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Face Recognition Based on PCA and Support Vector Machine

Statistics and Applications (SA) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/SA.2022.111002
Abstract: 随着大数据和人工智能时代的来临,人脸识别已经成为一个非常重要的研究领域。在这项工作中,输入对象是一张张人脸的照片,我们可以将每张照片视为一个多维向量,该向量的分量代表图片某处的像素值,那么我们要处理的将是维数高达数万乃至数十万维的向量,这意味着非常巨大的运算量,即使如今计算机性能十分强大,然而我们要处理的一般是规模比较大的人脸数据库,如果我们对采集的人脸数据不加处理,必将导致时间和资源的浪费。本文基于主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)和支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)实现人脸识别。PCA算法能够将高维数据简化成低维问题,简单、快速,且主成分之间相互正交,可消除原始数据成分间的影响,基于PCA算法的人脸识别技术能够在一定程度上去除光照、姿态、遮挡产生的噪音。使用核函数的SVM方法对于非线性问题具备良好的分类效果。该算法结合PCA和SVM方法,基于ORL人脸数据库先对训练数据进行PCA降维及特征提取,然后将降维后的数据输入到使用高斯核函数的SVM中进行训练,最后将测试数据输入训练好的模型中测试模型的准确率。实验证明该算法具有较高的识别率。
With the advent of the era of big data and artificial intelligence, face recognition has become a very important research field. In this work, the input object is a picture of a face. We can treat each picture as a multi-dimensional vector. The components of this vector represent the pixel value somewhere in the picture, so what we have to deal with will be the dimensionality, up to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dimensional vectors, which means a large number of calculations. Even though the computer performance is very powerful now, what we have to deal with is generally a relatively large-scale face database. If we analyze the face dataset untreated, it will inevitably lead to a waste of time and resources. This paper implements face recognition based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The PCA algorithm can simplify high-dimensional data into low-dimensional problems. It is simple, fast, and the principal components are orthogonal with each other, which eliminates the influence of the original data among variable components. The face recognition technology based on the PCA algorithm can remove noises caused by lighting, posture, and cover. The SVM method using the kernel function has a good classification effect for nonlinear problems. The algorithm combines PCA and SVM methods, based on the ORL face database, first performs PCA dimensionality reduction and feature extraction on the training data, and then inputs the reduction data into the SVM using the Gaussian kernel function for training, and finally inputs the test data into the trained model to test the accuracy of the model. Experiments indicate that the algorithm has a high recognition rate.
Research Progress on the Impact of Salt Substitutes on Cardiovascular Health

Advances in Clinical Medicine (ACM) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/acm.2024.144986
Abstract: 心血管疾病(CVD)在21世纪初期已成为全球过早死亡和发病的主要原因,而预防和控制高血压是阻止心血管疾病发生、发展的核心措施之一。既往大量研究已表明减少食盐摄入可以降低并控制血压,食用盐替代品——即富含钾或其他类似成分(如MgCl2,MgSO4和CaCl2等)可以作为一种低成本、非药物性降压措施,但其对心血管疾病的发生、发展及与预后仍有待进一步研究。现就盐替代品对心血管健康影响的研究进行综述,以期为预防和控制心血管事件提供更具参考价值的信息。
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has become the leading cause of premature death and morbidity in the world at the beginning of the 21st century, the prevention and control of hypertension is one of the core measures to prevent the occurrence and progression of cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have shown that reducing salt intake can lower and control blood pressure. Salt substitutes, which are rich in potassium or other similar ingredients (such as MgCl2, MgSO4, and CaCl2, etc.) can be used as a low-cost, non-pharmacological antihypertensive measure, but their impact on the occurrence, progression, and prognosis of cardiovascular disease still need further studies. This article reviews the effects of salt substitutes on cardiovascular health to provide more valuable information for the prevention and control of cardiovascular events.

大连理工大学学报 , 2013, DOI: 10.7511/dllgxb201304015
Abstract: 在土体的剪切变形过程中,当主应力方向产生旋转时,主应变增量方向与主应力方向之间存在显著的非共轴现象.同时,机动摩擦角、膨胀角随着累积塑性偏应变的增长而增加,土体具有应变硬化的特点.传统的弹塑性本构模型不能够反映上述现象对地基承载力特性的影响.为了能够对地基承载力问题进行合理的分析,建立了一种非共轴应变硬化模型,并将该模型运用到有限元计算中.通过与三轴试验和离心机模型试验结果进行对比,对该模型在数值应用中的合理性进行了验证.研究结果表明,该模型能够对不同围压下的应力-应变关系进行预测.对浅基础承载力问题进行研究时,非共轴应变硬化模型的计算结果比传统弹塑性本构模型更加接近于离心机试验结果,验证了该模型的数值应用合理性.

