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匹配条件: “Ortega-Farias” ,找到相关结果约6441条。
Ortega-Farias,Samuel; Flores,Luis; Lorenzo,León;
Agricultura Técnica , 2002, DOI: 10.4067/S0365-28072002000400014
Abstract: a study was performed in three orchards of san fernando, vi region, chile, in order to develop a predictive table of apple size (malus domestica borkh.) using a logistical equation, whose main variable was accumulated degree days (gda). to this end, data were collected on fruit equatorial diameter and air temperature for the 1989/90 and 1992/93 seasons in three apple orchards cv. granny smith. sampling was carried out from 80 gda until harvest, selecting 5 trees in each orchard, in which 40 fruit/tree were chosen, covering all the size ranges, at a height approximately 1.0 to 2.0 meters about the soil. at harvest, the evaluated fruit was grouped according to four ranges of diameter (63-68, 69-74, 75-80, and 81-86 mm), to develop the logistic growth models as a function of gda. the results of this study indicated that the implemented models were able to estimate apple sizes with a coefficient of determination (r2), absolute error (ea) and standard error of estimate (see) ranging from 0.91 to 0.94; 5.8 and 6.7%; and 3.0 to 3.6 mm, respectively. based on these statistical results a predictive table able to predict apple size as a function of gda was constructed, which presented an ea of 5% starting at 600 gda.
Efecto de Distintos Niveles de Poda y Reposición Hídrica sobre el Crecimiento Vegetativo, Rendimiento y Composición de Bayas en Vides cv. Cabernet Sauvignon
Ortega-Farias,Samuel; Salazar Mejías,Rodrigo; Moreno Simunovic,Yerko;
Agricultura Técnica , 2007, DOI: 10.4067/S0365-28072007000400008
Abstract: an experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of different levels of pruning and water application on vegetative growth, yield and berry composition of grapevines (vitis vinifera l.), located in pencahue valley, maule region, chile (35o22' s lat; 71o47' w long), during the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 growing seasons. the cultivar used was a 10 yr-old cabernet sauvignon, drip irrigated and trained on a vertical shoot positioned system. pruning levels were 12, 18 and 24 buds per plant. irrigation levels applied were 40, 70 and 100% of real evapotranspiration of the vineyard (etv) from setting to harvest. results showed that increasing pruning severity resulted in a decrease in the ravaz index from 4.3 to 2.9 in the first season, and a severe reduction of yield (between 41 and 53%) in both seasons. only in the second season, did the reduction in the water application decrease the yield from 3.0 to 1.8 kg pl-1 and increase the total anthocyanin content in berries from 1290 to 1520 mg l-1. there was no significant interaction between pruning and irrigation levels for any of the seasons under evaluation.
Efecto de Distintos Niveles de Poda y Reposición Hídrica sobre el Crecimiento Vegetativo, Rendimiento y Composición de Bayas en Vides cv. Cabernet Sauvignon Effect of Different Levels of Pruning and Water Application on Vegetative Growth, Yield and Berry Composition in Grapes cv. Cabernet Sauvignon
Samuel Ortega-Farias,Rodrigo Salazar Mejías,Yerko Moreno Simunovic
Agricultura Técnica , 2007,
Abstract: Se llevó a cabo un experimento para evaluar el efecto de distintos niveles de poda y reposición hídrica sobre el crecimiento vegetativo, rendimiento y composición de bayas en un vi edo (Vitis vinifera L.) ubicado en el Valle de Pencahue, Región del Maule, Chile (35o22' lat. Sur; 71o47' long. Oeste), durante las temporadas de crecimiento 2003-2004 y 2004-2005. Se usó un cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon de 10 a os de edad, regado por goteo y conducido en espaldera vertical simple. Los distintos niveles de poda fueron 12, 18 y 24 yemas por planta. Por otro lado, los niveles de riego consistieron en la reposición del 40, 70 y 100% de la evapotranspiración real de la vid (ETv) aplicado durante el período de cuaja a cosecha. Los resultados mostraron que al incrementar la severidad de poda se obtuvo una disminución del índice de Ravaz desde 4,3 a 2,9 en la primera temporada y una reducción severa del rendimiento (entre un 41 y 53%) en ambas temporadas. Sólo en la segunda temporada, la reducción en la reposición hídrica disminuyo en forma significativa el rendimiento desde 3,0 a 1,8 kg pl-1 e incremento el contenido de antocianas totales (desde 1290 a 1520 mg L-1) en las bayas. En ninguna de las dos temporadas de evaluación se registraron interacciones positivas importantes entre los factores poda y riego. An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of different levels of pruning and water application on vegetative growth, yield and berry composition of grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.), located in Pencahue Valley, Maule Region, Chile (35o22' S lat; 71o47' W long), during the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 growing seasons. The cultivar used was a 10 yr-old Cabernet Sauvignon, drip irrigated and trained on a vertical shoot positioned system. Pruning levels were 12, 18 and 24 buds per plant. Irrigation levels applied were 40, 70 and 100% of real evapotranspiration of the vineyard (ETv) from setting to harvest. Results showed that increasing pruning severity resulted in a decrease in the Ravaz index from 4.3 to 2.9 in the first season, and a severe reduction of yield (between 41 and 53%) in both seasons. Only in the second season, did the reduction in the water application decrease the yield from 3.0 to 1.8 kg pl-1 and increase the total anthocyanin content in berries from 1290 to 1520 mg L-1. There was no significant interaction between pruning and irrigation levels for any of the seasons under evaluation.
