
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2024 )

( 2023 )

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( 2020 )


匹配条件: “Recio” ,找到相关结果约386条。
Nietzsche, la genealogía, la historia, de Michel Foucault
Felix Recio
Política y Sociedad , 1989, DOI: -
Abstract: Sin resumen
Enhancement and Distortion in the Temporal Representation of Sounds in the Ventral Cochlear Nucleus of Chinchillas and Cats
Alberto Recio-Spinoso
PLOS ONE , 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044286
Abstract: A subset of neurons in the cochlear nucleus (CN) of the auditory brainstem has the ability to enhance the auditory nerve's temporal representation of stimulating sounds. These neurons reside in the ventral region of the CN (VCN) and are usually known as highly synchronized, or high-sync, neurons. Most published reports about the existence and properties of high-sync neurons are based on recordings performed on a VCN output tract—not the VCN itself—of cats. In other species, comprehensive studies detailing the properties of high-sync neurons, or even acknowledging their existence, are missing. Examination of the responses of a population of VCN neurons in chinchillas revealed that a subset of those neurons have temporal properties similar to high-sync neurons in the cat. Phase locking and entrainment—the ability of a neuron to fire action potentials at a certain stimulus phase and at almost every stimulus period, respectively—have similar maximum values in cats and chinchillas. Ranges of characteristic frequencies for high-sync neurons in chinchillas and cats extend up to 600 and 1000 Hz, respectively. Enhancement of temporal processing relative to auditory nerve fibers (ANFs), which has been shown previously in cats using tonal and white-noise stimuli, is also demonstrated here in the responses of VCN neurons to synthetic and spoken vowel sounds. Along with the large amount of phase locking displayed by some VCN neurons there occurs a deterioration in the spectral representation of the stimuli (tones or vowels). High-sync neurons exhibit a greater distortion in their responses to tones or vowels than do other types of VCN neurons and auditory nerve fibers. Standard deviations of first-spike latency measured in responses of high-sync neurons are lower than similar values measured in ANFs' responses. This might indicate a role of high-sync neurons in other tasks beyond sound localization.
Hacia la educación a distancia en la bibliotecología: algunas propuestas en México y en Espa?a
Marcos Recio, Juan Carlos;
Investigación bibliotecológica , 2006,
Abstract: the educational commitment of a government becomes real when the results of the educational system reach important degrees of quality and efficiency in the society. but previous knowledge of social, economic and, above all, educational components in all three main levels: educational institution, teachers and students, is required. current studies are assessed and a possible evolution towards e-learning is presented determining advantages and disadvantages. the starting point is the current situation of resources used in mexican library science education, with reference to some spanish universities already working with these tools. the aim is to obtain information about courses, subjects and other elements related with distant education in order to know which technological applications are used by library science.
Estado actual del ultrasonido Doppler de las arterias vertebrales
Pereira Recio,Héctor;
Revista Archivo M??dico de Camag??ey , 2008,
Abstract: the doppler ultrasound is the most utilized image method in the carotids and vertebral study therefore offers a non-invasive evaluation of these vessels. nevertheless, it has been paid little attention to the surgical procedures in the vertebral arteries and because of its anatomical localization are difficult to explore by echography, what reduces the interest to evaluate it in many patients, but its utility has been demonstrated in offering direct and indirect evidences of abnormalities in the circulation of these arteries including distal lesions to the segment that is explored and proximal as ostial stenosis or in the subclavian and brachiocephalic arteries, among others. just like in the carotids there is no uniformity yet interpretating and carrying out the exam, which depends in great measure for lack of standardized exam protocols and the same ones may be carried out for a properly trained personnel. in this article a review of the current state of the doppler ultrasound in the vertebral arteries, its indications, protocol of exam and the employed diagnostic criteria is done
Las metáforas: Objeto e instrumento de estudio. Aportaciones a la investigación educativa The Metaphor—Object and Instrument of Study: Contributions to Educational Research Die Metapher – Untersuchungsgegenstand und -instrument: Beitr ge zur Bildungsforschung
Rosa Vazquez Recio
Forum : Qualitative Social Research , 2010,
Abstract: El artículo muestra las posibilidades que ofrece la metáfora para la investigación educativa. Su potencialidad se manifiesta en dos planos: uno, como objeto de estudio (la metáfora es vehículo de expresión y construcción de modelos de pensamiento y conocimientos sobre la realidad) y dos, como instrumento de análisis (la metáfora es una vía de estudio con la que podemos descubrir, conocer y comprender los sistemas de pensamiento y las visiones sobre la realidad). Por otra parte, podemos se alar una serie de factores a tener en cuenta: el uso dado a la metáfora, el contexto discursivo, el contexto sociocultural y la experiencia del sujeto, y el contexto micropolítico e institucional. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs100162 In this article the possibilities for the uses of metaphor for educational research are explored. Metaphor's potential is manifested on two levels: 1. as an object of study (the metaphor is the vehicle of expression and construction of models of thought and knowledge about reality); 2. as a tool of analysis (the metaphor is a tool of research with which one can discover, know, and understand ways of thinking and visions of reality). Moreover, there are a number of factors to consider when using metaphor as a research tool: the discursive context, the sociocultural context, and experience of the individual(s), and the micropolitical and institutional context. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs100162 Dieser Artikel besch ftigt sich mit M glichkeiten der Nutzung von Metaphern für die Bildungsforschung, deren Wert auf zwei Ebenen festgemacht wird: 1. als Untersuchungsgegenstand (die Metapher wird hierbei als Vehikel für den Ausdruck und die Konstruktion von Denk- und Wissensmodellen über die Wirklichkeit verstanden); 2. als Mittel der Analyse (also als ein "Werkzeug", mittels dessen z.B. Denkweisen untersucht und verstanden werden k nnen). Will Forschung auf Metaphern zugreifen, müssen weitere Aspekte beachtet werden: der jeweilige Diskurskontext, der soziokulturelle Kontext, die Erfahrungen der einbezogenen beforschten und forschenden Subjekte sowie deren mikropolitischer und institutioneller Kontext. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs100162
