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The Opossum genome reveals further evidence for regulatory evolution in mammalian diversification
Bernardo Lemos
Genome Biology , 2007, DOI: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-8-223
Abstract: Mammalian diversification began approximately 250 million years ago, yielding a stunning diversity of form and function that falls into three major groups with fundamentally distinct modes of reproduction. The monotremes (Prototheria) comprise a handful of extant species of egg-laying mammals: the platypus and a few species of echidna. Placentals (the Eutheria) comprise about 4,500-5,000 species characterized by lengthy gestation with placental nourishment and neonates born at an advanced developmental stage and often nearly independent from the mother. Marsupials (the Metatheria) comprise about 250-300 species that are characterized by a rudimentary placenta and short gestation, after which poorly developed embryos are born and undergo subsequent development during lactation, usually inside the mother's marsupium, or pouch.Marsupial and placental mammals diverged about 125-190 million years ago [1-3]. While the marsupial radiation stopped short of producing as many species as the placental one, the impressive diversification of metatherians in South America and Australia resulted in a wide array of life histories and morphologies, many of which matched those observed in placental mammals - from herbivores to insectivores to carnivores. Two of the most notable cases are now extinct. The Tasmanian wolf (Thylacinus), also known as the pouched dog for its striking resemblance to placental canids, was heavily hunted and the last individual died in captivity in an Australian zoo in September 1936 [4]. Similarly, the marsupial Thylacosmilus from the South American Miocene possessed skull and saber-tooth morphologies with a remarkable resemblance to those of placental saber-tooth tigers [5]. Other cases of striking convergence include living species of marsupial 'anteaters', 'mice', 'moles', and 'flying squirrels' [5]. This remarkable natural experiment in mammalian evolution offers unique opportunities to understand the genomic and developmental correlates of these morpho
Características de personalidad infantil asociadas al riesgo ambiental por situación de pobreza
Interdisciplinaria , 2009,
Abstract: an individual's context affects the way in which their biological and psychological subsystems function and interacts with each other. while individuals are normally able to manipulate their environment, personality factors increase or diminish their context characteristics, which at the same time influence personality. heredity and socio-environmental personality factors should not be considered separate elements, but rather a holistic approach as an individual-environment system that functions as a whole. therefore, an unfavorable environment is a socio-environmental variable that interacts with children's heredity, thus influencing the development of certain personality traits. based on the above, the specific goal of our research was to compare personality characteristics of children at risk due to poverty and children without risk due to poverty. we applied the child personality questionnaire for argentina (cuestionario argentino de personalidad infantil - capi) for children aged 6 to 8 (lemos, 2005). we compared personality profiles from both groups through manova, as well as comparisons of means and graphic profiles. based on this analysis, we observed significant differences regarding personality factors [f de hotelling (5, 168) = 2.47; p = .035], as well as facets [f de hotelling (14, 159) = 2.607; p = .002], among children at risk due to poverty and those who were not. there were significant differences particularly in conscientiousness [f(1) = 4.35; p = .038] and the following facets: competence [f(1) = 4.652; p = .032], vulnerability [f(1) = 9.732; p = .002], gregariousness and positive affect [f(1) = 8.338; p = .004], order [f(1) = 6.798; p = .010] and action [f(1) = 4.233; p = .041]. the tendencies of the results are as follows: the group at risk scored lower in conscientiousness, and regarding facets: competence, gregariousness, positive affect, order, action and vulnerability. with regards to conscientiousness, which includes order, organization and
Construcción y validación de una escala para la evaluación de la deseabilidad social infantil (EDESI)
Interdisciplinaria , 2005,
Abstract: personality assessment verbal tests are often considered objectives taking into account the standardized nature of verbal stimuli utilized and response options, the transformation of punctuations to typical, and the objective valuation of the test (fernández-ballesteros, 2000). nevertheless, this supposedly objective valuation is subordinated to some problems and limitations. some of these are: random responses, in which the individual follows a pattern of response not determined by the content of items, dissimulation or feigning, with which the subject tries to misrepresent his answers to hide information or distort it; the subjects response style, which means the individual chooses to be moderate or extreme, positive or negative in the way he answers; and last we refer to the social desirability which makes the subject respond approximating his answers to those considered socially more desirable. this psychological tendency of attributing socially desirable personality traits to oneself and rejecting those that are socially undesirable produces a distorting effect that, if taken to extreme, can invalidate a psychological measurement. in a previous research (lemos, 2003), it was observed that children are very prone to give socially expected answers with the aim of pleasing others. this is the reason why it was judged important to design a scale, which may assess social desirability in children, since such an instrument is not available in our environment. a sample of 141 middle class children of both sexes between 10 and 12 years old of entre ríos ( argentina ) was employed. for the instrument's psychometric analysis, discriminating power of items was considered in the first place, analyzing the distribution of given responses with frequency analysis, considering discriminating those items that didn't exceed 75% of adhesion to one of the two response options ( yes-no ). with the same purpose, a t -test, mean difference, was also applied to compare the answers give
Trabalho docente nas universidades federais: tens?es e contradi??es
Lemos, Denise;
Caderno CRH , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-49792011000400008
Abstract: this paper examines the teaching work in public universities, especially at the federal university of bahia in portuguese, ufba, between 2005 and 2008, from the phenomenon of the precarization of labor and the consequent alienation of the worker, based on the results of doctoral research in ufba. it describes the fundamental dimensions of this process: the multiplicity of tasks, , internal and external fundraising for research, contradictions between training and the demands of the university system, work overload and its consequences, such as absence of leisure, loss of control over the academic project and illness. it concludes that the main contradiction experienced by the teachers is that the autonomy perceived by them is not the one exercised, since it is subjected to various internal and external controls of the meritocratic system, whose demands exceed the physical and psychic capacity of the teacher to respond appropriately . however, understanding the process of alienation is the basis for transformation and emancipation of those who have a fundamental role in developing the capacities of others.
