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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Téllez-León” ,找到相关结果约367244条。
Inflation Volatility and Growth in a Stochastic Small Open Economy: A Mixed Jump-Diffusion Approach
Téllez-León, Isela Elizabeth;Venegas-Martínez, Francisco;Rodríguez-Nava, Abigail;
Economía: teoría y práctica , 2011,
Abstract: the aim of this paper is to examine how inflation volatility affects economic growth in a small open economy. to reach this goal, a stochastic macroeconomic model with a financial sector and incomplete financial markets (due to the inclusion of jumps) is developed. it is assumed that the general price level is driven by mixed diffusion-jump process, that is, a brownian motion governs inflation and a poisson process guides unexpected and sudden jumps in the price index. the economic growth rate is endogenously determined, in the equilibrium, as a function of parameters of the inflation process.
Inflation Volatility and Growth in a Stochastic Small Open Economy: A Mixed Jump-Diffusion Approach
Isela Elizabeth Téllez-León,Francisco Venegas-Martínez,Abigail Rodríguez-Nava
Economía: teoría y práctica , 2011,
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to examine how inflation volatility affects economic growth in a small open economy. To reach this goal, a stochastic macroeconomic model with a financial sector and incomplete financial markets (due to the inclusion of jumps) is developed. It is assumed that the general price level is driven by mixed diffusion-jump process, that is, a Brownian motion governs inflation and a Poisson process guides unexpected and sudden jumps in the price index. The economic growth rate is endogenously determined, in the equilibrium, as a function of parameters of the inflation process. El objetivo de esta investigación es examinar cómo la volatilidad en la inflación afecta el crecimiento económico en una economía peque a y abierta. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se desarrolla un modelo macroeconómico estocástico con un sector financiero y con mercados financieros incompletos (debido a la inclusión de saltos). Se supone que el nivel general de precios es conducido por un proceso estocástico que combina difusiones con saltos, es decir, la inflación es gobernada por un movimiento browniano y los saltos bruscos e inesperados en el índice de precios se rigen por un proceso de Poisson. La tasa de crecimiento económico se determina endógenamente, en el equilibrio, en función de los parámetros del proceso que conduce a la inflación.
Computational Analysis of Flow Field on the Propulsion Nozzle of a Micro-Turbojet Engine  [PDF]
Jorge Luis Garrido-Téllez, Miguel Toledo-Velázquez, Samuel Alcántara-Montes, José ángel L. Ortega-Herrera, Arturo Reyes-León
Engineering (ENG) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/eng.2012.41001
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the flow field on the propulsion nozzle of a micro-turbojet engine in function of the velocity. The 2D axisymmetric numerical simulation was made by using commercial software FLUENT?. A micro-turbojet engine was also employed for this study and it has the following characteristics: 100 N thrust, 130,000 rpm, mass flow rate 0.2650 kg/s, weight 1.2 kg. This engine is operating in Mexico city under the following conditions: P0, 78,000 Pa T0, 300 K, πc, 2.1 and a turbine entry temperature of 1000 K; it is considered that the nozzle is not choked. For this study, the viscous standard k- model, a semi-empirical model based on transport model equations for the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and its dissipation rate, is used. The transport model equation for k is derived from the ex-act equation, while the transport model equation for is obtained by using physical reasoning and bears resemblance to its mathematically exact counterpart. The employed grids are structured and the boundary conditions are obtained from a thermodynamic analysis. The results that are obtained show an increment of the velocity of 6.25% to the exit propulsion nozzle.
Análisis Termográfico Para La Determinación De Puntos Críticos En Equipos Mecánicos Y Eléctricos
A. Mu?oz-Potosi,L. Pencue-Fierro,J. León-Téllez
Bistua : Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas , 2009,
Abstract: La termografía infrarroja es una poderosa herramienta para realizar el mantenimiento preventivo a herramientas y equipos, no obstante la toma de muestras ha sido, hasta hace pocos a os, muy costosa y poco accesible a la mayoría de sectores interesados. En los últimos a os esta tecnología se ha tornado más viable económicamente y empiezan a aparecer numerosas aplicaciones que explotan sus ventajas. En este trabajo se analizan partes sometidas a estrés mecánico, térmico y eléctrico principalmente en motores de vehículos y en equipos industriales con el fin de establecer de manera rápida y confiable los puntos en donde es necesario revisar cuidadosamente el aparato para impedir da os futuros (mantenimiento preventivo) y disminuir las secciones de mantenimiento correctivo. Se presentan varios casos en los que la imagen térmica resulta ser un factor fundamental para obtener información de la magnitud y localización del da o presente en el instrumento analizado.
