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匹配条件: “李瀚翔” ,找到相关结果约319601条。

- , 2016, DOI: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201606131
Abstract: 贵金属Pd纳米晶体的催化性能与其表面结构有着密切联系。基于目前Pd多面体纳米晶体可控合成技术的发展,Pd纳米晶体催化性能的进一步优化及其在催化领域的应用前景依然广阔。本文主要阐述了关于Pd多面体纳米晶的制备及其作为电催化剂在燃料电池中应用的最新研究进展。在介绍纳米晶体的生长机理及其表面结构与晶体形状的关系之后,重点描述了Pd多面体纳米晶体常见的几种制备方法,概述了Pd多面体纳米晶体作为催化剂在燃料电池阴极和阳极中的应用。最后总结展望了Pd多面体纳米晶体作为催化剂的研究方向及其发展前景。
The properties of Pd nanocrystals (NCs) intended for use in electrocatalytic applications greatly depend on their surface structures and morphologies. Recent developments in the shape-controlled synthesis of polyhedral Pd NCs represent a promising means of precisely tuning their electrocatalytic properties, and thus may enable the performance enhancement of electrocatalytic Pd NCs. In this comprehensive review, we concentrate on the most important current research concerning the shape-controlled synthesis of polyhedral Pd NCs and their electrocatalytic applications in fuel cells. After a brief introduction to the general NC growth mechanisms and the relationship between their surface structures and shapes, we focus on a variety of shapecontrolled synthesis strategies that have been explored to control the fabrication of polyhedral Pd NCs. This review also examines the applications of Pd NCs to the electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid, methanol, and ethanol as well as the reduction of O2, with an emphasis on their use in fuel cells. Finally, we outline our personal perspectives on future research directions that are underway with regard to catalytic uses of polyhedral Pd NCs
北京大学学报(医学版) , 2012,
Abstract: ?目的:探讨特发性肾被膜下积液的临床特点及治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析2009年至2012年间北京大学第一医院泌尿外科收治的特发性肾被膜下积液患者,共10例,总结其临床特点及诊治方法。结果:本组患者年龄19~73岁,平均年龄39.9岁,均为女性。初发者9例,复发者1例;单侧发病者3例,双侧发病者7例;所有患者治疗前均通过影像学检查排除肿瘤可能。10例患者中,1例仅单纯随访观察,1例行手术治疗,8例行穿刺引流治疗。患者在治疗后随访3~15个月,中位随访时间7个月,仅1例穿刺引流患者治疗半年后积液复发,再次于北京大学第一医院行手术治疗,其他患者随访疗效均满意。结论:特发性肾被膜下积液为临床罕见疾病,目前病因不明,治疗以缓解症状和解除肾压迫为主。穿刺引流以及手术切除肾被膜可以达到满意的治疗效果。
环境科学 , 2019,
Abstract: 采用高通量测序技术探究了0、15和30 g·L-1盐度条件下稳定运行ANAMMOX-EGSB反应器中颗粒污泥的微生物群落变化.结果发现,进水盐度提升至15 g·L-1及30 g·L-1后,反应器脱氮性能呈现小幅下降,随运行时间延长脱氮性能均可恢复.反应器性能稳定后,3种盐度条件下厌氧氨氧化菌的丰度依次为10.33%、20.90%和35.87%,其中Candidatus Kuenenia属为优势属.浮霉状菌门、变形菌门、绿弯菌门丰度占总体比例较高且累计丰度超过了80%,为反应器的优势菌门.盐度条件下,浮霉状菌门丰度增加,变形菌门丰度降低,绿弯菌门丰度相对稳定.电镜扫描显示盐度条件下颗粒污泥表面有大量丝状菌和胞外聚合物.盐度条件下反硝化菌丰度提高,增强了反硝化协同脱氮,绿弯菌门和拟杆菌门微生物丰度的提高有利于维持颗粒污泥结构稳定,好氧微生物及反硝化菌的存在也有利于维持反应器内部厌氧水平.这些结果表明,厌氧氨氧化菌经驯化可适应盐度,盐度条件下伴生菌对厌氧氨氧化菌功能的发挥提供了支撑
Analysis and Research on Liquid Accumulation Patterns in Tight Gas Field Gathering and Transportation Pipelines

