
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Viviana;” ,找到相关结果约1707条。
Flexural Performance of I-Joist Fabricated with Glue-Laminated Bamboo and Gmelina arborea Plywood  [PDF]
Viviana Paniagua, Róger Moya
Open Journal of Civil Engineering (OJCE) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/ojce.2014.43018

The search for efficient and versatile structural elements, leads to the fabrication of I-joists (6.5 cm × 18.5 cm × 600 cm (width × depth × length) with glue-laminated bamboo (Guada angustifolia) in the flanges and Gmelina arborea 12-mm structural plywood in the web. The results showed a modulus of rupture (MOR) of 39.45 MPa and an effective modulus of elasticity (MOE) of 17.05 GPa. Shearing in the glue line was 5.95 MPa and the lamination strength was 6.45 MPa. Structural design values averaged 9.43 MPa for bending and 4.72 MPa in shear according to Costa Rican structural standards. Both resistance value (flexure and shear) were considered satisfactory for structural proposes and I-joists fabricated with bamboo and G. arborea plywood are comparable with the Andean classification group “C” structural grade. The use of this I-joist was also shown in roofing and flooring systems. This beam can be used in allowable spans from 2 to 4 m in span for flooring systems and from 5 to 7 m for roofing applications.

Características de personalidad infantil asociadas al riesgo ambiental por situación de pobreza
Interdisciplinaria , 2009,
Abstract: an individual's context affects the way in which their biological and psychological subsystems function and interacts with each other. while individuals are normally able to manipulate their environment, personality factors increase or diminish their context characteristics, which at the same time influence personality. heredity and socio-environmental personality factors should not be considered separate elements, but rather a holistic approach as an individual-environment system that functions as a whole. therefore, an unfavorable environment is a socio-environmental variable that interacts with children's heredity, thus influencing the development of certain personality traits. based on the above, the specific goal of our research was to compare personality characteristics of children at risk due to poverty and children without risk due to poverty. we applied the child personality questionnaire for argentina (cuestionario argentino de personalidad infantil - capi) for children aged 6 to 8 (lemos, 2005). we compared personality profiles from both groups through manova, as well as comparisons of means and graphic profiles. based on this analysis, we observed significant differences regarding personality factors [f de hotelling (5, 168) = 2.47; p = .035], as well as facets [f de hotelling (14, 159) = 2.607; p = .002], among children at risk due to poverty and those who were not. there were significant differences particularly in conscientiousness [f(1) = 4.35; p = .038] and the following facets: competence [f(1) = 4.652; p = .032], vulnerability [f(1) = 9.732; p = .002], gregariousness and positive affect [f(1) = 8.338; p = .004], order [f(1) = 6.798; p = .010] and action [f(1) = 4.233; p = .041]. the tendencies of the results are as follows: the group at risk scored lower in conscientiousness, and regarding facets: competence, gregariousness, positive affect, order, action and vulnerability. with regards to conscientiousness, which includes order, organization and
Construcción y validación de una escala para la evaluación de la deseabilidad social infantil (EDESI)
Interdisciplinaria , 2005,
Abstract: personality assessment verbal tests are often considered objectives taking into account the standardized nature of verbal stimuli utilized and response options, the transformation of punctuations to typical, and the objective valuation of the test (fernández-ballesteros, 2000). nevertheless, this supposedly objective valuation is subordinated to some problems and limitations. some of these are: random responses, in which the individual follows a pattern of response not determined by the content of items, dissimulation or feigning, with which the subject tries to misrepresent his answers to hide information or distort it; the subjects response style, which means the individual chooses to be moderate or extreme, positive or negative in the way he answers; and last we refer to the social desirability which makes the subject respond approximating his answers to those considered socially more desirable. this psychological tendency of attributing socially desirable personality traits to oneself and rejecting those that are socially undesirable produces a distorting effect that, if taken to extreme, can invalidate a psychological measurement. in a previous research (lemos, 2003), it was observed that children are very prone to give socially expected answers with the aim of pleasing others. this is the reason why it was judged important to design a scale, which may assess social desirability in children, since such an instrument is not available in our environment. a sample of 141 middle class children of both sexes between 10 and 12 years old of entre ríos ( argentina ) was employed. for the instrument's psychometric analysis, discriminating power of items was considered in the first place, analyzing the distribution of given responses with frequency analysis, considering discriminating those items that didn't exceed 75% of adhesion to one of the two response options ( yes-no ). with the same purpose, a t -test, mean difference, was also applied to compare the answers give