Estimation of the Foliar Area by Non-Destructive Methods in Two Stages of Growth of Pepper Plants (Capsicum annuum L.) Hybrid Salvador  [PDF]
Osvaldo Fosado Téllez, Emanuel Mu?oz Mu?oz, Antonio Torres García, Jorge Luis Cué García, Eduardo Fidel Héctor Ardisana, Rolando León Aguilar, Elízabeth Fosado Obregón
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2018.93026
Abstract: The present work was aimed to obtain a model for the determination of the leaf area in function of the length and width of the leaves in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) hybrid Salvador. The research was carried out in nursery conditions at the Experimental Campus La Teodomira, located in the parish of Lodana, Santa Ana, province of Manabí, Ecuador, in 2016, in the stages of initiation of flowering and flowering-fructification. In each phase 100 physiologically mature leaves of different sizes were collected. Leaves were digitalized in a rectangle with known dimensions, which allowed the area to be calculated through the percentage of pixels of different colors. From the determination of the length and maximum width of each leaf and the estimated area through the digitization process, the regression models were obtained, selecting the better fit generated between the leaf area and the product of the length by the maximum width of the leaf (\"\"). In the initiation of flowering stage the quadratic model generated the best coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.958), whereas in the flowering-fructification stage the best coefficient of determination was achieved by the cubic model (R2 = 0.955). The practical applicability of other simpler models among the tested ones, which show a high accuracy and sacrifice a low percentage of error, is discussed.
Proizvodnja mikrobne transglutaminaze u podlozi od melase ?e?erne trske i glicerola
Portilla-Rivera, Oscar M.,Ramírez de León, José A.,Téllez-Luis, Simón J.,Vázquez, Manuel
- , 2009,
Abstract: Sa?etak Transglutaminaza je enzim koji katalizira prijenos acila s γ-karboksamidne skupine glutamina na lizinski ostatak proteina (stvaranjem izopeptidne veze), a koristi se za pobolj?anje teksture hrane bogate proteinima. Proizvodi se s pomo?u mikroorganizma, naj?e??e s pomo?u aktinomicete Streptoverticillium ladakanum. Melasa ?e?erne trske je viskozna teku?ina bogata nekristaliziranim ugljikohidratima (saharozom, glukozom i fruktozom). U ovom je radu istra?ena mogu?nost njezine primjene kao izvora ugljika pri proizvodnji transglutaminaze s pomo?u soja Streptoverticillium ladakanum NRRL 3191. Kao izvori ugljika upotrijebljeni su melasa ?e?erne trske (60 g/L ukupnih ?e?era), glicerol (60 g/L) i njihova smjesa omjera 1:1 (po 30 g/L). Svaka 24 sata tijekom 120 sati fermentacije pri tri brzine mije?anja (200, 300 ili 400 rpm) mjereni su sljede?i parametri: brzina mikrobnog rasta, aktivnost transglutaminaze i potro?nja izvora ugljika, a dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da s pove?anjem brzine mije?anja koncentracija biomase raste do 8,39 g/L u podlozi s melasom ?e?erne trske ili smjesom melase ?e?erne trske i glicerola. Najve?a aktivnost transglutaminaze od 0,460 U/mL postignuta je upotrebom melase ?e?erne trske i glicerola pri najve?oj brzini mije?anja (400 rpm), dok je kudikamo manja aktivnost dobivena primjenom same melase (0,240 U/mL) ili glicerola (0,250 U/mL). Rezultati pokazuju da je smjesa melase ?e?erne trske i glicerola najbolja podloga za proizvodnju transglutaminaze
Production of Microbial Transglutaminase on Media Made from Sugar Cane Molasses and Glycerol
Portilla-Rivera, Oscar M.,Ramírez de León, José A.,Téllez-Luis, Simón J.,Vázquez, Manuel
- , 2009,
Abstract: Sa?etak Transglutaminase is an enzyme that catalyses an acyl transfer reaction between γ-carboxamide groups of glutaminyl residues and lysine residues in proteins. Due to this property, this enzyme is used for enhancing textural properties of protein-rich food. The transglutaminase used as food additive is obtained by microorganisms, mainly by Streptoverticillium ladakanum. On the other hand, sugar cane molasses is a viscous liquid rich in noncrystallized carbohydrates (saccharose, glucose and fructose). In this work, the feasibility of using sugar cane molasses as a carbon source for the production of microbial transglutaminase by Streptoverticillium ladakanum NRRL 3191 has been studied. Carbon sources including sugar cane molasses (60 g of total sugars per L), glycerol (60 g/L) and their mixture in a ratio of 1:1 (30 g/L of each) were evaluated. Time course of microbial growth, transglutaminase activity and carbon source consumption were determined every 24 h during 120 h of fermentations at three agitation speeds (200, 300 or 400 rpm). The results showed that with the increase in agitation speed, the biomass concentration increased up to 8.39 g/L in the medium containing sugar cane molasses alone or the mixture of molasses and glycerol. The highest transglutaminase activity was obtained at 400 rpm in the medium containing a mixture of molasses and glycerol, reaching 0.460 U/mL, while in the medium containing sugar cane molasses alone, the activity was 0.240 U/mL, and using glycerol alone it was 0.250 U/mL. These results show that sugar cane molasses is a suitable medium for transglutaminase production when it is combined with glycerol
Tumores estromales gastrointestinales: enfoque actual Presentación de seis casos
Mosquera Paz,Manuel Santiago; Kadamani Abiyoma,Akram; Sánchez de Guzmán,Gabriel; Téllez,Luis Jaime; Ponce de León,Enrique; Varón,Adriana; Pérez,Juan Manuel; Varón,Claudia; Zuluaga,Alirio; Rivera,Julián; Mugnier,Jacqueline;
Revista Colombiana de Cirugía , 2004,
Abstract: we hereby report six patients with inmunohistochemical diagnosis of gist located in different organs of the gastrointestinal tract and other areas, who were managed at our institution, except one case, starting in 2000 and followed until now in the services of hemato-oncology and surgery. the majority of these patients did not have a clear preoperative diagnosis or presented with high suspicion of a mesenchyunal tumor, complicate by a compressing mass, intestinal obstruction, or bleeding. we describe the most relevant aspects pertinent to diagnosis and pathologic classification, surgical management in the context of current literature reports, with emphasis on the ongoing controversies. furthermore, we define our policy as a group on the basis of the literature review and the careful analysis of our limited experience.