热带亚热带植物学报 , 2011, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2011.03.006
Abstract: 报道了四川德昌县发现的山茶科(theaceae)木荷属(schimareinw.)一新变种——扁果银木荷(schimaargenteapritz.var.platycarpaq.luo)。新变种花瓣长2~2.6cm,宽1.6~2.2cm,内面基部被柔毛,蒴果扁球形,直径1.7~2.1cm,高1~1.3cm等特征与原变种相区别。在电子扫描显微镜下观察了银木荷和扁果银木荷的花粉粒,银木荷花粉粒表面纹饰为网状,具穿孔,而扁果银木荷花粉粒外壁为网状,不穿孔。
Study on Thermal Aging Behavior of 304 Stainless Steel Weld for Nuclear Internals

刘思维, , 何琨
Material Sciences (MS) , 2016, DOI: 10.12677/MS.2016.63020
压水堆核电站堆内构件用奥氏体不锈钢焊缝在长期服役过程中会面临着热老化脆化。本文开展了核电站堆内构件用304不锈钢焊缝在325℃、365℃和400℃下15,000 h的加速热老化试验,利用TEM和HRTEM研究了热老化后焊缝微观组织演变,采用冲击实验设备和纳米力学探针分别对热老化后焊缝冲击行为和纳米硬度变化进行了测试,并使用SEM观察了冲击断口形貌。结果表明:热老化后,焊缝内铁素体相发生了调幅分解;随着热老化温度增加,焊缝的冲击韧性显著下降,冲击断口呈现解理断裂特征;焊缝中铁素体相塑形变形能力不断下降,纳米硬度快速增加,而奥氏体相纳米硬度未发生改变。并以焊缝铁素体纳米硬度作为热老化程度指标,利用阿累尼乌斯Arrhenius方程得出304不锈钢焊缝在325℃~400℃内的热老化激活能约为80.4 kJ/mol。
The stainless steel welds used for PWR internals after a long service faces thermal aging embrit-tlement. In this study, the accelerated thermal aging experiments of nuclear internals 304 stainless steel weld were performed at 325?C, 365?C and 400?C for 15,000 h. Microstructure evolution of weld after aging was observed by TEM and HRTEM. Changes of the Charpy impact energy and na-nohardness were studied by Charpy impact and nano-indenter test. The results indicated that Spinodal decomposition and G-phase precipitation in the ferrite was observed after aging. The impact toughness of weld decreased with the increase of aging temperature, and cleavage feature was observed after aging. The nanohardness of ferrite increased, plastic deformation ability of ferrite phase declined, and the nanohardness of austenite hardness had no change. Taking the nanohardness as the standard of thermal aging embrittlement, the thermal aging activation energy was determined for 304 weld in the temperature range 325?C - 400?C based on Arrhenius rela-tionship.

财会月刊 , 2006,
Abstract:   随着金融工具会计问题研究的不断深入,会计准则制定者越来越关注负债与权益之间的差异。到目前为止,有关负债与权益之间的划分仍存在争议。根据美国财务会计准则委员会第6号财务会计概念公告中有关负债的定义,复合金融工具包含的实体所承担的发行自身股票的义务不能被确认为负债,因为该义务并不要求该实体转让资产,因而应确认为权益。但是,并不是所有像这样的义务都建立了企业与所有者通常存在的所有权关系。例如,如果实体发行了一项金融工具,要求该实体发行价值相当于10000元的股票来清偿,则有人会怀疑该义务是否建立了一种所有权关系。由于向持有者转移的价值是固定的,所以这种关系更像是一种债务人与债权人之间的关系,而不是企业与股东之间的关系。为此,本文将系统地介绍与分析当前国际会计界有关如何区分金融负债与权益工具,为我国会计准则制定者和会计实务工作者提供借鉴。

电瓷避雷器 , 2013,
Abstract: 从10kV配电线路的直击雷和感应雷击跳闸机理出发,首先分析雷电地闪密度、雷电流幅值概率分布对线路跳闸的影响。其次,分析线路处于山顶、山腰、山底三种不同地形地貌情况时的10kV架空配电线路直击雷和感应雷受雷宽度。再次,根据规程法分析10kV架空配电线路附近存在输电线路时,输电线路与配电线的水平距离大小对其直击雷受雷宽度的影响。最后,根据电气几何模型和雷电先导模型,分析存在高耸建筑时10kV配电线路周围的电场变化情况,为对10kV配电线路的雷击风险评估提供依据。
长安大学学报(自然科学版) , 2011,
Abstract: 通过多组模型的室内模拟试验,模拟了锚固边坡在不同荷载条件下沿圆弧和折线2种模式的破坏过程,分析了不同岩土体边坡锚固失效时稳定性的不同特性,以及群锚作用条件下单锚失效时边坡的力学及变形特点,进而研究了边坡锚索失效对边坡稳定性的影响机理。研究结果表明在荷载作用下,边坡上排锚索比下排锚索先破坏,失效锚索的锚固力会向其他锚索转移;圆弧破坏边坡不同位置的锚索失效对边坡稳定的影响与锚索所在位置关系不大,而折线破坏的边坡不同位置锚索破坏对边坡稳定性的影响不同。
铁道工程学报 , 1999,
Abstract: ?本文运用系统工程的思想.以车辆与线路大系统相互作用的动力学分析为基础.并参考有关的技术资料.对s国高速铁路路桥过渡段的主要设计参数及技术处理措施提出了初步建议。

天然气工业 , 1991,
Abstract: ?在当前汕气价格严重背离其价值的情况下,为改变油气成本结构不合理的状况,储量费用如何进入油气成本,就成为急待研究解决的一个重要课题.本文介绍和分析了目前对石油天然气行业平均勘探成本的几种测算方法,并提出将储量的有偿使用作为储量费用进成本的第一步,使勘探部门企业化和储量商品化,则是第二步应实现的目标.可供管理部门研究和参考.

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