Tragedia, oratoria y oralidad: Fórmulas retóricas en un proceso judicial (Esquilo, Euménides)
Synthesis (La Plata) , 2003,
Abstract: in oratory and aeschylean drama, the rhetoric patterns used in the public debate -as common elements of an oral culture- show not only the relationships between poet and orator in matters related to vocabulary or subjects discussed in these fields; in eumenides, reveal in a particular way the rules and social values that define the cultural context of punishment.
Baudelaire mau vidraceiro
Bosi, Viviana;
Alea : Estudos Neolatinos , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S1517-106X2007000100008
Abstract: baudelaire?s theoretical and poetic work deals repeatedly with the question of representation, either critizing the "brickmason?s" realism, or a certain kind of sugary romanticism. in paris spleen: little prose poems, this discussion assumes an ethical configuration, when, in "the bad glazier", the poet rebels against the mechanism of reproduction itself, both from the artistical point of view and from the social point of view. comparing this text with the one written by his friend and publisher arsène houssaye, who had published his poem in prose "the glazier?s song" about a similar theme, we may notice that two conceptions of mimesis are conveyed, each one revealing a very different perspective on poetics and life.
Parresía: Semantizaciones en el Nuevo Testamento
Circe de cl??sicos y modernos , 2007,
Abstract: the koine greek of the new testament shows resemantizations of ancient greek words. the voice , translated as "freedom of speech", extends its meaningfulness through the bible text. this work analyses contexts for semantization of and into the greek new testament and into five different spanish translations.
El autor: instrucciones de uso
Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Dise?±o y Comunicaci?3n. Ensayos , 2012,
Abstract: in the new horizon of work production, the figure of the author appears as an amalgam of images that have been deposited through a labyrinth of manifestos, policies and activities that become the history of art and design, mainly in the last 100 years. far from being clarified, the scenario of the last two decades has been blurred with the development of the new technological media. the author never has been an easy character to carry on; from his appearance in the dawn of modernity and within the geographic, cultural and philosophical european territory. in peripheral territories like ours, the problematic get rich with the polarization of the concepts of identity and strangeness.
Madres e hijos en los 90: Las representaciones sociales de la maternidad en la revista Para Ti
Opción , 2007,
Abstract: gender studies award language, and consequently, discourse analysis, an important position because through them we build representations of events, societies and even our own character, shaping ourselves as subjects and helping us establish our own identities (caldas coulthard and rojo, 1997). the field of study composed of sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics and critical discourse analysis, coupled with feminist studies, pays special attention to the analysis of discourse in women?s magazines because they are social circulation agents presenting representations of women. in the ?90s, the argentinean women?s magazine para ti published biographical accounts portraying supposedly real women, in which motherhood appeared to be associated with self-fulfillment, and it built a discourse around these stories that promoted attitudes and positioning. the aim of this study is to describe the different modes of representing maternity in these personal accounts and to reflect on the imagined social situations they create and disseminate through the magazine, based on the concept that identity is a construction of a social nature (castoriadis, 2001) and that our society organizes the universe of meanings about womanhood around the woman=mother equation (fernández, 1994).
Sobre la no transmisión en los estudios de formación y disolución de las uniones. Argentina, 1991
Masciadri, Viviana;
Papeles de población , 2010,
Abstract: in the present work we present hypotheses that open a reflection on the paradigm of stability in the studies on marriage; at the time it exposes the empiric evidence that supports the discussion and cardes a probabilistic and indeterministic conception in the study of populations. we analyze the possible association between the marital state of parents and children, however not only as for the divorced status, but also the de facto marriage and married statuses, since the two first are given the character of unstable, whilst the last is recognized as stable.
Velhos amigos
Bosi, Viviana;
Psicologia USP , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-65642008000100004
Abstract: this text makes a short presentation of the book of stories velhos amigos, by ecléa bosi, from the point of view of the dominating tone, the style, the themes and its main purposes.

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