
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “张帆” ,找到相关结果约879条。
Application of Commercially Derived Strains in Pharmaceutical Microbiological Testing

Pharmacy Information (PI) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/PI.2020.92005
Commercially derived strains are strains derived from standard strains. They are traceable and equivalent to working strains when used. This paper introduces the application of commercially derived strains in the field of pharmaceutical microbiological testing, such as sterility test, microbial limit test, bacteriostatic efficacy check, and inspection quality control. The advantages and disadvantages of using commercial derived strains are analyzed.
Research Hotspot and Trend Analysis of BIM Application Based on CiteSpace

Advances in Social Sciences (ASS) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2022.112064
Abstract: 通过对Web of Science核心数据库、CNKI核心期刊数据库在2006~2021年发表的BIM应用研究文献的知识图谱分析,以探索BIM应用的研究热点和研究趋势。结果表明:1) BIM应用研究在2012~2017年迎来快速发展期,并且发文数量受政策导向的影响;2) 中英文文献虽然均以BIM为核心,但在中心性上存在较大差异;3) 英文文献从技术集成实践转向全生命周期的BIM应用拓展,中文文献从技术应用转向运维养管、轻量化等新的发展方向。
Through the knowledge graph analysis of BIM application research literatures published in Web of Science core database and CNKI core journal database from 2006 to 2021, the research hot spots and trends of BIM application are explored. The results show that: 1) BIM application re-search ushered in a period of rapid development from 2012 to 2017, and the number of publica-tions was affected by policy orientation; 2) Although both Chinese and English literatures take BIM as the core, there are great differences in centrality; 3) English literature has shifted from technology integration practice to BIM application expansion in the full life cycle, while Chinese literature has shifted from technology application to operation, maintenance and management, lightweight and other new development directions.
NHK’s Digital Transformation Path

Journalism and Communications (JC) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/jc.2024.122057
Abstract: 近年来随着传播技术的不断更新和国民媒介使用习惯的改变,全球范围内的传统媒体都面临着前所未有的挑战。近年来,日本传统媒体下滑明显,发行量、阅读率、收视率、收听率、广告收入、从业人员数量等衡量报纸、广播、电视的系列指标都逐年下降。日本传媒业正处在一个十字路口,20世纪下半叶以来财政收入和阅听人数的可预测性增长现在被不断萎缩的本土人口、日益增加的外来移民和逐年减少的销售份额所替代。日本传媒业的前景开始变得很不明朗,但与欧美传统媒体相比,其下滑较为缓慢。日本放送协会(NHK)作为日本唯一一家覆盖全国的广播电台及电视台的公共媒体机构,积极应对挑战并追求“新的NHK特色”,从技术、服务、内容等方面推进媒体融合,走出了一条具有日本特色的转型发展之路,这将为我国的媒体转型提供经验借鉴。
In recent years, with the constant updating of communication technologies and changes in national media usage habits, traditional media worldwide have faced unprecedented challenges. In recent years, Japan’s traditional media have declined significantly, with a series of indicators measuring newspapers, radio, and television, such as circulation, readership, viewership, listenership, advertising revenues, and the number of employees, all declining year by year. The Japanese media industry is at a crossroads, with predictable growth in revenues and listenership since the second half of the twentieth century now being replaced by a shrinking native population, increasing foreign immigration, and a declining share of sales year after year. The future of the Japanese media industry is beginning to look very uncertain, but its decline is slower than that of traditional media in Europe and the United States. NHK, as the only public media organization in Japan with nationwide coverage of radio and TV stations, has responded positively to the challenges and pursued the “new NHK characteristics” by promoting media convergence in terms of technology, service, and content, and has come out with a road of transformation and development with Japanese characteristics, which will provide lessons for China’s media transformation. This will provide lessons for China’s media transformation.
实验力学 , 1996,
Abstract: 本文针对光弹性贴片法目前存在的技术困难,提出了一种分离主应变的钻孔法,利用孔边条纹级别比近似代替测点主应变比,达到了简便地分离主应变的目的。研制了一台新型小巧轻便的反射式偏光仪,便于钻孔法及野外现场试验中使用。
Characteristics of nutrient return and uptake in rice-duck mutualism ecosystem of double rice cropping season

中国生态农业学报 , 2012,
Abstract: aising ducks in paddy fields is a traditional agricultural model in China. Field experiments were conducted in rice-duck mutualism ecosystems in the double rice cropping region of Hunan Province during May to October of 2010. A conventional rice field was used as the control. The characteristics of nutrient return and uptake by rice in the rice-duck mutualism ecosystem were analyzed. The main objectives of the study were to provide theoretical and practical bases for further development and utilization of this classical agricultural technique. Results showed that feeding duck in paddy fields respectively increased C, N and P by 229.87 kg·hm-2, 18.22 kg·hm-2 and 17.75 kg·hm-2 of duck feces during double rice cropping season. During double rice cropping season, the return of C, N and P to soil in the rice-duck mutualism ecosystem was in the order of C > N > P. The measured values of C, N and P were 1 491.21 kg·hm-2, 66.02 kg·hm-2 soils under the rice-duck mutualism ecosystem increased by 20.43% (P > 0.05), 55.81% (P < 0.05) and 379% (P < 0.05), respectively. While C and N returns were largely from rice root system, P return was mostly from duck feces. In contrast with conventional rice system, rice-duck symbiosis system increased soil total N by 5.73%, significantly increased soil total P by 6.25%. The rice-duck symbiosis increased root and straw total N and P and seed total P during double cropping rice season. It also increased straw N and P uptake, root P uptake and decreased yield and seed N and P uptake during double cropping rice season. Rice P uptake and content were better than N under rice-duck mutualism ecosystem.
比较法研究 , 2011,
科学通报 , 1991,
Abstract: 神经细胞再生时可以选择性地与其靶细胞相连接,对此Sperry于1963年提出了化学亲和性假说。验证该假说常用的方法就是改变神经元与靶的相对位置后,检查神经再生的情况。例如在爪蟾和蟋蟀上进行的改变神经元位置的实验结果表明,神经元仍选择性地寻找其原来的靶细胞。而在两栖类幼体上进行改变靶位置的实验中却得到不一致的结果,有的表现出特异性,有的则表现出可塑性。这可能是种属差异的原因,也可能是由于幼体神经元尚
包装工程 , 2014,
Abstract: 目的以现代人追求生活品质和注重精神生活的需求为背景,剖析了情感化商品的特征和意义。方法结合具体设计实践,系统地探索了商品情感化设计的原理和方法,揭示了人们对商品情感化需求的必然性。结论透析了商品情感化的精髓,阐明了其重要的应用价值,为情感化商品设计带来启示。
科技进步与对策 , 2003,
Abstract: 论述了推进湖北信息资源网络化管理与联合开发利用的9个建设性对策。如政府引导,宏观控制;集中投入,确保重点;多头并进,协调发展;横向联系,共享资源;集约管理,联合开发;网络管理,网络服务;抓好示范点等湖北省信息资源网络管理
科技进步与对策 , 2004,
Abstract: 城市交通网络流量的预测是城市智能运输系统发展的前提。对几种重要的预测模型的理论和优缺点进行了比较,分析了影响预测模型的因素,提出了未来交通预测模型的发展趋势。网络流量预测预测方法预测模型城市交通网络

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