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Characteristics of Middle Permian Sedimentary Facies in Northwest Sichuan

Open Journal of Nature Science (OJNS) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/OJNS.2021.91015
Abstract: 本文探讨四川盆地西北部中二叠统的沉积相特征和沉积环境的演化特征。以研究区的野外露头剖面和钻井岩心的室内薄片为基础,对川西北中二叠统碳酸盐岩的岩石学特征、沉积相类型和沉积环境演化进行系统的研究。依据冯增昭提出的对碳酸盐岩的沉积结构的分类,将研究区的碳酸盐岩划分为9种微相:亮晶生屑灰岩、泥晶生屑灰岩、生屑微晶灰岩和含生屑微晶灰岩、泥晶灰岩、生物碎屑白云岩、粗晶白云岩、块状白云岩、燧石条带、亮晶白云岩。通过对岩石薄片的观察得出研究区中二叠统始终处于碳酸盐岩台地相沉积环境,并进一步划分为开阔台地相、台地边缘相和陆棚相。通过对研究区沉积相带的研究分析,在栖霞组初期海平面快速的上升,后面海平面缓慢下降,总体上栖霞组处于海平面上升的状态,但是变化频繁;在茅口组初期出现快速的海侵,后期海平面缓慢的下降为特征。
This paper discusses the sedimentary facies and sedimentary environment evolution characteristics of the middle Permian in northwest Sichuan Basin. Based on field outcrop section and indoor thin section of drilling core, the petrological characteristics, sedimentaryfacies types and sedimentary environment evolution of middle Permian carbonate rocks in northwest Sichuan are systematically studied. Based on the classification of carbonate sedimentary structure proposed by Feng Zengzhao, the carbonate rocks in the study area are divided into nine kinds of microfacies: sparry raw chip crumbs limestone, micritic limestone, important raw limestone and contain important raw limestone, micrite, bioclastic dolomite, coarse grain dolostone, massive dolomite, flint stripe, sparry dolostone. Through the observation of the rock thin section, it is concluded that the middle Permian in the study area is always in the carbonate platform sedimentary environment, and it is further divided into open platform facies, platform marginal facies and shelf facies. According to the study and analysis of the sedimentary facies belt in the study area, the sea level of Qixia Formation rose rapidly at the early stage and then slowly fell. On the whole, the Qixia Formation was in the state of sea level rise, but changed frequently. The maokou Formation was characterized by rapid transgression in the early stage and slow sea level decline in the later stage.
Application of Intelligent Electronic Medicine Cabinet in ICU

Nursing Science (NS) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/NS.2021.106112
目的:探讨ICU智能电子药柜的应用及管理效果。方法:比较设有智能电子药柜的ICU病区和未设智能电子药柜的ICU病区护士的取药时间及取药差错率。结果:设有智能电子药柜的病区护士取药时间较未设智能电子药柜的病区有所增加(p < 0.001),但取药差错率低于未设智能药柜的病区(p < 0.05)。结论:智能电子药柜的使用降低了护士的取药差错率,改善了患者用药安全性。
Objective: To explore the application and management effect of ICU intelligent electronic medicine cabinet. Methods: The time and error rate of taking medicine were compared between ICU ward with intelligent electronic medicine cabinet and ICU ward without intelligent electronic medicine cabinet. Results: Compared with the ward without intelligent electronic medicine cabinet, the time of taking medicine by nurses in the ward with intelligent electronic medicine cabinet was increased (p < 0.001), but the error rate of taking medicine was lower than that in the ward without intelligent medicine cabinet (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The use of intelligent electronic medicine cabinets can reduce the error rate of taking medicine by nurses and improve the safety of medication for patients.
Analysis on the Causes of Risk in the Bank Section of Taicang at the Yangtze Estuary—Research on Hydrodynamic Numerical Simulation

