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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Longui” ,找到相关结果约47条。
Corticoterapia: minimizando efeitos colaterais
Longui, Carlos Alberto;
Jornal de Pediatria , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0021-75572007000700007
Abstract: objective:to describe the main undesirable side effects of glucocorticoid therapy, mechanisms of action and the necessary measures to minimize side effects. sources: author's experience, supplemented with papers published in medline. summary of the findings: the principles for minimizing undesirable side effects of glucocorticoid therapy include: a) only use glucocorticoids if they are essential; b) avoid the use of long-acting glucocorticoids, using short- and intermediate-acting glucocorticoids instead; c) keep treatment as short as possible, since treatment lasting 5 to 7 days shows fewer side effects and quick recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis; d) use glucocorticoids with local activity preferentially, such as inhaled glucocorticoids; e) use in association with other drugs, especially with other more specific anti-inflammatory or immune suppressive drugs, promoting a synergistic effect in order to avoid the use of glucocorticoids or to reduce dosage and duration of glucocorticoid therapy; f) indicate the minimum effective dose, respecting individual sensitivity to glucocorticoids. conclusion: in order to choose the best glucocorticoid schedule it is essential to understand the pharmacological characteristics and the biological action of glucocorticoids, allowing the most adequate indication, glucocorticoid dose, mode of administration and the duration of glucocorticoid therapy.
Insuficiência adrenal primária na infancia
Longui, Carlos Alberto;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27302004000500020
Abstract: primary adrenal insufficiency is a rare pediatric condition, which can be presented as chronic or acute forms, especially during stress. the clinical features are unspecific and include weakness, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, arterial hypotension, hypoglycemia and dehydration. the etiology can be acquired such as infectious, hemorrhagic and drug-induced disorders, or be dependent on a genetic origin, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, addison?s disease, congenital adrenal hypoplasia, adrenoleucodystrophy, or deposit disorders of the adrenal gland. the familial history, presence of consanguinity, adjacent diseases and associate factors, should be considered to confirm the diagnosis. laboratory investigation includes cortisol, acth and the determination of the steroidogenic precursors. the acth stimulation test is performed in intermediate conditions. adrenal auto-antibodies quantitation and molecular studies can be helpful to confirm specific diseases. a substitutive glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid therapy should be started as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. the treatment aimed to control the symptoms with the smaller dose that can allow an adequate growth and pubertal development.
Uso de GH em pacientes com baixa estatura idiopática
Longui, Carlos Alberto;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27302008000500006
Abstract: growth hormone has been used in the treatment of patients with idiopathic short stature. clinical and laboratorial criteria are discussed, taking into consideration the indication of gh and the evaluation of its efficacy and individual responsiveness. anthropometric, psychosocial, ethical, and also cost/benefit aspects must be considered before gh prescription in idiopathic short stature patients.
Diagnóstico e tratamento do criptorquismo
Longui, Carlos Alberto;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27302005000100021
Abstract: cryptorchidism corresponds to the extra-scrotal position of the testis, and can be found in 3% of the term newborns and 0.5 to 1.0% of adults. it is usually an isolated clinical feature, but in around 10% of the cases can be associated to hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction and genetic or embryonic disorders. the presence of additional genital abnormalities, such as hypospadia or micropenis, increases the probability of the diagnosis of an intersex condition. detailed description of the testicular anatomic position is essential to adequate diagnosis, treatment and prognostic evaluation. the diagnosis of cryptorchidism is made by clinical examination. the complementary exams, such as image analysis, add limited information on the diagnosis. gonadotropins and testicular hormones measurement can be useful if the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is activated, as observed during the first 6 months of life or during puberty. clinical treatment is indicated in patients with retained testis or in severely retractile testis. in these cases, human chorionic gonadotropin is employed at a dose of 50iu/kg/week for 6 consecutive weeks. clinical treatment cannot be used in cases of confirmed inguinal hernia, varicocele or spermatic cord cysts. surgical correction is indicated after failure of clinical treatment or for ectopic testes. the long-term prognosis of cryptorchidism seems to be related to the precocity of the therapy. therefore, recognition and treatment of cryptorchid testes should be done during the first 2 years of life, potentially improving the risks of infertility and gonadal neoplasia.
Previs o da estatura final - acertando no ''alvo''?
