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复旦学报(社会科学版) , 2015,
Abstract: “变文”并非通行意义的“文学体裁”概念,而是一种“泛文体”概念,是在特殊历史情况下产生的作品类别称谓。按照通行的文学分类标准,敦煌藏经洞中保留下来的“叙事文学作品”,包括历来被称为“变文”的作品,有不少篇什实可被视为中国“早期白话小说”。通过对有关史实和文献的考察辨析,本文提出,佛教东传,特别是“译经”、“讲经”和“俗讲”对中国古代小说的影响,不仅在于题材内容、观念精神方面,而且对“白话小说”的语体及体制形式的形成都具有十分重要的意义。
- , 2010,
Abstract: 摘要: 目的观察腕手矫形器治疗脑瘫患儿拇指内收的效果。方法痉挛型偏瘫脑瘫患儿分为实验组14例和对照组15例,两组均进行常规康复训练,实验组加腕手矫形器治疗拇指内收异常姿势。结果两组患儿治疗后被动关节活动度(PROM)、精细运动能力测试量表(FMFM)评分较治疗前均有提高。治疗后实验组与对照组比较,PROM、FMFM均提高(均P<0.05)。结论腕手矫形器可改善痉挛型脑瘫患儿拇指外展活动度,提高精细运动能力
- , 2016, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9771.2016.05.025
Abstract: 摘要: 目的分析Peabody 精细运动发育量表(PDMS-FM)评定的内容。方法由3 名康复医生和治疗师小组讨论确定PDMS-FM中每项包含的概念。由2 名康复医生根据联系规则,将PDMS-FM项目概念与《国际功能、残疾和健康分类(儿童和青少年版)》(ICF-CY)类目进行匹配,意见不一致时由第三方做出非正式决定。结果98 个PDMS-FM项目与ICF-CY的21 个三级类目,13 个二级项目关联,涵盖b1 精神功能、b7 神经肌肉骨骼和运动有关的功能、d1 学习和应用知识、d4 活动、d5 自理共5 个一级类目。其中80 个项目可被关联到d4 及其下级类目,40 个项目可被关联到d1 及其下级类目。结论PDMS-FM主要评估患儿的活动,特别是其中“搬运、移动和操纵物体”,以及学习和应用知识中“基本学习”
Female Images Analysis of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio

World Literature Studies (WLS) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2020.82007
Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio is one of the brilliant classical Chinese short stories in which females are described from the male perspective. The work presents diverse images of females who are not male private property or accessories any longer. As daughters, wives and mothers, they express the strong sense of feminism in a patriarchal society. The paper explores the images of five typical females from daughterhood, wifehood and motherhood based on Pu Songling’s description. These independent and avant-garde female images are the projection of Pu’s subconscious, which illustrates his advanced thought and reveals the social value of female.
Trusted Estimation of Object Tracking in Computer Vision

Advances in Applied Mathematics (AAM) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2021.107259
Abstract: 计算机视觉领域,目标跟踪是一项具有许多现实应用的视觉任务,对运动的目标进行精准估计成为了一项具有重要意义的工作。本文将区间算法应用到计算机视觉目标跟踪中,基于频谱滤波器,利用区间运算实现计算机视觉目标跟踪问题的可信估计。当目标跟踪失败时,利用颜色识别对每一帧背景进行预处理,预估目标所在的区域范围,从而更好的确定目标位置。
In the field of computer vision, target tracking is a visual task with many practical applications. Accurate estimation of moving targets has become an important work. In this paper, the interval algorithm is applied to computer vision target tracking. Based on the spectral filter, the interval operation is used to realize the trusted estimation of computer vision target tracking problem. When the target tracking fails, the color recognition is used to preprocess the background of each frame to estimate the range of the target area, so as to better determine the target location.
Analysis and Forecast of Stock Price Based on LSTM Model

Advances in Applied Mathematics (AAM) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2022.111010
Abstract: 股价预测一直都是股票投资者重点关注和重点研究的方向。针对股价具有高度非线性、高噪声、动态性等问题,本文采用长短期记忆网络(LSTM)模型对股价进行预测。数据取自半导体行业公司股票价格,采用python深度学习框架构造长短期记忆网络模型,分别对每一组股票的开盘价进行预测,再通过均方误差和决定系数对预测结果进行评价。实验结果表明将LSTM神经网络用于股票价格预测具有较好的效果,可以为投资者提供一定的参考。
Stock price forecasting has always been the focus and research direction of stock investors. Aiming at the problems of high non-linearity, high noise and dynamics in stock prices, this paper uses a long short-term memory network (LSTM) model to predict stock prices. The data is taken from the stock prices of companies in the semiconductor industry, and a long- and short-term memory network model is constructed using the python deep learning framework to predict the opening price of each group of stocks, and then the prediction results are evaluated through the mean square error and the coefficient of determination. The experimental results show that the use of LSTM neural network for stock price prediction has a good effect, and it can provide a certain reference for investors.
3D打印辅助下跗骨窦切口治疗Sanders II、III型跟骨骨折
Treatment of Sanders II and III Calcaneal Fractures with 3D Printing Assisted Incision of Tarsal Sinus