ELABORACIóN DE una tabla predictiva de diámetro DE MANZANAS cv. gRANNY sMITH USANDO LOS GRADOS DíAS ACUMULADOS Elaboration of a predictive table of apple diameter cv. Granny Smith using growing degree days
Samuel Ortega-Farias,Luis Flores,León Lorenzo
Agricultura Técnica , 2002,
Abstract: Se desarrolló un estudio en tres huertos de la zona de San Fernando, VI Región, Chile, para elaborar una tabla de pronóstico de diámetro de manzanas (Malus domestica Borkh.) utilizando la ecuación logística, cuya variable de entrada fueron los grados días acumulados (GDA). Para ello, se recolectaron datos de diámetro ecuatorial de fruto y temperatura del aire entre las temporadas 1989/90 y 1992/93 en tres huertos de manzanos cv. Granny Smith. El muestreo de frutos se realizó a partir de los 80 GDA y hasta la cosecha, seleccionando en cada huerto 5 árboles, en los cuales se marcaron 40 frutos/árbol, cubriendo todos los rangos de tama o, a una altura aproximada de 1,0 a 2,0 m desde la superficie del suelo. A la cosecha, los frutos evaluados fueron agrupados según cuatro rangos de diámetro (63-68, 69-74, 75-80 y 81-86 mm) para desarrollar los modelos de crecimiento logístico en función de los GDA. Los resultados de este estudio indican que los modelos implementados presentaron un coeficiente de determinación (r2), error absoluto (Ea) y desviación estándar del error (DEE) que fluctuaron entre 0,91 y 0,94; 5,8 y 6,7%; y 3,0 y 3,6 mm, respectivamente. En base a estos resultados estadísticos se construyó una tabla predictiva de tama o de manzanas en función de los GDA, que presenta un Ea menor al 5% a partir de los 600 GDA. A study was performed in three orchards of San Fernando, VI Region, Chile, in order to develop a predictive table of apple size (Malus domestica Borkh.) using a logistical equation, whose main variable was accumulated degree days (GDA). To this end, data were collected on fruit equatorial diameter and air temperature for the 1989/90 and 1992/93 seasons in three apple orchards cv. Granny Smith. Sampling was carried out from 80 GDA until harvest, selecting 5 trees in each orchard, in which 40 fruit/tree were chosen, covering all the size ranges, at a height approximately 1.0 to 2.0 meters about the soil. At harvest, the evaluated fruit was grouped according to four ranges of diameter (63-68, 69-74, 75-80, and 81-86 mm), to develop the logistic growth models as a function of GDA. The results of this study indicated that the implemented models were able to estimate apple sizes with a coefficient of determination (r2), absolute error (Ea) and standard error of estimate (SEE) ranging from 0.91 to 0.94; 5.8 and 6.7%; and 3.0 to 3.6 mm, respectively. Based on these statistical results a predictive table able to predict apple size as a function of GDA was constructed, which presented an Ea of 5% starting at 600 GDA.
Ortega-Farias,Samuel; Márquez,Javier; Valdés,Héctor; Paillán,Juan H.;
Agricultura Técnica , 2001, DOI: 10.4067/S0365-28072001000400010
Abstract: a study was carried out from january to july 1997 in a greenhouse at the panguilemo experimental station of the university of talca, chile (35°23? s lat, 71°40? w long, 110 m.s.n.m) to evaluate the effect of different levels of irrigation water on the yield and quality of tomatoes (lycopersicon esculentum mill.) cv. fa-144. the drip irrigation treatments were the application of 70% (t1), 100% (t2) and 150% (t3) of the real crop evapotranspiration (etreal) and the control was the irrigation level that farmers usually apply in the region. the etreal was estimated using the evaporation of a modified tray (diameter = 50 cm and depth = 25 cm), whose values were corrected by a local tray coefficient and the tomato crop coefficient. the results indicated that the total yield decreased with lower quantities of water with the highest production being reached by t3 and the control. furthermore, fruit size was significantly larger with t3 than with the other treatments. regarding the diameter, average weight and dry matter percentage no significant differences were observed among the treatments. on the other hand, soluble solids and fruit pulp pressure increased significantly with the reduction of water.