Solanum lycopersicum: Novelties for Climate Factors and Its Agronomic Management for High Yields  [PDF]
Víctor García-Gaytán, Soledad García-Morales, Ana V. Coria-Téllez, Fanny Hernández-Mendoza, Janet María León-Morales
World Journal of Engineering and Technology (WJET) , 2022, DOI: 10.4236/wjet.2022.103039
Abstract: The intensive production of vegetables such as tomatoes depends on various strategies to achieve high yields.Purpose of this manuscript is to provide scientific and technological strategies for the intensive production of tomato or other vegetables in mega-production factories. However, with the advancement of knowledge, new improvements in the strategies will be incorporated. We have carried out research related to growth and yield variables in S. Lycopersicum. From this research we have worked on the intensive production of this noble vegetable at an industrial level. The results obtained are improvements in the production system. The improvements include the selection of the appropriate variety, germination and development of seedlings in a certified nursery. Trans-plantation in soil or hydroponics. The conditions of nutrient applications from the irrigation head system. The ventilation system and monitoring of climatic factors both day and night (temperature and relative humidity). Monitoring of macro- and micronutrients in the plant system, including Ca, K, Fe, and Zn. Soil fertility analyzes should include: primary and secondary macronutrients (ppm), organic matter (OM), EC, pH, bulk density (BD), and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The nutritional diagnosis to confirm ranges of sufficiency. As a tool in plant nutrition programs, foliar application can include biostimulants and growth regulators. The foregoing can be considered strategies for the integral management of the tomato crop.
Application of Nejayote as a Foliar and Edaphic Fertiliser to Native Blue Maize (Zea mays L.) Crops  [PDF]
Victoria Téllez, Jesús F. López, Agustín Aragón, Teresa Zayas
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2016.715196
Abstract: Raw and treated “nejayote” were assessed as foliar and edaphic fertilisers for native blue maize (Zea mays L.) crops in the municipality of Amozoc de Mota, Puebla, Mexico, during the 2015 agricultural cycle. Treated nejayote refers to raw nejayote subjected to a coagulation-flocculation process. Two states of nejayote were established (raw and treated nejayote) with different physicochemical properties. Foliar bio-fertilisers were prepared from raw and treated nejayote and mixed with organic matter (OM) to promote a fermentation process. The foliar treatments used were: BNC5, BNC15, BNC30 (raw nejayote-based bio-fertiliser at 5%, 15%, and 30%), BNCQ5, and NCQ30 (nejayote treated by chemical coagulation at 5% and 30%), with BT as a control (traditional bio-fertiliser). The edaphic treatments used were: NC50, NC75, and NC100 (raw nejayote at 50%, 75%, 100%), with AP as a control (drinking water), thus giving rise to 10 treatments in terms of content of raw or treated nejayote. Foliar and edaphic field treatments applied to native blue maize crops were statistically assessed using the following response variables: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, and grain yield. The experiment was laid out in a randomised complete block design (RCBD) with five replications of each treatment. The results obtained showed, that foliar or edaphic application at the different stages of development did not produce statistically significant differences, at P ≤ 0.05, in terms of response variables. The most significant effects occurred at the early stage of plant development and were mainly reflected in the stem diameter with foliar treatment NCQ30 and in the number of leaves with foliar treatment BNC5. At the final stage of crop development, the highest yield (0.639 ± 0.121 t·ha-1) was obtained with treatment BNC5, which produced a statistically significant difference (b) in relation to the rest of the foliar and edaphic treatments (Tukey P ≤ 0.05).

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