Estrategias documentales en agencias de publicidad
Marcos Recio, Juan Carlos
BiD : Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentació , 2003,
Abstract: S analitzen les estratègies documentals a les agències de publicitat. Es presenten les principals funcions d una agència, sobretot l aportació de la investigació en el camp publicitari. Tot seguit, es descriuen les principals fonts documentals que es necessiten per documentar l activitat publicitària i es presenta un estat de la qüestió sobre els centres de documentació de publicitat a Espanya.The documental strategies of advertising agencies are analysed, including their principal functions with a special focus on their contribution to research within the field of advertising. There follows a description of the main bibliographic sources needed for documenting advertising activities, as well as a state-of-the-art review of the situation in Spain of document centres specialising in advertising.
Estratègies documentals a les agències de publicitat
Marcos Recio, Juan Carlos
BiD : Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentació , 2003,
Abstract: S analitzen les estratègies documentals a les agències de publicitat. Es presenten les principals funcions d una agència, sobretot l aportació de la investigació en el camp publicitari. Tot seguit, es descriuen les principals fonts documentals que es necessiten per documentar l activitat publicitària i es presenta un estat de la qüestió sobre els centres de documentació de publicitat a Espanya.The documental strategies of advertising agencies are analysed, including their principal functions with a special focus on their contribution to research within the field of advertising. There follows a description of the main bibliographic sources needed for documenting advertising activities, as well as a state-of-the-art review of the situation in Spain of document centres specialising in advertising.
Rural schools: In the middle of nowhere.The invisible cities in the world of education
Rosa Vázquez Recio
Revista Electronica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado , 2008,
Abstract: This article includes some reflections about rural schools, coming from the personal and professional experience of the author. The article claims that rural schools should cease to be forgotten or underestimated and that they should be recognized as real schools. This issue is linked to the field of initial teacher training, making some considerations to be taken into account in order to promote a change in the appraisal and recognition of schools in the rural world.
Aquella segunda fábrica que ha de estar en lo interior de la otra : los proyectos de tabernáculo para el sagrario de la catedral de Sevilla y su realización efímera en 1662
Recio Mir, Alvaro
Archivo Espa?ol de Arte , 2003,
Abstract: Upon termination of the Sacrarium of Seville Cathedral, there was a plan to construct a large tabernacle at its head, for which various projects and materials were considered. In 1662, the selected design by the architect Sebastián de Ruesta was executed only temporarily in conjunction with the magnificent celebrations organized for the inauguration of the temple, including sculptures probably by Francisco Dionisio de Ribas. The unsatisfactory outcome of this ephemeral construction resulted in the decision not to build the definitive tabernacle, which would have been the first in Andalucian Baroque style. Although the designs for the project have not survived, it is nevertheless possible to reconstruct them hypothetically, based on descriptions of the work. The superintendent and canon of the temple, Alonso Ramírez de Arellano, played an essential role in the planning of this tabernacle. It is also interesting to consider the interpretation of the structure given by its architect as that of a building inside another. Una vez terminado el Sagrario de la Catedral de Sevilla, se pensó levantar en su cabecera un gran tabernáculo, para el que se barajaron diversos proyectos y materiales. En 1662 la traza elegida, del arquitecto Sebastián de Ruesta, fue realizada de manera efímera con motivo de las grandiosas fiestas de inauguración del templo, acompa ándose de esculturas probablemente de Francisco Dionisio de Ribas. El resultado insatisfactorio de la empresa motivó la no realización del tabernáculo definitivo, que se hubiese convertido en el primero del barroco andaluz. A pesar de que no se conservan trazas de la obra, las descripciones manejadas permiten reconstruirlas hipotéticamente. En todo este asunto jugó un papel esencial el mayordomo de fábrica del templo, el canónigo Alonso Ramírez de Arellano, siendo también interesante el análisis de la interpretación de la obra que dio su propio autor, como un edificio dentro de otro.
Hacia la educación a distancia en la bibliotecología: algunas propuestas en México y en Espa a Towards distant education in library science: some proposals for Mexico and Spain
Juan Carlos Marcos Recio
Investigación bibliotecológica , 2006,
Abstract: El compromiso docente de un gobierno se hace real cuando los resultados del sistema educativo alcanzan grados importantes de calidad y eficiencia en la sociedad. Para ello se requiere un conocimiento previo de los componentes sociales, económicos y, sobre todo, educativos en los tres niveles principales: institución educativa, docentes y alumnos. Se evalúan los estudios actuales y se presenta una evolución hacia la educación a distancia determinando sus ventajas e inconvenientes. El punto de partida es la situación actual de los recursos utilizados en la educación mexicana en bibliotecología, tomando como referencia algunas universidades espa olas que trabajan estas herramientas. Se trata de cursos, asignaturas o parte de ellas en métodos a distancia con el fin de conocer cuáles son las aplicaciones tecnológicas con las que cuenta la bibliotecología. The educational commitment of a government becomes real when the results of the educational system reach important degrees of quality and efficiency in the society. But previous knowledge of social, economic and, above all, educational components in all three main levels: educational institution, teachers and students, is required. Current studies are assessed and a possible evolution towards e-learning is presented determining advantages and disadvantages. The starting point is the current situation of resources used in Mexican library science education, with reference to some Spanish universities already working with these tools. The aim is to obtain information about courses, subjects and other elements related with distant education in order to know which technological applications are used by library science.

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