Ortega-Farias,Samuel; Leyton,Ben-Hur; Valdés,Hector; Paillán,Hernán;
Agricultura Técnica , 2003, DOI: 10.4067/S0365-28072003000400008
Abstract: a study was carried out to evaluate the effect of four levels of water application on the yield and quality of a tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill.) cv. presto produced in a greenhouse at the panguilemo experimental station, of the university of talca (35o23′ s lat; 71o w long; 110 m.a.s.l.), during the period august 2000 and january 2001. the irrigation treatments were application of 60 (t1), 100 (t2) and 140% (t3) of the actual evapotranspiration (etreal) and a control (t4) was the irrigation level that farmers traditionally apply in the region. the results indicated that the largest total yield (180 t ha-1) was obtained by treatment t3, followed by treatment t4. the largest commercial yields were observed in treatments t3 and t4, which corresponded to 129.8 and 120.3 t ha-1, respectively. the diameter and weight of fruit were reduced as the water application decreased, but soluble solids and dry matter increased. the treatment t3 was the best combination of yield and quality of greenhouse tomatoes with a 72% reduction of water application in comparison with t4.
EFECTO DE CUATRO LáMINAS DE AGUA SOBRE EL RENDIMIENTO Y CALIDAD DE TOMATES DE INVERNADERO PRODUCIDO EN PRIMAVERA-VERANO Effect of four levels of water application on yield and quality of greenhouse tomatoes produced in spring-summer
Samuel Ortega-Farias,Ben-Hur Leyton,Hector Valdés,Hernán Paillán
Agricultura Técnica , 2003,
Abstract: Se realizó una investigación para evaluar el efecto de cuatro láminas de agua sobre el rendimiento y calidad de un cultivo de tomates (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. Presto, producido en invernadero en la Estación Experimental Panguilemo de la Universidad de Talca (35o 23’ lat. Sur; 71o 40’ long. Oeste; 110 m.s.n.m), durante los meses de agosto de 2000 a enero de 2001. Los tratamientos de riego correspondieron a una reposición de 60 (T1), 100 (T2) y 140% (T3) de la evapotranspiración real (ETreal) y un testigo (T4) que correspondió a las láminas de agua que los agricultores utilizan tradicionalmente en la zona. Los resultados indicaron que el mayor rendimiento total (180 t ha-1) fue obtenido en el tratamiento T3, seguido por el testigo. Los mayores rendimientos comerciales fueron observados en los tratamientos T3 y T4, los cuales correspondieron a 129,8 y 120,3 t ha-1, respectivamente. El diámetro y peso de los frutos fueron reducidos a medida que se aplicaron cantidades de agua menores; por el contrario, los sólidos solubles y el peso seco fueron aumentados. El tratamiento T3 presento la mejor combinación de rendimiento y calidad para el cultivo de tomate producido en invernadero, con una reducción de un 72% en la aplicación de agua en comparación al tratamiento T4. A study was carried out to evaluate the effect of four levels of water application on the yield and quality of a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. Presto produced in a greenhouse at the Panguilemo Experimental Station, of the University of Talca (35o23′ S lat; 71o W long; 110 m.a.s.l.), during the period August 2000 and January 2001. The irrigation treatments were application of 60 (T1), 100 (T2) and 140% (T3) of the actual evapotranspiration (ETreal) and a control (T4) was the irrigation level that farmers traditionally apply in the region. The results indicated that the largest total yield (180 t ha-1) was obtained by treatment T3, followed by treatment T4. The largest commercial yields were observed in treatments T3 and T4, which corresponded to 129.8 and 120.3 t ha-1, respectively. The diameter and weight of fruit were reduced as the water application decreased, but soluble solids and dry matter increased. The treatment T3 was the best combination of yield and quality of greenhouse tomatoes with a 72% reduction of water application in comparison with T4.