Modeling and Simulation (MOS) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/MOS.2021.102059
Abstract: 长江口太仓港的岸线及水深资源对长三角地区的经济发展具有重要的作用,研究该河段的河道变化特征,特别是险工河段的成因具有重要的意义。通过建立太仓岸段精细水动力模型,分别考虑现状条件(2016年)和不受人类活动影响(1997年)的自然条件下,模拟分析了在不同上游来水条件下的水动力变化特征。模拟结果显示在新泾口和荡茜口附近流速增大明显,动力条件增强,意味着码头前沿河床有快速冲刷的危险,监测结果也显示了上述区域的冲刷险情加剧趋势,对码头安全运行带来严重隐患。由此可知,太仓岸段水流变化特征和险工岸段的分布有密切联系。
The shoreline and large water depth along the Taicang reach play import role for economic de-velopment of the Yangtze Delta. It is important to study the characteristic of the evolution of the river course along this reach, especially for the formation mechanism of the high-risk reach. The present study proposes a high-resolution hydrodynamic model for the Taicang reach. The hydro-dynamics under various combinations of river discharges and tidal forces have been simulated by considering bathymetry and shoreline in the past (1997) and at present (2016). The results show that the velocity increase near Xinjing River mouth and Dangqian river mouth. This indicates the increase of risks for erosion and clapping in these areas, which causes potential hazard to wharf along the Taicang reach. The monitoring result shows the same trend for those areas as the model results. This reveals the high relationship between the hydrodynamic change and the distribution of the high-risk area along the Taicang reach in the Yangtze Estuary.
Design Deformable Pyramid Transform via SVD Approach

Computer Science and Application (CSA) , 2013, DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2013.33029
本文设计了一种具有平移不变性、方向和尺度联合可控特性的金字塔变换,称为几何变形可控金字塔变换(DPT)。此DPT从一种数值形式表示的方向可控金字塔变换(SPT)发展而来。我们以SPT的每一个方向可控基滤波器作为核函数,并通过奇异值分解(SVD)设计针对该方向的尺度可控基滤波器和插值函数。我们以此尺度可控基滤波器作为DPT的分析滤波器,进而在理想重构约束下通过理论推导得到DPT的综合滤波器。另外,我们还通过理论推导获得了实现方向可控特性的插值函数,并通过定量表达式分析了采用不同数量的尺度可控基滤波器时对DPT重构性能的影响。数值仿真表明,本文设计的尺度可控基滤波器能满足理想重构约束,且能在误差不超过1 dB的情况下以一半数量的尺度可控基滤波器逼近最优重构性能。
This paper presents a deformable pyramid transform (DPT) with shift-invariance, steerability, and scalability. This DPT is extended from a numerical steerable pyramid transform (SPT). We take each steerable basis filter of the SPT as the kernel. For each kernel, we employ the singular value decomposition (SVD) approach to construct scalable basis filters and their corresponding interpolation functions. These scalable basis filters are used as analysis filters of the DPT. Its synthesis filters are then theoretically derived under the constraint of perfect reconstruction for analysis and synthesis filters. In addition, we theoretically derive the interpolation function for steerability, and quantitatively analyze the relationship between the number of scalable basis filters and the reconstruction performance. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed scalable basis filters satisfy the constraint of perfect reconstruction. Also, it is observed that merely using half of the number of scalable basis filters can approximate the optimum reconstruction performance at a cost of reconstruction error within 1 dB.
Professional Manager of State-Owned Holding Enterprises Status and Development Ideas

Emergence and Transfer of Wealth (ETW) , 2013, DOI: 10.12677/ETW.2013.34010
State-owned holding enterprises, as an important force to promote national economic development, need excellent professional managers to provide a strong support for the development of enterperises. The current status of state-owned holding enterprises in the development of professional managers shows the internal mechanism defects and external system limitations in two aspects. Aiming at the two current status of professional managers’ development in state-owned holding enterprises, this paper puts forward the corresponding development ideas.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in Children: A Report of 2 Cases and Liter-Ature Review

, 吴学
Asian Case Reports in Pediatrics (ACRP) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/ACRP.2020.82003
Objective: To improve recognition of acute lymphoblastic leukemia with posterior reversible en-cephalopathy syndrome in children. Method: Two ALL children with PRES admitted to Nanfang Hospital were included. Clinical data were retrospectively studied and related literatures were re-viewed. Result: During the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 2 children developed symptoms of consciousness disorder, hypertension and convulsion. Cranial MRI showed bilateral parietal, temporal and occipital cortical or subcortical lesions with hypointensity on T2-weighted imaging. Clinical symptoms were resolved soon after supportive care such as anti-hypertension. Conclusion: The pathogenesis of PRES is multifaceted. Early diagnosis and treatment are very im-portant.
Hakka Culture Exhibition Hall Based on Weixin Mini Programs

