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An Analysis of Uzbekistan’s Language Policy and Language Ecology

Modern Linguistics (ML) , 2019, DOI: 10.12677/ML.2019.74070
Uzbekistan’s language policy has undergone a process of historical evolution. Because language policy and language ecology are closely related, the change of Uzbekistan’s language policy has also had a certain impact on the language ecology. The study of Uzbekistan's language policy and language ecology and its influencing factors can inspire the construction of China's harmonious language ecology.
An Analysis of the Vicissitude of Russian in Uzbekistan

Modern Linguistics (ML) , 2019, DOI: 10.12677/ML.2018.73034
Russian has gone through ups and downs in Uzbekistan in the past decades. During the Soviet times, Russian was embraced in Uzbekistan and widely used. In the early days of Uzbekistan’s independence, Russian was in a cleft stick—it was neither the national language of the country nor the inter-ethnic language. However, recent years the recovery of Russian in Uzbekistan has been witnessed, during which it gradually gained more popularity. Russian is of paramount importance to all sectors of Uzbekistan. Therefore, it is necessary to study the present situation of Russian in Uzbekistan, which will lead readers to think about the situation of languages in China. The paper is a diachronic analysis of Russian in Uzbekistan.
The Buddhist Charitable Organizations and Social Construction Relationship

Advances in Social Sciences (ASS) , 2013, DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2013.22007
Abstract: 社会建设是当代中国现代化建设的主体内容之一,也是重点和难点内容之一。公民社会组织与社会建设的内在关联性目前已经在中国社会学界达成了一定程度的共识。中国民间慈善组织作为公民社会组织的一种形式,内涵着参与社会建设的必然性与必要性。中国民间慈善组织在发展服务社会的公共领域和拓展私人空间方面都发挥了积极的功能。在这些组织中,宗教类慈善公益组织是重要的组成部分,相对于世俗慈善公益组织而言,宗教慈善公益组织除具备一般的公益特性外,还有自己的独特性。以北京仁爱慈善基金会为例,通过对北京仁爱慈善基金会的个案研究,展示宗教慈善公益组织在社会建设方面的探索与实践,以探索北京佛教慈善组织与社会建设的关系,试图为上述必然性与必要性提供一定程度的佐证,以实际地推进社会建设的进程。从理论上看,这种探索对于宗教社会学和社会建设理论也有一定的创新作用。
Social construction is one of the major aspects of modernization construction in contemporary China, as well as one of the difficulties and focuses in this process. To some extent, the sociologists in China have reached a consensus about the internal connection between civil society organization and social con- struction. As a form of civil society organization, the civil charity organization in China embodies the necessity and inevitability of the participation in social construction. The civil charity organization in China plays an important role in the development of public areas of social service and the expansion of private space. Among these organizations, religious charity organization is an integral constituent. Compared with the secular charity organizations, religious organization has its peculiarity, apart from its ordinary cha- racteristics of public welfare. Take Beijing RenAi Charity Organization as an example. From the case study of this organization, the exploration and practice of religious charity organization in social construction are clearly presented. The connection between Beijing Buddhist charity organization and social construction is also explored, which aims to provide evidence to the necessity and inevitability mentioned above, and to practically promote social construction. Theoretically, this exploration has some creative significance to the sociology of religion and the theories of social construction.
Review on Rehabilitation Nursing Progress of Postpartum Stress Urinary Incontinence

Advances in Clinical Medicine (ACM) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/acm.2024.1441012
Abstract: 压力性尿失禁(SUI)是女性产后常见的问题,严重影响其生活质量。近年来,产后压力性尿失禁的康复护理研究取得了一定的进展。本文综述了产后压力性尿失禁的危险因素、康复护理方法及研究进展,旨在为临床护理提供参考。
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a common postpartum problem in women, which seriously affects their quality of life. In recent years, the rehabilitation nursing research of postpartum stress incontinence has made some progress. This article reviewed the risk factors, rehabilitation nursing methods and research progress of postpartum stress urinary incontinence, aiming to provide reference for clinical nursing.
Thought on the Teaching and Learning of Modern Art Design