EFECTO DE CUATRO LáMINAS DE AGUA SOBRE EL RENDIMIENTO Y CALIDAD DE TOMATE (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. FA-144) DE INVERNADERO PRODUCIDO EN OTO O Effect of four different levels of water application on yield and quality of greenhouse tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. FA-144) produced in autumn
Samuel Ortega-Farias,Javier Márquez,Héctor Valdés,Juan H. Paillán
Agricultura Técnica , 2001,
Abstract: Se realizó una investigación en la Estación Experimental Panguilemo de la Universidad de Talca (35°23’ lat. Sur, 71°40’ long. Oeste, 110 m.s.n.m) con el objeto de evaluar el efecto de cuatro láminas de agua sobre el rendimiento y calidad de un cultivo de tomates (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) cv. FA-144, regado por cintas, durante los meses de enero a julio de 1997. Los tratamientos correspondieron a una reposición de 70, 100 y 150% de la evapotranspiración real (ETreal), T1, T2 y T3, respectivamente, y un testigo que correspondió a las láminas de agua que el agricultor utiliza tradicionalmente en la zona. La ETreal del tomate se estimó usando la evaporación de una bandeja modificada (diámetro = 50 cm y altura = 25 cm), cuyos valores fueron corregidos por un coeficiente de bandeja local y el coeficiente de cultivo del tomate. Los resultados de este estudio indicaron que el rendimiento total y comercial disminuyó a medida que se aplicaron cantidades de agua menores, siendo el testigo y el tratamiento de 150% de la ETreal (T3) los que alcanzaron las mayores producciones totales. Por otra parte, la producción de frutos de calibre extra y primera fue significativamente superior en T3 que en el resto de los tratamientos. En cuanto al diámetro ecuatorial y polar, y peso promedio, no se observaron diferencias significativas entre las distintas láminas de agua evaluadas; similar situación se observó en el porcentaje de materia seca. Por otro lado, los sólidos solubles y presión de pulpa de los frutos aumentaron significativamente con la reducción del agua. A study was carried out from January to July 1997 in a greenhouse at the Panguilemo Experimental Station of the University of Talca, Chile (35°23’ S lat, 71°40’ W long, 110 m.s.n.m) to evaluate the effect of different levels of irrigation water on the yield and quality of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. FA-144. The drip irrigation treatments were the application of 70% (T1), 100% (T2) and 150% (T3) of the real crop evapotranspiration (ETreal) and the control was the irrigation level that farmers usually apply in the region. The ETreal was estimated using the evaporation of a modified tray (diameter = 50 cm and depth = 25 cm), whose values were corrected by a local tray coefficient and the tomato crop coefficient. The results indicated that the total yield decreased with lower quantities of water with the highest production being reached by T3 and the control. Furthermore, fruit size was significantly larger with T3 than with the other treatments. Regarding the diameter, average weight and dry matte
A Vaccine Is Coming but Prevention Is Still up to Us  [PDF]
Hector Ortega
Open Journal of Nursing (OJN) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2021.111001
Abstract: Despite having a better understanding of the COVID-19 disease, we are facing significant challenges regarding behaviors that enforce the lack of adherence to public health recommendations including the use of face masks and vaccine acceptability. Lessons learned from the 1918 flu pandemic, highlight the importance of wearing a face mask in conjunction with adherence to other public health recommendations. There are two key factors that influence how our communities are translating scientific evidence, denialism and ignorance. Sadly, a real consequence of this pandemic among a significant number of patients with COVID-19 disease is denial. As health care providers we need to take part in addressing these issues and educate our communities especially during this time where we see a second and larger uptake of COVID-19 cases. Fighting denialism and ignorance represents a significant challenge to our society and could have a substantial positive impact on helping with vaccine acceptability and other public health recommendations.
Carcinoma Verrucoso Oral: Reporte de un Caso Clínico y Revisión de 20 Casos del Instituto de Referencia en Patología Oral (IREPO), Chile
Adorno Farias,D; Maturana Ramírez,A; Farias Vergara,M; Franco Martínez,ME; Iriarte Hernández,M; Sáez Salgado,R; Cortés Araya,J; Ortega Pinto,AV;
Revista clínica de periodoncia, implantología y rehabilitación oral , 2010,
Abstract: verrucous carcinoma (vc), a rare variant of squamous cell carcinoma is an established entity with distinctive morphology and specific clinical behavior. the present study describe a case report of a 68-year-old women who presented a tongue verrucous carcinoma, asymptomatic, that had about 8 months of evolution. a brief review of vc cases diagnosed in oral pathology referral institute (irepo), faculty of odontology, university of chile, between 1984 and 2010. it was found 20 cases of verrucous carcinoma with a median age of70-years-old, the most common places were lower gingiva and tongue.

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