管希, 守信
Software Engineering and Applications (SEA) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/SEA.2020.95043
Abstract: 赣南客家地区的“非遗”文化素有“种类丰富、底蕴深厚”之称,在文化多元化、多媒体数字化的今天,不少非遗文化因:1. 保护和传承意识淡薄,民众参与积极性不高;2. 传播方式以博物馆展览、传统节日庆典等方式使得受众群体十分小众化,导致出现青黄不接,难以为继的尴尬局面。而地方“非遗”文化是地方宣传的一张名片,更是地方经济发展源源不断的动力输出。故为了更好的保护、传承和推广赣南客家文化,本文设计实现了一个客家文化小展堂的微信小程序,该平台以文字、视频、答题等多种方式展示了不同的赣南客家非遗文化,包括客家美食、传统技艺等,让人们轻松了解非遗相关知识,增加对非遗的热爱,同时提供景点推荐模块,为赣南文化旅游产业提供良好传播推广。该平台依托于微信的广大用户群体,扩大了赣南非遗项目的关注群体,同时拓展了非遗文化的宣传途径,让更多的人们认识和了解赣南客家文化。
The intangible cultural heritage in Gannan Hakka area is “varieties and profound in details”. In today’s diversified culture and multi-media digitization, many intangible cultural heritage are faced with an embarrassing situation of unsustainability and temporary shortage due to the following reasons: 1. The consciousness of protection and inheritance is weak, and the enthusiasm of the public to participate is not high; 2. The audience groups are very small in the way of museum exhibition and traditional festivals and celebrations. The local intangible cultural heritage is not only a business card of local propaganda, but also a continuous power output of local economic development. Therefore, in order to better protect, inherit and promote Gannan Hakka culture, this paper designs and implements a Weixin Mini Program of Hakka culture exhibition hall. The platform displays different Hakka intangible cultural heritage culture in Gannan by text, video, answering questions and other ways, including Hakka cuisine, traditional skills and so on, so that people can easily understand the relevant knowledge of intangible cultural heritage, increase their love for intangible cultural heritage, and provide scenery point recommendation module to provide good communication and promotion for Gannan cultural tourism industry. Relying on the vast user groups of wechat, the platform expands the concerned groups of Gannan intangible cultural heritage, and expands the publicity channels of intangible cultural heritage culture, so that more people can know and understand Gannan Hakka culture.
Analysis of Sudden Death of Sympathetic Storm Caused by Coronary Artery Muscle Bridge

张震, 碎虎
Asian Case Reports in Emergency Medicine (ACREM) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/ACREM.2021.91001
随着冠状动脉造影和CT冠脉成像(CTCA)检查增加,冠状动脉肌桥(Myocardial Bridge,心肌桥)的检出率也不断提高。相应地冠状动脉肌桥导致患者猝死的发现率也在不断提高,但对其导致猝死的原因仍未阐明。随着心脏疾病手术和介入治疗的增加,交感风暴的发生率也在增加,由交感风暴引起的死亡亦增多。但冠状动脉肌桥是否可导致交感风暴而引起患者死亡,仍未见报道。本文对1例冠状动脉肌桥导致患者交感风暴而发生猝死的现象做一分析,以引起临床更加重视。
With the increase of coronary angiography and CT coronary artery imaging (CTCA), the detection rate of coronary artery myocardial bridge (Myocardial Bridge, myocardial bridge) is also increasing. Correspondingly, the discovery rate of sudden death caused by coronary artery muscle bridge is also increasing, but the cause of sudden death is still unclear. With the increase in heart disease surgery and interventional therapy, the incidence of sympathetic storms is also increasing, and deaths caused by sympathetic storms are also increasing. However, whether the coronary artery muscle bridge can cause sympathetic storm and cause death of patients has not been reported. This article analyzes a case of sudden death caused by sympathetic storm caused by coronary artery muscle bridge to arouse more clinical attention.
比较法研究 , 2013,
Abstract: 申报前商谈是经济领域自发生成的非正式、非法定、无法律约束力的程序性制度,广泛运用于经营者集中反垄断审查的实践,事实上已成为经营者集中反垄断审查体系的第一个阶段,具有促进执法机构与申报人合作互惠、提高反垄断审查效率与透明度、增进反垄断审查可预测性的制度价值;申报前商谈将实体性规则与程序性规则融为一体,具有自足性,而其带有的公开性缺失、法律性质与信赖保护、观点锁定等局限,也需要不断完善。

心里发展与教育 , 1987,
Abstract: 玛娅·伊万诺夫娜·丽西娜(1929—1983)是苏联著名心理学家。她于1952年毕业于莫斯科大学心理专业,从师m.b.扎波洛热茨,攻读副博士学位。1963年32岁时担任苏联教育科学院心理研究所婴儿与学前期心理研究室主任。1974年通过博士论文答辩,题目为《从出生到七岁儿童与成人交往的年龄特点与个别特点》。此后,她曾担任苏联教科院心理所发展心理学分部负责人,《心理学问题》编委等多种学术职务,1983年病逝,年仅54岁。

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