黄磊昌, 毕善华,
Creative Education Studies (CES) , 2016, DOI: 10.12677/CES.2016.44031
Based on the teaching needs of modern art design, the “teaching” and “learning” were discussed systematically during the process of modern art design teaching: the teachers’ teaching, students’ learning, objective of teaching and learning, the function of teaching material, the relationship of social demands and teaching, the professional courses and basic courses, theory and practice, and the evaluation for the design works were included, which paid attention to both the teacher and the student. It would be a basis for the virtuous cycle of modern art design teaching.
科技进步与对策 , 2013, DOI: 10.6049/kjjbydc.2013GC0244
Abstract: 工程管理与生态文明建设之间的关系受到社会普遍关注。从科技创新能力角度探讨了工程管理的社会属性和企业科技创新能力的生态化转向,提出应从法规制度、市场环境和企业内生因素3个方面提高企业生态科技创新能力,实现工程管理与生态文明建设的双赢。工程管理;生态文明;生态科技创新;科技创新
物理 , 2003,
Abstract: ?文章综述了静电处理作物种子及诱发的生物学效应,研究了电场阈值、电场极限值和电场作用时间等电场剂量问题.通过生理指标分析了电场对作物发芽势、发芽率、芽长、根长、叶片自然鲜重、种子简化活力指数、植物代谢及营养吸收的影响.从大量的应用研究中广泛探索了电场对植物细胞膜完整性的影响及对酶活性的改变,希望用物理学方法研究对酶蛋白分子构象的影响,总结了电场在改善植物抗逆性研究方面的最新进展,以期在细胞和分子水平上探讨其作用机理,为静电在农业上的进一步广泛应用奠定理论基础.
图书情报工作 , 2010,
Abstract: ?以政府信息公开网站为依托,探讨当前地方政府信息公开目录分类体系应用状况。通过浙江省、南宁市政府信息公开分类体系的案例,从其指导原则、主题分类、服务分类、机构(部门)分类的角度进行分析和说明,发现信息公开分类体系存在的问题,以此为基础,对地方政府信息公开目录体系的编制提出一些有针对性、可行性的建议,从而提升政府部门服务质量和工作效率。
Grandparenting: An Analysis Framework From Grandparents’ Perspective

- , 2018, DOI: 1672-4283(2018)01-0083-07
Abstract: 隔代抚养/祖父母照料是新世纪多元化家庭结构和家庭功能的重要形态之一。以老年祖父母为视角,对祖父母隔代抚养相关最新研究成果进行全面梳理和综述,主要包括:隔代抚养的界定和类型;隔代抚养的动因及理论解释;隔代抚养对祖父母的影响后果的理论解释。我们可在此基础上提出一个以祖父母为视角的隔代抚养的分析框架。在中国社会转型和家庭结构变迁条件下,隔代抚养问题需要更多关注,以及进行本土化探索和研究
Bankable Revocation in a Personal Bankruptcy

Open Journal of Legal Science (OJLS) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2023.114330
Abstract: 破产撤销权是关系到债权人与破产申请人间利益衡平的关键问题,被喻为破产法律条文的心脏。与企业破产相比,个人破产制度中可撤销行为的种类更加复杂、数额标准不易统一,在其规则制定时只参照企业破产法列举可撤销行为的情形是远远不够的,应增加概括性、兜底性条款对欺诈行为与偏颇行为的列举类型加以补充。同时需要将债务人对低价随意性物品的转让、公益捐赠和同时发生新价值等行为作为个人破产制度中可撤销行为的例外情形,以此达到债权人公平受偿和促进诚信债务人经济再生间的利益平衡。
The bankruptcy cancellation right is a key issue related to the balance of creditors and bankruptcy filing, which is regarded as the heart of the bankruptcy law. Compared with the enterprise bankruptcy, the types of revocable behavior in the personal bankruptcy system are more complex and the amount standard is not easy to unify. It is not enough to only refer to the enterprise bankruptcy law when the rules are formulated. Therefore, the general and bottom clauses should be added to supplement the types of fraud and biased behavior. At the same time, it is necessary to take the debtor’s transfer of low-price random goods, public welfare donation and the simultaneous occurrence of new value as the exceptions of the revocable behavior in the personal bankruptcy system, so as to achieve the equity of the creditor’s fair compensation and promote the economic regeneration of the honest debtor.

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