoical treatment of sexual violence in the conflict should consider the issues of gender, human rights, and political position in order to help victims stop seeing themselves as such and become, instead, citizens who demand their rights.
Ist die Zeit schon reif für eine Zeitschrift für Nachwuchswissenschaftler
Ivonne Honekamp
Zeitschrift für Nachwuchswissenschaftler , 2010,
Abstract: Editorial of the second issue of the German Journal for Young Researchers
Tramas familiares en el México contemporáneo. Una perspectiva sociodemográfica
Ivonne Szasz
Revista mexicana de sociología , 2011,
La argumentación y las emociones en el debate televisivo Argumentation and emotions in debates on television
Ivonne Fuentes
Revista Signos , 2009,
Abstract: Este artículo tiene como propósito entregar los resultados de una investigación en la que se analizó el discurso argumentativo del programa televisivo de debate: El Termómetro. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar los tipos de emociones presentes en los discursos argumentativos, el lugar que ocupan en el esquema argumental y cómo se relacionan dichas emociones con la temática del programa. Los procedimientos metodológicos se inscriben dentro de la Teoría Crítica y el Análisis del Discurso, siendo un estudio exploratorio y cualitativo. Los resultados muestran que las emociones son positivas o negativas de acuerdo a la carga emotiva del tema propuesto a través de una pregunta específica y de un título que permite al moderador guiar a los argumentadores hacia esos polos. This article reports the results of a qualitative and exploratory study of the argumentative discourse employed in the TV talk show El Termómetro. The objective of this investigation is to identify the types of emotions expressed in the argumentative discourse being studied, their location in the argumentative plan, and how these emotions relate to the topic being discussed. The method derives from critical theory and discourse analysis. The findings show that emotions expressed while arguing can be positive or negative, depending on the emotional load of the theme proposed by the TV host in the form of a specific question and a given title, both of which guide the participants in the debate to be inclined to either of the poles.
The Mystery of the Past Haunts Again: Jane Eyre and Eugenie Marlitt’s Die zweite Frau Le mystère du passé hante encore: l’influence de Jane Eyre sur Die zweite Frau d’Eugenie Marlitt
Ivonne Defant
Revue LISA / LISA e-journal , 2010, DOI: 10.4000/lisa.3510
Abstract: Charlotte Bront ’s Jane Eyre is a classic in women’s fiction. When it was published in 1847, it made an immediate impact in mid-Victorian England, partly because it drew on the paradigmatic story of a romance heroine, partly because it interpreted the needs of the women of the time. Since then, the Thornfield Hall attic where Bertha Mason is kept hidden by the master of the house, Mr. Rochester, has become the metaphor of a feminine place of imprisonment and,at the same time, of rebellion against patriarchal rules.About thirty years after Jane Eyre, another woman writer published a book which evokes the haunting atmosphere of the Thornfield Hall theme, i.e., the German writer Eugenie Marlitt, the author of Die zweite Frau ( The second wife, 1874).Interestingly, Marlitt seems to recapture, while rewriting it, the character of Bertha within the context of German domestic fiction. Bothnovels explore indeed the issue of the imprisoned and socially marginalised woman in terms of ethnicity to show how gender roles are inevitably complicit with power relations. In Jane Eyre and Die zweite Frau the house motif is a pivotal element that leads to our understanding of the female characters, but it is above all the mystery that reverberates through the houses of the two novels, represented by two women, the Creole Bertha and the Indian Lotusblume, which, being crucial to the articulation of the discursive thrust underlying the two narratives, discloses the multi-layered construction of femininity. Jane Eyre de Charlotte Bront est un classique de la littérature féminine. Lors de sa publication en 1847, le roman eut un impact immédiat sur l’Angleterre victorienne, d’une part parce qu’il racontait l’histoire paradigmatique d’une héro ne de romance et d’autre part parce qu’il se faisait l’interprète des désirs des femmes de l’époque. Depuis, le grenier de Thornfield Hall où le ma tre de maison cache Bertha Mason, est devenu la métaphore d’un lieu féminin de l’emprisonnement en même temps que celle de la rébellion contre les règles patriarcales. Trente ans environ après la parution de Jane Eyre, une autre femme a publié un roman évoquant l’atmosphère obsédante de Thornfield Hall, à savoir l’écrivaine allemande, Eugenie Marlitt, auteur de Die zweite Frau (The Second Wife, 1874). Marlitt semble se réapproprier, tout en le réécrivant, le personnage de Bertha dans le contexte de la fiction domestique allemande. Les deux romans explorent en effet la thématique de la femme emprisonnée et marginalisée sur le plan social en termes d’ethnicité afin de montrer comment les r les

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