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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Mora” ,找到相关结果约3325条。
Moraxella Catarrhalis en tracto respiratorio inferior
Mora Mora,Minor;
Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas , 1998,
Abstract: among 1598 lower respiratory tract samples corresponding to patients admitted at the san juan de dios hospital, san josé, costa rica, between november 1996 and august 1997 (the frecuency of isolation of moraxella catarrhalis) was 4,3%. patients with chronic obstrutive pulmonary disease (copd) had a higher risk of presenting moraxella catarrhalis (p< 0,05) and those 60 or more years of age were more susceptibility to infection. antibiotic susceptible tests were performed for all the strains of moraxella catarrhalis that were obtained and they yielded ad more than 90% susceptibility to amikacin, ampicillin, cefotaxime, cephalothin and chloramphenicol . it was determined that moraxella catarrhalis is not a primary lower respiratory tract infection agent, even though the clinical history of the patient must be considered as an important guide on the isolation of this microorganism and subsequent treatment.
Moviéndose con la mente y el cuerpo: entendiendo la diferencia entre planear y realizar rutas en el espacio construido
Mora, Rodrigo;
Fractal : Revista de Psicologia , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1984-02922010000800011
Abstract: this paper is concerned with route behavior in people. specifically, it aims to better understand whether people follow routes planned in advance, and whether these routes are identical irrespective of the direction of travel. a total of 42 participants (27 belonging to utfsm and 15 from outside) were asked to trace routed between a pair of points in a map of the campus. after that, they were brought to these places and asked to physically navigate these routes. the main results showed that planned routes were not necessarily employed in real-world scenarios, and that people often changed routes depending on the direction of travel. these results suggest that route choice criteria are somehow dependant on contextual information.
Evaluación de los mamógrafos en Costa Rica
Acta Médica Costarricense , 2005,
Abstract: introduction: due to the increasing incidence of breast cancer in costa rican women, an evaluation of national mamographic equipment was conducted. materials and methods: from june 2002 to october 2003, 2 of the 3 global indicators of image quality were evaluated, (mean glandular dose and phantom image) in 26 mamography machines. results: the mean glandular dose found was 1.7 ± 0.60 mgy with a range of 0.8 a 2.56. regarding quality image, 73% of the evaluated equipment was able to see 4 or more fibers, 53% saw 3 or more groups of microcalcifications and 82% saw 3 or more mass groups. conclusions: all mean glandular doses were below the international reference dose value of 3 mgy. however, the analysis of phantom images showed that only 54% of all the equipment had a total score (sum of mass groups, fibers and microcalcifications) superior or equal to 10, as expected. a correct diagnosis that could eventually save the patient?s life is the main objective of a mammogram; the factors that are degrading the images must be found and it might be necessary to increase the doses to achieve this. this study demonstrates the urgent necessity to introduce permanent quality control programs that will provide excellent images with the lowest internationally recommended doses.
Optimización de la técnica radiográfica del tórax PA
Acta Médica Costarricense , 2002,
Abstract: objective: low kilovoltages (<100 kvp) to obtain chest films are commonly used in costa rica, regardless of international recommendations. this study aims to demonstrate that at higher kvps the visualization of low contrast objects is improved and that the absorbed doses are lower. methods: two chests films, one at high kvp and one at low kvp, were taken to 11 patients. at the skin of each patient, two tld-100 chips were placed to record the entrance skin doses, the chips were analyzed at the nuclear physics laboratory of the university of costa rica. using the anatomic criteria test tool 28 radiologists compared the anatomic findings for each technique. results: at higher kvps the average entrance skin doses were lower by 40% and the overall contrast of the image was decreased between 10% to 50%. the anatomic criteria test tool gave a total of 448 positive points, showing a clear preference for the high kilovoltaje technique. conclusions: the optimization of chest studies based on the ratio risk versus benefit shows that high kilovoltage techniques should be implemented in our country due to the diminution in the delivered doses and an improved visualization of the anatomy shown in the chest film according to the interpreting radiologists.
Acerca de la racionalidad y la irracionalidad de nuestras decisiones
Mora, Rodrigo;
Fractal : Revista de Psicologia , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1984-02922011000200013
Abstract: as its title suggests, this book postulates that human behavior is fundamentally irrational, that is, driven by emotional factors that are difficult to understand for logical mind. this irrationality is, nonetheless, neither random or subjective, but to some extent predictable and rather universal. furthermore, such irrational reasoning can be found at different levels , from the way in which people acquire small or large-scale goods (a tv set or a house respectively), to the way in which individuals make ethical decisions.