Advances in Clinical Medicine (ACM) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2024.143659
Abstract: 目的:观察3D打印辅助下采用跗骨窦切口微创治疗Sanders II、III型跟骨骨折的临床疗效;方法:前瞻性选取2017年1月至2022年12月在新疆医科大学第六附属医院就诊的Sanders II、III型跟骨骨折30例,所有患者均为闭合性骨折,术前采用薄层CT扫描,采用数字化软件Mimics 21.0进行三维重建骨折模型,3D打印机打印出骨折模型,根据骨折形态及类型选用和预制个体化锁定钢板进行虚拟固定。所有患者采用跗骨窦切口行手术治疗,术后定期随访跟骨宽度、跟骨高度、跟骨B?hler角、跟骨Gissane角及足踝协会踝–后足评分(AOFAS)。结果:30例均获得随访,随访时间平均15.2 (12?24)个月。随访期间所有患者未出现骨折不愈合,内固定松动、骨折畸形愈合等并发症,1例患者切口愈合不良,换药后愈合良好。1例患者出现腓肠神经症状,术后1年取出内固定后恢复正常。末次随访时踝与后足功能AOFAS评分:优25例,良3例,可2例,优良率93.3%。结论:通过3D打印技术辅助下经跗骨窦微创切口手术入路治疗Sanders II、III型跟骨骨折具有切口小,手术时间短,临床疗效满意。
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of minimally invasive treatment of Sanders II and III calca-neal fractures with the assistance of 3D printing and tarsal sinus incision. Method: Thirty cases of Sanders II and III calcaneal fractures admitted to the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from January 2017 to December 2022 were prospectively selected. All patients had closed fractures. Thin-slice CT scan was performed before surgery, 3D fracture model was recon-structed by digital software Mimics21.0, and fracture model was printed by 3D printer. According to the shape and type of fracture, prefabricated and personalized locking plates were selected for vir-tual fixation. All patients were treated with tarsal sinus incision. Calcaneal width, calcaneal height, calcaneal Bohler Angle, calcaneal Gissane Angle, and foot ankle-posterior foot score (AOFAS) were followed up regularly after surgery. Results: All 30 cases were followed up for an average of 15.2 (12~24) months. During the follow-up period, there were no complications such as fracture nonun-ion, loose internal fixation, and malunion of fractures, etc. 1 patient had poor incision healing, and the healing was good after dressing change. One patient developed sural nerve symptoms, which returned to normal 1 year after removal of internal fixation. At the last follow-up, the AOFAS scores of ankle and hind foot function were excellent in 25 cases, good in 3 cases, and fair in 2 cases, with an excellent and good rate of 93.3%. Conclusion: With the assistance of 3D printing technology, the minimally invasive surgical approach through tarsal sinus for the treatment of Sanders II and III calcaneal fractures has small incision, short operation time and satisfactory clinical efficacy.

地质与勘探 , 2011,
Abstract: 本文研究重庆拉法基长寿智深混泥土搅拌站岩质边坡稳定问题。针对该边坡所处的地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造和气象水文条件,分析了影响岩质边坡稳定性的主要因素,归纳了该边坡可能的主要工况类型。在此基础上,采用块体极限平衡法对边坡进行了稳定性分析,并最终提出了以下综合治理措施:“表里排水冶、“削坡减载冶、“坡面防护冶、“锚杆格构冶以及“重力式挡墙支挡冶。这些措施在后期施工中得到了应用,并取得了不错的效果,可为类似工程问题的分析评价提供借鉴。
地质与勘探 , 1958,
Abstract: 309队1957年至1958年初普查找矿工作都在滇小地区进行。这些地区的大地构造单元属于张文佑划分的华南地块,康滇台背斜与横断山块段带接壤区,这些地区前人所作的工作很少,出露地层大多数是三叠?、侏罗?地层,旧资料的记载矿产不多,其他地质情况也记载很少。解放后地质部524队及昆明勘探公司307队在这些地区都进行过工作,?为?有希

地质与勘探 , 1957,
Abstract: 当?孔中发生卡?和陷埋事故,采用一般处理方法无效时,?需要反?井内?具,这不仅需要很?时?,同时容易产生???落事故。为此,我?利用了中和点反??具的方法反?井???。这一方法?初步?用,效果很好。当?具在孔?不吊悬时,每个?接?扣均受压力,其压力分?情况是上部小,下部大,故上部?扣在扭卸时的摩擦力也小于下部?扣扭卸摩擦力。所以当反???时,多是一次从上部反?几根或一、二根,因而花?时???。假如我??对上述情况??具?扣的摩擦力,加以?整,即上部?扣摩擦力大于下部?扣摩擦力,使在??柱下部造成一个中和点(??柱中不受?力,也不受压力的地点称中和点),

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