, 代章涛, 赵菲菲, 易思静
Instrumentation and Equipments (IaE) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/IaE.2023.114036
Abstract: 为了研究致密气田集输管道积液规律,利用多相流模拟软件OLGA建立管道积液模型,计算分析该管道沿程各项状态参数(包括压力、温度、管内流速、流体流型、持液率、总积液量)随生产运行时间的变化情况,从模拟运行168小时的结果来看,管内各项状态数据变化甚微,说明在本文设计参数条件下管道运行状态相对稳定。
In order to study the liquid accumulation rules of tight gas field gathering and transportation pipelines, the multiphase flow simulation software OLGA was used to establish a pipeline liquid accumulation model, and calculate and analyze various state parameters along the pipeline (in-cluding pressure, temperature, flow velocity in the pipe, and fluid flow pattern). Liquid holding rate, total liquid volume changes with production operation time. Judging from the results of 168 hours of simulated operation, the status data in the pipe changed very little, indicating that the pipeline operating status is relatively stable under the design parameters of this article.
Research on Optimal Design of Eddy Current Tool for Gathering and Transportation Pipelines in Tight Gas Fields

代章涛, , 赵菲菲, 易思静
Instrumentation and Equipments (IaE) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/IaE.2023.114040
Abstract: 对于湿气集输管道,由于气流中携带的游离水、饱和水及重烃组分凝析在管道内,再加上管道沿线地形起伏、产量低,气、液流速不同,气体携液能力弱,在上坡段出现滑脱损失,继而在低洼处形成积液,管道积液和段塞流会严重影响管道输气效率,增大管道压降及井口回压,严重时将导致气井停产。通过利用FLUENT软件对地面涡流工具进行模拟,针对中心体直径、螺旋翼形状、螺旋翼旋转方向和螺旋片圈数等结构参数对涡流工具进行优化设计。最后根据模拟结果综合考虑,螺旋圈数为3圈、螺旋翼高15 mm、厚5 mm,旋流中心体直径219 mm的涡流工具能够适用于地面湿气集输管道。
For the moisture collection pipeline, due to the free water, saturated water and heavy hydrocarbon components carried in the gas flow condensed in the pipeline, coupled with the undulating terrain along the pipeline, low yield, different gas and liquid flow rates, weak gas carrying capacity, slippage loss occurs in the uphill section, and then fluid accumulation is formed in low-lying places, pipeline liquid accumulation and segment plug flow will seriously affect the efficiency of pipeline gas transmission, increase pipeline pressure drop and wellhead back pressure, and in severe cases, it will lead to gas well shutdown. By simulating the ground vortex tool using FLUENT software, the vortex tool is optimized for structural parameters such as center body diameter, helix wing shape, spiral wing rotation direction and spiral blade turn. Finally, according to the simulation results, the vortex tool with 3 spiral turns, 15 mm high and 5 mm thickness of the spiral wing, and 219 mm diameter of the swirl center body can be applied to the ground moisture collection pipeline.
Optimization of Oil Injection and Wax Melting Process in X Gas Field Natural Gas Treatment Plant

易思静, 曹彧维, 赵菲菲, 代章涛,
Mine Engineering (ME) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/ME.2024.121008
Abstract: X气田天然气处理厂采用低温冷冻工艺处理天然气,含蜡组分的天然气在低温条件下极易析出蜡结晶,蜡结晶附着在低温分离器及J-T阀处造成堵塞,从而大大降低处理厂处理效率,增加处理成本。本文基于X气田天然气处理厂实际运行参数,用仿真模拟软件还原现场工艺流程,从凝析油油品、凝析油注入量、凝析油循环利用等方面开展融蜡效果研究,研究结果可为X气田天然气处理厂注油融蜡工艺参数优化提供决策参考。
Low temperature freezing process is used to treat natural gas in the natural gas treatment plant of X gas field. The natural gas containing wax components is easy to precipitate wax crystallization under low temperature conditions, and the wax crystallization adheres to the low temperature sep-arator and J-T valve to cause blockage, which greatly reduces the treatment efficiency of the treat-ment plant and increases the treatment cost. Based on the actual operating parameters of the nat-ural gas treatment plant in X gas field, this paper uses simulation software to restore the on-site process flow, and studies the wax melting effect from the aspects of condensate oil, condensate oil injection and condensate oil recycling. The research results can provide decision-making reference for the optimization of oil injection and wax melting process parameters in the natural gas treat-ment plant of X gas field.
Analysis on control blasting safety distance of the new railway tunnel overpasses the established highway tunnel