La máscara rupturista: Sobre Tres tristes tigres de Guillermo Cabrera Infante
Acta literaria , 2007, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-68482007000100004
Abstract: the aesthetics of rupture that according to octavio paz is one of the most prominent paradigms of modernity is discussed with regard to its power of fascination and seduction. we propose that the novel tres tristes tigres by the cuban writer guillermo cabrera infante is an outstanding example of an aesthetics of rupture in latin america. considering its most remarkable elements such as humor and orality, we try to question the historical and aesthetic hypotheses of what can be considered an extreme writing practice. finally, and with regard to the concept of seduction, we criticize the traditional manner of comprehending this concept as an evident will to disrupt. although it can be considered as a mask that hides in a very particular way every text desire: to attract.
Globalización, Género y Migraciones
Polis (Santiago) , 2008, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-65682008000100015
Abstract: this paper explores the transformations in contemporary migratory patterns and on their composition, as they are linked to changes in the global economy. it suggests that the high number of women migrants is related to new niches of precarious work, especially in the service sector, and that the decision over the settlement society is related to migrants' gender, which contributes to explain the feminization of south-to-south migration. it argues that the conditions of economic vulnerability of labor migrants, their gender, and their national origin, all determine processes of social exclusion in the host society, which affect their access to social benefits, social integration, and life trajectories.
Instrumento para evaluación de estudios producto de investigación cualitativa
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría , 2009,
Abstract: introduction: it is not an easy task for clinicians to read articles stemming from qualitative research. the poor understanding of the methods used and the lack of knowledge as to how to assess them deepen the problem. objective: to propose an instrument that will aid clinicians, faculty, residents and students of the health-related fields in the systematic evaluation of qualitative research. method: a set of guidelines are provided that may serve as a starting point for those interested, to decide as to the quality, credibility, and usefulness of the results. results: the chosen structure consists of first, an introduction where it is expected that the evaluator has a qualitative research article at hand with the purpose of studying its configuration. second, the title, authors, introduction, methods, methodological rigor, results, discussion-conclusions, and references are taken into account.
Universum (Talca) , 2009, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-23762009000100008
Abstract: this article analyses the intersection between migration dynamics and patterns of social stratification in order to stress different factors that need to be taken into account to better understand migration decisions, configuration of flows and its circulatory patterns, migrants' socio-demographic characteristics, chances of integrating into the host society, and their experiences in the labor market. it is argued that the migration process, commencing with decisions about where, when and who will migrate, to the possibilities or barriers to integration migrants face in the society of settlement, are permeated by inequalities of gender and social class. in addition, it is argued that in the context of increasing patterns of intrarregional migration, new forms of social stratification are emerging or intensifying. this is the case of migrants racial and ethnic labelling, perceived, categorized and placed into social hierarchies in the host society. hence, it is suggested that paying attention to the multidimensional character of social stratification will shed light onto the ways in which opportunity structures -tied to different social hierarchies- have an impact on migration decisions, migrants' possibilities for integration, and on their life chances.
What is a pediatric tumor?
Mora J
Clinical Oncology in Adolescents and Young Adults , 2012, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COAYA.S29791
Abstract: t is a pediatric tumor? Review (1039) Total Article Views Authors: Mora J Published Date November 2012 Volume 2012:2 Pages 7 - 15 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COAYA.S29791 Received: 26 September 2012 Accepted: 24 October 2012 Published: 20 November 2012 Jaume Mora1,2 1Department of Oncology, 2Developmental Tumor Biology Laboratory, Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, Fundacio Sant Joan de Deu, Barcelona, Spain Abstract: Working together with medical oncologists, the question of whether a Ewing sarcoma in a 25-year-old is a pediatric tumor comes up repeatedly. Like Ewing's, some tumors present characteristically at ages that cross over what has been set as the definition of pediatrics (15 years, 18 years, or 21 years?). Pediatric oncology textbooks, surprisingly, do not address the subject of defining a pediatric tumor. They all begin with an epidemiology chapter defining the types of tumors appearing at distinct stages of childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. Describing the epidemiology of tumors in relation to age, it becomes clear that the disease is related to the phenomenon of aging. The question, however, remains: is there a biological definition of what pediatric age is? And if so, will tumors occurring during this period of life have anything to do with such biological definition? With the aim of finding an objective definition, the fundamental concepts of what defines "pediatrics" was reviewed and then the major features of tumors arising during development were analyzed. The tumors were explored from the perspective of a host immersed in the normal process of growth and development. This physiological process, from pluripotential and undifferentiated cells, makes possible the differentiation, maturation, organization, and function of tissues, organs, and apparatus. A biological definition of pediatric tumors and the infancy–childhood–puberty classification of developmental tumors according to the infancy–childhood–puberty model of normal human development are proposed.

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