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The Translation Research of Chinese Ethnic Classics for 70 Years

, 云秋, 云生
Modern Linguistics (ML) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/ML.2021.93090
Abstract: 中华人民共和国建立以来,党和中央开始关注少数民族典籍的修复与保存工作,适逢新中国成立70周年,兹以此文表示纪念。本文概述新中国建立70年以来少数民族典籍的翻译情况。分为三个阶段,即静默阶段(1949~1962年)、起步阶段(1962~1992年)、全面发展阶段(1992~2019年以后)。文章运用CiteSpace的计量方法,以中国知网中收录的期刊在1992年到2019年所刊载的关于中国少数民族典籍翻译的1165篇研究论文的引文为数据来源,对高被引文献、高影响力作者、高频关键词、主要发文机构进行定量分析,构建近27年国内少数民族典籍翻译的发展状况的可视化知识图谱,直观地揭示中国少数民族典籍翻译的研究热点,发展趋势和不足。研究发现:1) 少数民族典籍翻译研究在发文量总体呈上升趋势,但是部分年份的发文量依旧不稳定,受国家战略、研究人员兴趣影响较大,社会需求的导向较小(如培养少数民族地区译员,翻译市场规范等)。2) 中国少数民族典籍翻译的主流依旧是几大民族的史诗英译,研究方向也来自于这些译本的翻译策略分析。缺乏对翻译主体的社会化研究以及翻译作品的接受度和传播度的研究。3) 少数民族典籍翻译依旧缺乏跨学科的研究,典籍的类型比较单一,研究人员大部分来自高校,翻译主体和研究主体也比较单一。
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, our communism party and the Central Committee have begun to pay attention to the restoration and preservation of ethnic minority classics. This paper aims to pay tribute to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. This paper summarizes the translation of ethnic classics during the 70 years since the founding of new China. The process can be divided into three phases: the silent stage (1949~1962), the initial stage (1962~1992), and the comprehensive development stage (1992~2019 onwards). This paper applies the biometric method, CiteSpace, uses the 1165 research paper citation on China’s ethnic minority classics translation as the data source, which was collected by Chinese net collection of journals in China from 1992 to 2019 to conduct quantitative analysis on the highly cited literature, high influence authors, high frequency keywords, the main published agency, so that to build the visualized knowledge map for the domestic development of ethnic minority classics translation, intuitively reveal the research hotspot of Chinese minority classics translation, its development trend and the insufficiency. The research findings are as follows: 1) The number of publications on the translation of ethnic classics is on the rise in general, but the number of publications in some years is still unstable, it means the research on this filed is greatly influenced by national strategies and researchers’ interests, and less guided by social needs (such as training translators in ethnic minority areas, translation market regulation, etc.). 2) The mainstream of the translation of Chinese ethnic classics is still to translate the epics of several major ethnic groups into English, and the research direction of that field is also mainly from the perspective of the analysis of translation strategy. 3) The interdisciplinary research on the translation of ethnic classics is still in shortage. The types of classics are relatively single. Most
An Acoustic Analysis of Ruili Dialect Tones

云秋,, 云生
Modern Linguistics (ML) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/ML.2021.93098
Abstract: 瑞丽方言属于西南官话滇西方言片。文章以瑞丽市区方言为调查对象,运用实验语音学的方法,利用语音分析软件,结合传统耳听手记的声调研究法,对瑞丽方言的单字调进行实验分析。分析发现,瑞丽方言单字调实际调值与传统记录差异较大,分别为阴平33,阳平51,上声35,去声212。
Ruili Dialect belongs to the official language of southwest of Yunnan region. This thesis is based on the dialect in urban of Ruili city. It used the theories of linguistic-phonetic acoustics to arrange and summarize the tone pitch of Ruili dialect by using software, and further find out the differences of the tone pitch from the record in Ruili dialect.
The rationale and requirements of the guiding case application: The function of a guiding case as an analytical perspective

- , 2018, DOI: 1672-3104(2018)03-0034-08
Abstract: 摘 要: 解决指导性案例“援引难”问题的关键在于明确其法源地位。指导性案例的“指导性”功能是该法源地位产生的基础,并同时作为案例运用的理据。“指导性”功能是指导案例所具有的内部效能,在实践中展现为清晰法律、补充法律和创设规则等三个方面。其中,补充法律功能具有最广泛应用性,其实质是通过法律解释来发掘裁判规则。在此功能指引下,指导性案例运用必须满足区分“适用的规则”与“规则的适用”、结合案件产生背景提炼和运用裁判规则、突破“一案一释”以实现解释效力的普适性等要求。
Abstract: The key to solving the problem of “citing difficulty” in guiding cases is to clarify the legal status. The “guiding” function of a guiding case is the foundation of the generation of the legal status, and at the same time is also the rationale for the guiding case application. The “guiding” function is the internal effectiveness of guiding the case, which is in practice shown in such three aspects as clarifying law, supplementing law and stipulating rules. Among them, its supplementary legal function has the most extensive application, whose essence is to explore the rules of referees through legal interpretation. Under the guidance of this function, the application of guiding cases must meet the requirements of distinguishing “applicable rules” and “rules application”, combining the background of the case to refine and apply case rules, and breaking through “one case and one interpretation” to achieve universality of interpretation effectiveness

物理 , 2000,
Abstract: ?一收到俞允强教授为北京大学物理学丛书撰写的《电动力学简明教程》,还来不及拜读全书,却把“作者前言”前后看了三遍,感触很深.我于1960年考入北京大学物理系,三年级时曾聆听了秦旦华先生和俞允强先生讲授的理论力学.我在北大读书期间,正像俞允强先生所描述的那样,四大力学(还要加上数学物理方法)正是物理系的“重头戏”,每门课都讲两个学期,学生下的功夫最多,学得最投入.四大力学不仅是系里最重视的课程,?...

物理 , 1993,
Abstract: ?本文评述了测量微粒的尺寸和运动速度的意义以及各种方法的优缺点,回顾了同时测量微粒速度和尺寸的相位多普勒测速(pda)技术的发展历史,井且在几何光学近似模型的基础上,比较详细地介绍了pda的原理及物理图像.

物理 , 2009,
Abstract: ?文章介绍了2009年诺贝尔物理学奖得主高锟的成就,这是诺贝尔物理学奖第9次奖励最终形成产业的基础研究.文章还介绍了光通信技术的最新进展,论述了物理学的基础研究如何最终演变成巨大的信息产业并造福人类社会,并指出了基础研究和产业化间“源”和“流”的关系.

物理 , 2002,
Abstract: ?2000年12月,在德国柏林举办的第三届世界物理学大会的决议[1]中非常精辟地出“物理学是其他科学和绝大部分技术发展的直接的或不可缺少的基础,物理学曾经是、现在是、将来也是全球技术和经济发展的主要驱动力.”该决议并指出,21世纪是一些非常重要的研究领域,包括新能源、新材料、信息技术、交通运输、健康和环境等,这些领域中的科学成果和技术的进步将与物理学中完善的知识基础密切相关.

物理 , 2010,

物理 , 1983,
Abstract: ?光学是一门古老的科学,从伽利略发明望远镜到现在,光学已经走过了几百年漫长的道路.人类接受外界信息,大部分来自光波,而主要的信息通道,就是人身体上的一具光学仪器──眼睛.光学首先是研究光波传播规律的科学.例如,它研究光波怎样从几百万光年以外的河外星系传播到地球;研究从显微镜灯泡辐射的光波通过聚光镜照亮标本,又通过物镜成象,经过目镜放大,最后进入眼帘的全过程;研究黑夜中地面目标发出的不可?...

物理 , 2005,

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