赵丰, ,薛亚东, ,硕标, ,,
, ,XUE Yadong, ,LI Shuobiao, ,ZHAO Hanxiang

- , 2016,
Abstract: 新建塔石岭铁路隧道上跨既有公路隧道,采用全断面爆破施工,为了确保既有公路隧道运营的安全,需要明确控制爆破开挖的安全施工距离。基于已有的岩体中爆破振动速度衰减理论模型,首先计算安全施工距离范围,为验证模型与参数的合理性,开展相应的有限元计算分析。计算结果得出了爆破距离与既有隧道衬砌拱顶振动速度的关系,据此可根据振动速度安全标准计算得到相应的爆破施工安全距离,从而为工程爆破设计提供科学依据。
Proposed Tashiling railway tunnel overpasses the established highway tunnel and is designed to adopt the whole section blasting construction. In order to ensure the safety of the existing highway tunnel operation, it is necessary to define the safety construction of controlled blasting excavation distance. Based on the existing theoretical model of blasting vibration velocity attenuation in rock mass, it was the first to calculate the safety construction of the project scope. Next, the corresponding finite element calculation and analysis were used to verify the rationality of the model and parameter. The results indicate the relationship between explosion distance and the vibration velocity of the tunnel vault lining. According to the safety standards of vibration velocity, the corresponding blasting construction safety distance can be obtained through calculation, so as to provide scientific basis for engineering blasting design
The Morphology, Distribution, and the Historical Patterns of Personal Pronouns in Xi’an Dialect

Modern Linguistics (ML) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/ML.2022.103045
Abstract: 西安话的人称代词在数范畴上有着不同于普通话的形态,复数人称代词有两套。从形态和分布两个方面考察西安话的人称代词可见:西安话单数的人称代词可通过变韵、变调、加标等形态手段变为复数;复数人称代词带ti21的形式在分布上不受限,但不带ti21的形式受限。结合关中方言和古今汉语人称代词的情况,推测关中方言人称代词复数ti21词缀是由一个有定的名词性成分语法化而来的,不带ti21的复数人称代词历史层次更早。
Personal pronouns in Xi’an dialect demonstrate different morphological features from Mandarin in terms of the number category, and there are two sets of plural personal pronouns in Xi’an di-alect. The current research describes the personal pronouns in Xi’an dialect from both morpho-logical and syntactic perspectives. Singular personal pronouns in Xi’an dialect can be changed to plural by morphological means such as vowel changing, tone sandhi and marker adding. The plural personal pronouns with ti21 marker are not restricted in distribution, but those without ti21 are. Combining the demonstration of personal pronouns in Guanzhong dialects and other Chinese varieties in both modern and ancient times, the ti21 affix of plural personal pronouns is grammaticalized from a definite nominative component, and plural personal pronouns without ti21 are earlier patterns.
A Corpus-Based Study on the Translation Tendency of Evidentiary Japanese Modality—Taking SHISOUDA as Example

, 光赫
Modern Linguistics (ML) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/ML.2020.83060
Abstract: 语料库语言学在语言学研究中起着至关重要的作用,可以避免语言学习者因为个人语言习惯造成的意思曲解、偏差等现象。本文以包含40多部日本现代流行小说作品的中日对译语料库中抽取709条(シ)ソウダ的例句作为(シ)ソウダ/ダッタ翻译倾向研究专用语料库,并以李光赫(2018)提出的函数检验(MI值、T值)为基础分析方法,从“共同搭配情况”的观点出发,探讨以(シ)ソウダ/ダッタ为代表的表示证据性日语情态词的翻译倾向,在扩展字典上局限语义的同时,也起到使中日日语学习者在翻译文献资料时尽量避免母语影响以及个人情感倾向的作用,对形成客观翻译材料大有裨益。
Corpus linguistics plays a crucial role in the study of linguistics, which can avoid the phenomenon of meaning distortion and deviation caused by language users’ personal language habits. This article selects 709 sentences of SHISOUDA from the special corpus which include more than 40 Japanese modern novels. Based on Li (2018) proposed function test (MI value, T value) as the basis of analysis and stating from the view point of “common collocation situation”, this study states the evidence of Japanese modal phrase translation tendency. This article not only expands the limited semantics in the dictionary, but also helps Chinese and Japanese learners to avoid the influence of their mother language and their personal feelings when translating the literature, which is of great benefit to the formation of objective translation materials.
Realization of Visualization System of Workshop Based on Digital Twin

Computer Science and Application (CSA) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2021.119234
In recent years, the domestic manufacturing industry is developing rapidly in the direction of intelligence and visualization, but common problems include the difficulty of interaction between CNC equipment and the monitoring of on-site equipment. High costs and lack of data visualization have not been effectively resolved. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes a more reasonable solution. The system uses digital twin technology to digitally model real physical equipment and production sites, and collects data through the OPC unified architecture. The production data is processed by the collection gateway and MES system. As the data source of the data-driven model, the data-driven engine is used to drive the digital twin, so as to complete the synchronization between the real device and the twin model, and synchronize the digital production status to the platform for visualization. Through production testing, the advantages of the system in equipment monitoring and production visualization have been practiced and verified, which contributes to the intelligence and visualization of modern production workshops.

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