Cidade-ciborgue: a cidade na cibercultura
André Lemos
Galáxia , 2008,
Abstract: As cidades contemporaneas passam por transfigura es importantes com o advento das novas tecnologias da comunica o e informa o e, embora toda cidade seja um artefato complexo composto por diversas redes materiais e espirituais (Saint Simon), podemos ver as atuais cidades como uma cidade-ciborgue. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever e analisar as principais transforma es pelas quais passa o espa o urbano na atual cibercultura. Torna-se urgente compreender as transforma es da cidade contemporanea em meio às novas tecnologias de base micro-eletr nica e de telecomunica es. Pretendemos aqui abordar a quest o das cidades da cibercultura sob o prisma do que chamaremos "cidade-ciborgue". Palavras-chave cibercultura, cibercidade, cidade, comunica o Abstract Cities have been through major transformations due to information and communication technologies. Although every city is a complex artifact made of several material and spiritual networks (Saint Simon), we can view our modern cities as cyborg-cities. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze some major changes in the urban space in terms of cyberculture. There is a need to understand the transformations of the contemporary city in face of the new technologies of telecommunications and microelectronics. We intend to approach the subject of cities and cyberculture from the point of view of what we are calling "the cyborg-city". Key words cyberculture, cybercity, city, communication
Mobile communication and new sense of places: a critique of spatialization in cyberculture Mobile communication and new sense of places: a critique of spatialization in cyberculture
André Lemos
Galáxia , 2009,
Abstract: The underlying idea of this paper can be expressed as follows: informational mobile technologies have enabled new means of communication and sociability based on what I call "informational territories". What is at stake here is to question some visions about the relationship between informational technologies and place, territory, community and mobility. I will argue that, under the label of "locative media", new mobile technologies are creating new forms of territorialization (control, surveillance, tracking) and new meanings of space, place, and territory, contradicting the theory of "non-place" or "no sense of place". Moreover, this impels us to argue the ideas of anomie and isolation with the emergence of new forms of sociability and community created by location-based services. Comunica o móvel e o novo sentido dos lugares: crítica da espacializa o na cibercultura — A ideia básica deste artigo pode ser colocada da seguinte forma: tecnologias informacionais móveis têm permitindo novas formas de comunica o e sociabilidade com base naquilo que chamo de "territórios informacionais". O que está em jogo aqui é uma nova rela o entre as tecnologias informacionais e as dimens es do local, do território, da comunidade e da mobilidade. Vamos mostrar como as novas tecnologias móveis, sob o rótulo de "mídias locativas", criam novas formas de territorializa o (controle, vigilancia, monitoramento) e, contra as tese de "n o-lugar" ou de um "n o sentido dos lugares", o que estamos vendo s o novas significa es no espa o público urbano. Além disso, discutiremos as ideias de anomia e de isolamento com o surgimento de formas de sociabilidade e de vínculo comunitário criadas pelos servi os baseados em localiza o (LBS).
Qotd, por @umairh: a inteligência coletiva no Twitter
Renata Lemos
Galáxia , 2010,
Abstract: Este artigo analisa o uso inovador do site de microblogging Twitter, como um espa o de dinamicas sociais de inteligência coletiva e de articula o de design colaborativo internacional de idéias em tempo real. Tendo a etnografia digital como base metodológica, foi efetuada a observa o do processo de evolu o de comunidades internacionais móveis a partir do entrela amento social permitido pelas funcionalidades e aplicativos do Twitter. A dinamica qotd de inteligência coletiva, elaborada por Umair Haque, serve de referência principal à análise das implica es práticas e teóricas das redes de intera o multimodal dentro do Twitter, apontando para as muta es contemporaneas das estratégias de sociabilidade, na dire o de uma transcultura de dimens es globais, articulada através das redes sociais.