Longui Carlos Alberto
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia , 2003,
Poética digital infantil: n o pode ser vendida separadamente
Sérgio Caparelli,Raquel Longui
Conex?o : Comunica??o e Cultura , 2004,
Abstract: Discute-se, neste texto, o lugar das poéticas digitais, aplicando-se o conceito de intermídia em três exemplos brasileiros, aqui considerados produtos culturais destinados ao mundo infantil: os poemas de Lalau e Laura Beatriz, em Letrinhas eletr nicas e ABCD, que ngela Lago prop e em seu site, e o poema “Campo”, de Arnaldo Antunes, disponível em O Estadinho. Nossa hipótese é a de que essas poéticas n o têm ainda variedade de ofertas por lidarem com uma linguagem nova e por estarem distantes de uma lógica de mercado.
Análise estrutural de folhas de Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae) coletadas em ambientes rural e urbano, SP, Brasil
Alves, Edenise Segala;Tresmondi, Fernanda;Longui, Eduardo Luiz;
Acta Botanica Brasilica , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-33062008000100023
Abstract: the aim of this study was to compare leaves of eugenia uniflora from the city of s?o paulo with leaves of plants from a rural site. leaf size, tissue thickness, and stomatal and crystal density of e. uniflora growing at two sites in the city of s?o paulo were investigated by light microscopy and compared with samples from a rural area. the level and types of air pollutants varied at the urban sites. primary pollutants were present on bandeirantes avenue and secondary ones in the park (parque estadual das fontes do ipiranga - pefi). urban leaves were smaller, thinner and with higher stomatal and crystal density. we observed greater spongy parenchyma thickness in leaves from the avenue when compared to those from the park. no qualitative differences were observed between urban and rural leaves. leaves from the two urban sites showed similarities, but were different from rural leaves, so we believe that the differences observed may be attributed to the polluted environment of s?o paulo. in order to confirm this hypothesis, control experiments should be done.
Differences in anatomy and potential hydraulic conductivity between root and stem of Caesalpinia echinata Lam. (Fabaceae)
Longui, Eduardo Luiz;Romeiro, Diego;Alves, Edenise Segala;
Hoehnea , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S2236-89062012000400010
Abstract: we investigated the root and stem wood of caesalpinia echinata lam. to test the hypothesis that there are anatomical and water conductivity differences between both organs. three trees about 20 years old were sampled in the reserva biológica de mogi gua?u, s?o paulo state, brazil. we observed quantitative anatomical differences between the root, heartwood, and sapwood of c. echinata that result in differences in water conductivity. the sapwood has higher potential hydraulic conductivity than the heartwood (when functional), and root. the higher proportion of axial parenchyma in the root could contribute to the storage of starch and water in unfavorable periods, which is important to the osmotic regulation of the daily water deficits, avoiding cavitation. the stem of c. echinata probably has a higher mechanical strength than the root due to its fibers with thicker wall.
Aspectos moleculares da sensibilidade aos glicocorticóides
Faria, Cláudia D.C.;Longui, Carlos Alberto;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27302006000600003
Abstract: glucocorticoids play an essential role in maintaining basal and stress-related homeostasis. most known effects of glucocorticoids are mediated by the intracellular glucocorticoid receptors. the glucocorticoid sensitivity seems to depend on the amount of receptors expressed and the efficiency of glucocorticoid receptor-mediated signal transduction. glucocorticoid resistance or hypersensitivity, seen in autoimmune-inflammatory diseases and in metabolic syndrome respectively, can represent the variability of several steps that influence the signaling cascade of glucocorticoid action. the recognition of these steps could provide the understanding of the clinical phenotype and course of such diseases as well as their responsiveness to glucocorticoid therapy. the comprehension of these pathophysiological mechanisms can also improve the possible therapeutic interventions. in this review, we have summarized the multiple factors that have been shown to be involved in this signaling cascade and, thus, to influence glucocorticoid sensitivity.
Utiliza??o do 131I no tratamento da doen?a de Basedow-Graves na infancia e adolescência
Monte, Osmar;Calliari, Luis Eduardo P.;Longui, Carlos A.;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27302004000100018
Abstract: while the diagnosis of graves' disease in childhood and adolescence is relatively straightforward, its treatment remains controversial. the first choice therapy is the use of anti-thyroid drugs, although side effects are more frequent than in adults and remission is low. surgery is not usually indicated as initial treatment. instead, it is generally recommended after recidive of the disease or due to side effects of medical treatment. the use of radioiodine therapy is increasing in this age group, especially in north america, and control of the hyperthyroidism is achieved in 3 to 6 months in 90% of the cases. there is no evidence that radioiodine therapy is associated with a higher risk of thyroid cancer, and the occurrence of side effects is lower than surgery. based on the positive results obtained with this therapy, patients with poor responsiveness to medical treatment should be considered for early radioiodine therapy.

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