
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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Analysis and Circuit Design of a Novel 5D Hyperchaotic System

Dynamical Systems and Control (DSC) , 2019, DOI: 10.12677/DSC.2019.82014
A novel five-dimensional (5D) autonomous hyperchaotic system is studied in this paper. The dy-namics are analyzed, including the symmetry, dissipation, equilibrium point characteristics and initial value sensitivity. The Lyapunov exponents of the novel 5D hyperchaotic system, as well as the phase portraits of the numerical simulation, are shown to prove the existence of the hyperchaotic attractors. The analog circuit model is designed via the modified module-based approach to hyperchaotic circuit design. The hyperchaotic phase portraits of the analog circuit model are also given to illustrate the good qualitative agreement between the numerical simulation results of the mathematic model and the circuit simulation results of the analog circuit model, which would demonstrate the correctness of the analog circuit model.

计算机应用 , 2018, DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2017071968
Abstract: 摘要 针对三维空间节点定位精度低以及算法复杂度高的问题,提出一种面向非完全序列的水下三维传感网定位(NFSL)算法。该算法区别于传统基于序列定位算法,考虑更切实际的信标节点通信范围非全网覆盖的情况。首先,利用3D Voronoi图对三维定位空间进行区域划分,并确定虚拟信标节点以及其阶次序列;然后,根据由接收的信号强度指示(RSSI)所得的未知节点序列与信标节点序列的阶次相关系数得到"最邻近"信标节点并构建最邻近序列表;其次,设计针对非等长序列相似度的算法并利用该算法得到未知节点的非完全序列与最邻近序列表中各序列的阶次相关系数;最后,将该阶次相关系数作为权重实现对未知节点位置的加权估计。仿真实验以信标节点比例、通信半径、节点总数以及网络规模作为变量对NFSL与DV-Hop和质心算法的定位精度进行比较,仿真结果证明了该算法的有效性,且其定位精度随信标节点数的增加而大幅提高,与传统定位算法相比该算法定位精度最大可提高约23%
山东省海洋经济可持续发展协调机制研究 Coordinative Mechanism for Marine Economic Sustainable Development in Shandong Province

- , 2015,
Abstract: 海洋经济可持续发展能力即是在一定技术条件下,海洋内部各要素通过自身的发展和相互间的互动反馈,支撑海洋经济可持续发展的整体能力,它是区域可持续发展能力的重要组成部分。本文探讨如何充分发挥山东省的海洋优势,保障海洋产业的可持续发展,探索海洋资源科学开发利用的新模式和海洋生态环境保护的新途径,建立山东省海洋经济可持续发展的协调机制
药物评价研究 , 2016, DOI: 10.7501/j.issn.1674-6376.2016.05.039
Abstract: 利拉鲁肽和阿必鲁泰是治疗2型糖尿病的新靶点药物,较已有的口服降糖药降糖效果好、副作用较小,而且可以减轻体质量,因此有广阔的应用前景。作为新一代降糖新药,利拉鲁肽是一种短效胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)类似物,阿必鲁泰是一种长效GLP-1类似物,两者既有共同之处,又有区别。总结这二种抗糖尿病新药的临床应用和不良反应研究进展,为临床合理用药以及新药研发提供思路
XML Query Technology Research Based on Node-Set

, 董世超, 张胜男
Computer Science and Application (CSA) , 2011, DOI: 10.12677/csa.2011.13029
Abstract: 复杂路径表达式查询是XML查询的核心研究内容。针对长路径表达式,尤其是在查询中间结果较多,节点索引的连接操作代价较大的情况下,提出了一种基于节点集的索引方式。该方式支持节点集间的投影操作、选择操作以及高效的结构连接,从而实现数据的快速查询并形成基于节点集的XML查询模式。同时该模式为XML基于路径的查询处理提供了更多的选择。
XML query languages take complex path expressions as their core. According to the long path ex- pression, especially Production of a large amount of intermediate results; the larger price can be spent on joining operation of indexical nodes. This paper put forward a model which supports projection operation; choose operation and high efficient structure connection in node set. Meanwhile, this model provides path query processing with more choices.
Progress on Salinization Soil Restoration Method

孙玉芳, 丽纯, 宋福
International Journal of Ecology (IJE) , 2014, DOI: 10.12677/IJE.2014.32005

Salinization of soil not only leads to the decrease in soil productivity, but also elicits various kinds of ecological and environmental problems. With the increase in shortage of land resources, effective methods for repairing the saline soil are in urgent need. In this review, the cause and the type of salinization soil were elucidated, and afterwards the restoration methods to salinization soil were synthetized according to the studies at home and abroad. Finally, the prospect was put forward pertaining to the further required investigation on salinization soil restoration, on which the plant-microbial bioremediation technology will be the focus in the future and has a great spread and application potential.

Research on Aerosol Filtration in Containment Vessel by MEMS Inertial Impactor

齐厚博, 风雷, 易明, 玉宇
Nuclear Science and Technology (NST) , 2015, DOI: 10.12677/NST.2015.32004
When there is a serious nuclear accident, the concentration of radioactive aerosols in the con-tainment will increase rapidly. It will increase the risk of accident and cause a serious damage to the atmospheric environment if such radioactive aerosols directly release. So the filter used for adsorbing radioactive aerosols is necessary. The common aerosol filters use mesh structures or filter papers, which need filter papers replacement and can significantly increase the flow resis-tance in the course of aerosol deposition and retard the containment pressure relief following the nuclear accidents. This paper proposes and studies MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) in-ertial impactor filter that filtrates and collects radioactive aerosols without replacing filter papers. The paper verifies the feasibility of the idea with help of the calculation results.
Modular Style Template Matching Method for Mobile Webpages

张胜男, 吴嘉惟, , 杨坤
Computer Science and Application (CSA) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2020.106127
Aiming at the problem that the traditional template-based methods for webpage mobile adaptation cannot deal with too complex pages, this paper proposes a new hybrid matching method based on modular style templates. It first categorizes the page blocks that make up webpages, designs the styles suitable for browsing on the mobile terminal for each type of page blocks, then identifies the type of the page block after webpage segmentation, and finally associates the determined page blocks with the corresponding modular styles to complete the page conversion. Experimental results show that the presented method only needs a small number of templates to process different pages and solves the problem of page style loss caused by segmentation.
计算机应用 , 2006,
Abstract: ?为了解决目前web服务集群存在的问题,提出了一个双层分配器负载平衡模型。在确定了负载指标的基础上,给出了该模型的负载平衡算法。并就服务器迅速过载问题和容错性问题提出了初步的解决方案。最后,对模型的性能进行了测试,结果表明模型达到了较好的负载平衡。
武汉大学学报(信息科学版) , 2014,
Abstract: ?目的采用空间聚类的思想,构建了利用gis与克隆选择算法的土地用途分区模型,针对模型实现的编码、抗体-抗原亲和度、抗体多样性等关键技术进行了改进。以海南省昌江县乌烈镇为例对模型进行了验证,结果表明,利用克隆选择算法构建的土地用途分区模型能够在多约束下进行土地用途分区,可以实现全局优化,具有稳定、结果可靠等优点。提供的土地用途分区方案科学合理,可以为土地利用规划和土地利用调控和管理提供支持。

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