Pentecostalismo nos trens de S o Paulo (Pentecostalism in S o Paulo′s trains) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n22p466
Fernanda Lemos
Horizonte : Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religi?o , 2011, DOI: 10.5752/p.2175-5841.2011v9n22p466
Abstract: Este artigo é uma tentativa de analisar sociologicamente o processo de institucionaliza o pelo qual vem passando a ‘Cruzada Evangelística Interdenominacional nos Trens das Boas Novas’ (CEI), na prática diária dos cultos pentecostais realizados nos vag es de trem da Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos do Estado de S o Paulo (CPTM). Nossa hipótese é que o culto no trem vem passando por um processo de burocratiza o das fun es religiosas diárias, o que pode ser observado desde sua origem, em seu desenvolvimento, na sua organiza o e até em seus mecanismos de resistência. Nosso objetivo principal será demonstrar que o lugar onde os cultos s o realizados n o impede o processo de institucionaliza o do movimento, uma vez que as representa es religiosas, os costumes e as práticas pentecostais dos sujeitos religiosos garantem a continuidade desse grupo e sua manuten o. Como metodologia utilizou-se, além da pesquisa bibliográfica, a pesquisa de campo, através da aplica o de questionários e realiza o de entrevistas, considerando seus aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos contemplados pelas Ciências Sociais, pesquisa aprovada pelo Comitê de ética em Pesquisa (CEP-UMESP) em 30 de novembro de 2006. Palavras-chave: Religi o; Modernidade; Pentecostalismo. Abstract This article is an attempt to sociologically analyze the institutionalization process by which has been going through ‘Cruzada Evangelística Interdenominacional’ on “Trens das Boas Novas” (Good News Trains”) – CEI, in the daily practice of pentecostal services performed in the train wagons of the ‘Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos do Estado de S o Paulo’ - CPTM. Our suspicion is that the service of the train has been undergoing a process of bureaucratization of daily religious functions, which can be seen from its origin, in its development, in its organization and even in their resistance mechanisms. Our main goal will be to show that the place where the services are performed does not prevent the institutionalization of the movement, since the religious representations, the customs and practices of pentecostal religious subjects ensure the continuity of this groups and its maintenance. As methodology was used, in addition to library research, field research through questionnaires and interviews, taking into account their quantitative and qualitative aspects covered by the Social Sciences, research approved by the Research Ethics Committee - CEP-UMESP on November 30, 2006. Key words: Religion; Modernity; Pentecostalism.
Celulares, Fun es pós-midiáticas, Cidade e Mobilidade Mobile phones, postmediatic functions, city and mobility
André Lemos
Urbe : Revista Brasileira de Gest?o Urbana , 2010,
Abstract: O objetivo desse artigo é compreender a rela o entre as novas tecnologias de comunica o e informa o(TICs) e o espa o urbano a partir de uma discuss o sobre a mobilidade. Para tanto, o artigo prop e alguns princípios para a compreens o desse fen meno: 1) a nova configura o comunicacional, que chamo de fun es pós-massivas em contraposi o à ideia de mídias de massa; 2) as novas fun es e heterotopias dos lugares com a emergência de territórios informacionais , compreendendo aqui comoas novas tecnologias de comunica o produzem socialmente o espa o e redefinem as dimens es locais. Analisaremos o uso dos telefones celulares em alguns projetos em mídias locativas (tecnologias e servi os baseados em localiza o) para ilustrar o nosso propósito.
Viviana Lemos
Interdisciplinaria , 2009,
Abstract: Los factores disposicionales y socioambientales de la personalidad no son elementos separados, deben ser vistos holísticamente como un sistema persona-medio que funciona como una totalidad. Por lo cual un ambiente desfavorecido por la pobreza es una variable socioambiental que interactuaría con las disposiciones del ni o peque o, pudiendo incidir en ciertas característicasde personalidad. En base a lo mencionado, el objetivo específico de este trabajo fue comparar el perfil de personalidad de ni os en riesgo ambiental por situación de pobreza con el de ni os sin estas características. Se administró el Cuestionario Argentino de Personalidad Infantil (CAPI) en su versión para ni os de 6 a 8 a os (Lemos, 2005). Se compararon los perfiles de personalidad de ambas muestras mediante MANOVAs, comparaciones de mediasy gráficos de perfiles. A partir de estos análisis, se pudieron observar diferencias significativas tanto a nivel de los factores como de las facetas de personalidad, entre los ni os en riesgo por pobreza y los ni os no expuestos a esta condición. Las diferencias significativas se presentaron específicamente en el factor Escrupulosidad y en las facetas: competencia, vulnerabilidad, sentimiento gregario y emociones positivas, orden y ac ción.En relación a los factores y facetas de personalidad en los que no se encontraron diferencias significativas desde el punto de vista estadístico es posible observar, a partir de la comparación de los perfiles de medias de ambos grupos, que la dirección de los resultados encontrados concuerda en general con los patrones vinculados a los aspectos temperamentales de los ni os en riesgo que la literatura menciona recurrentemente, como por ejemplo: (a) valores levemente más elevados en el factor de Neuroticismo y (b) valores levemente más descendidos en los factores de Extraversión, Mesura, Escrupulosidad y Apertura.

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