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匹配条件: “王宏卫” ,找到相关结果约428806条。
- , 2000,
Abstract: 研究表明 ,十字星构造是构造应力和岩体重力复合作用的产物 ,是一种发生在陡倾岩层临空部位的表生构造。同时 ,文章给出了这种小型构造规模大小的计算公式
岩石工程学报 , 2004,
Abstract: 0序言随着沟谷的下切,斜坡岩体发生卸荷作用,在斜坡岩体的一定范围内形成卸荷松动带。松动带内结构面发育且多呈拉张状态,岩体破碎,严重影响斜坡稳定和工程安全,成为斜坡稳定的重要研究内容[1]。斜坡岩体的卸荷深度和卸荷强度与地质构造、岩石类型、斜坡高度、沟谷下切过程、地应力场以及工程开挖等因素有关。对某些工程岩体的研究表明,弱卸荷的水平深度可达一百余m,特殊情况下可达数百m[2]。目前,主要通过现场工程地质调查配合电法、地震等物探手段,由工程人员根据工程经验来判断斜坡岩体的卸荷深度。研究发现,斜坡卸荷岩体的氡值明显高于正常岩体,具有突出的氡异常,其氡异常曲线可作为划分斜坡卸荷松动带的依据。1卸荷岩体
力学进展 , 2004, DOI: 10.6052/1000-0992-2004-3-J2004-036
Abstract: 纳晶金属特指晶粒尺寸在($1\sim100)$\,nm块体金属材料,其在力、热、声、电、磁等方面有着潜在应用,对它的制备、表征和模拟是材料科学及相关领域的重要前沿.由于纳晶金属结构简单,影响性能的因素相对单一,因而对结构与性能之间关系的理论研究具有深刻的意义.纳晶金属三维细观拓扑结构与常规多晶体类似,但由于晶粒尺寸减小,晶界原子体积比增加,因此呈现出与粗晶金属不同的性质,并且当微观物理过程的特征尺度大于晶粒尺寸时,与其对应的性质也将受到晶粒或者晶界的调制作用.本文从制备、力学性能和塑性变形机制3个方面介绍了纳晶金属力学的部分最新进展,并讨论了结构特征与力学性能之间的关系.
- , 2004, DOI: 10.6052/1000-0992-2004-3-J2004-036
Abstract: 摘要: 纳晶金属特指晶粒尺寸在($1 \sim100)$\,nm块体金属材料,其在力、热、声、电、 磁等方面有着潜在应用,对它的制备、表征和模拟是材料科学及相关领域的重要前 沿.由于纳晶金属结构简单,影响性能的因素相对单一,因而对结构与性能之间关系 的理论研究具有深刻的意义.纳晶金属三维细观拓扑结构与常规多晶体类似,但由于 晶粒尺寸减小,晶界原子体积比增加,因此呈现出与粗晶金属不同的性质,并且当微 观物理过程的特征尺度大于晶粒尺寸时,与其对应的性质也将受到晶粒或者晶界的 调制作用.本文从制备、力学性能和塑性变形机制3个方面介绍了纳晶金属力学 的部分最新进展,并讨论了结构特征与力学性能之间的关系
Diagnostic of Infrared Temperature Measurement and Its Application in Tokamak

史博,, 张辉, 杨锦, 麻晓敏, 单会会,
Nuclear Science and Technology (NST) , 2015, DOI: 10.12677/NST.2015.34020
Abstract: 本文在介绍聚变能及其可能实现装置托卡马克聚变堆的基础上,结合红外测温原理及其系统,论述了红外测温诊断在EAST、JET、Tore Supra等托卡马克装置上的应用,为托卡马克聚变堆红外测温诊断提供参考。
The fusion energy and the potential reactor Tokamak for fusion are introduced in this paper. Then, the infrared temperature measurement principle, diagnostic system and its application on EAST, JET, Tore Supra etc. are discussed. Reference for the diagnostic of infrared temperature mea-surement of Tokamak can be provided in this paper.
控制与决策 , 2013,
Abstract: 在将图像中的多种颜色或灰度量化成数目较少的颜色或灰度的过程中,存在着计算过于复杂、量化后图像偏差较大等问题,鉴于此,提出基于邻域灰度值聚类的图像色彩量化方法.首先结合邻域像素的灰度和空间信息对像素进行一维灰度化;然后采用基于像素灰度加权系数的改进模糊??均值聚类算法对像素进行聚类.分析和实验表明,该方法可以减少量化计算的复杂度,保持图像的整体层次,量化后图像偏差较小,对图像处理具有一定的实用价值.
High Precision Soft Clock Synchronization Method Based on TDOA System

严格,, 罗易凡, 房天昊, 闻今, 吴驰
Hans Journal of Wireless Communications (HJWC) , 2019, DOI: 10.12677/HJWC.2019.96024
文章基于TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival,到达时间差)实时定位系统中的时钟同步问题,提出了一种交叉互验同步方法,在由Decawave公司提供的DW1000模块上实现TDOA定位系统的软时钟同步设计。考虑到模块的收发特性,同一时刻只能允许一条信号在空间中传输,该方法中包含主基站与从基站和用户标签的通讯协议,对模块之间的通讯时隙进行安排,解决了通讯信号互相干扰的问题。同时,该方法通过对模块间通讯过程进行建模分析,推导出时间戳、时钟频率漂移与时间轴偏差之间满足的线性方程组,将其最小二乘解代入TDOA定位算法,完成一次时钟同步与标签定位。文章提出的方法充分考虑TDOA实时定位系统的需求,具有时延低、实现简单、易于建模分析等优点。
Based on the clock synchronization problem in TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival) real-time positioning system, a cross-recognition synchronization method is proposed. The soft clock synchronization design of TDOA positioning system is implemented on the DW1000 module provided by Decawave. Considering the transceiver characteristics of the module, only one signal can be transmitted in space at the same time. The method includes the communication protocol between the primary base station, the secondary base station and the user tag. The communication time slots between the modules are arranged to solve the problem of interference. At the same time, the method analyzes the communication process between modules to derive the linear equations that are satisfied between time stamp, clock frequency drift and time axis deviation. The least squares solution is substituted into the TDOA positioning algorithm to complete a clock synchronization and positioning with the user tag. The method proposed in the paper fully considers the requirements of TDOA real-time positioning system, and has the advantages of low delay, simple implementation and easy analysis.
Application of Mobile Two-Factor Authentication and Electronic Seal in Delivery of Goods on Site

牛凯, 洪芳华, 葛长, 吕振辉, 肖锋,
Computer Science and Application (CSA) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2020.104062
Electronic seal is an effective way to solve the on-site goods handover of mobile logistics equipment. Aiming at the current situation of low efficiency of goods handover and high cost of communication between the supplier and the demander, this paper integrated PKI technology and CA certificate authentication platform to design and implement the overall framework of mobile dual factor identity authentication and electronic seal system. In the process of implementation, the international RSA encryption algorithm is used to complete the design and development of soft-ware and hardware of mobile dual factor identity authentication and electronic seal equipment, and realize the function of electronic seal. The mobile logistics equipment is applied to the on-site handover of power materials, and good results are achieved.
Research on Switching Over-Voltage Protection Device of Parallel Capacitor Based on ZnO Array

, , 黄辉, 刘传永,, 刘俊
Smart Grid (SG) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/SG.2020.104020
In order to limit the over-voltage produced by switching capacitor bank of vacuum circuit breaker, a design method of shunt capacitor series anti-over-voltage protector based on non-linear high- energy zinc oxide valve plate is proposed to solve the problem of insufficient energy and poor energy uniformity of the zinc oxide valve plate in the current over-voltage protector. Firstly, the over-voltage mechanism of capacitor switching and the key point of suppression are analyzed. At last, the performance of the over-voltage protector is verified by the simulation model and the actual circuit. The research results of this paper can provide new ideas for the design of over-voltage protectors, and have certain engineering applicability.
- , 2012,
Abstract: 采用紫薯粉和植物乳杆菌发酵紫薯粉制作富含花青素的面包,通过对比研究乳酸菌发酵紫薯粉对面包品质的影响;并探讨乳酸菌发酵紫薯粉对面包中花青素含量、总酚含量以及DPPH自由基清除率的影响。结果表明:相比紫薯粉面包,乳酸菌发酵紫薯粉使得面包pH值降低,总酸度(TTA)增加,面包比容有所减小,面包色度C*值增加而色相H*值减小,面包色泽由原来的浅紫色变为浅红色。感官评定的结果显示,采用紫薯粉或乳酸菌发酵紫薯粉制作的面包都为消费者所喜爱。同时,与紫薯粉面包相比,乳酸菌发酵紫薯粉面包的总酚含量和DPPH自由基清除率分别增加了90.8%和6.1%,增强了面包的抗氧化性

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