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Summary of Error Calibration Methods of Ore Composition Detection Results

姜兰兰, 鲁海峰,
Mine Engineering (ME) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/me.2024.122014
Abstract: 矿石成分检测是矿产资源开发和利用的重要环节,其结果的准确性对于资源的合理利用、提高生产效率和生产效益至关重要。然而,在实际应用中,矿石成分检测结果常常受到误差的影响,这可能导致生产过程中的不准确性和不稳定性。本文深入探讨了矿石成分检测误差的来源,包括采样、样品处理、分析方法、仪器和人员等因素。提出相应的误差校准方法,包括采样校准、样品处理校准、分析方法校准、仪器校准和人员校准等。通过这些误差校准方法的应用,可以有效地提高矿石成分检测的准确性和可靠性,为相关行业的可持续发展提供重要保障。
The detection of ore composition is an important link in the development and utilization of mineral resources, and the accuracy of its results is crucial for the rational utilization of resources, the improvement of production efficiency and production efficiency. However, in practical applications, the detection results of ore composition tests are often affected by errors, which may lead to inaccuracy and instability in the production process. This paper deeply discusses the sources of ore composition detection error, including sampling, sample processing, analytical methods, instruments and personnel. The corresponding error calibration methods are proposed, including sampling calibration, sample processing calibration, analytical method calibration, instrument calibration and personnel calibration, etc. Through the application of these error calibration methods, it can effectively improve the accuracy and reliability of ore composition detection, and provide an important guarantee for the sustainable development of related industries.
Review of Research onto Methods for Determination of Calcium Oxide Content in Limestone

, 鲁海峰
Advances in Environmental Protection (AEP) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/AEP.2023.132022
Abstract: 随着科学技术的发展和纳米技术领域的拓宽,石灰石的应用范围正在逐步扩大,在国民经济建设中具有重要地位。但出于适应环境、生态平衡等方面的要求,尤其是随着我国小城镇建设计划的不断完善与实施,可用于生产水泥石灰岩的开采量也会逐渐大大减少。在进行石灰岩矿产资源开发过程中,为进一步提高开采效率与矿石质量,需要及时确定石灰岩质量。本文从石灰石中氧化钙含量检测方法入手,重点综述了络合滴定法、电位滴定法、火焰原子吸收光谱法和X射线荧光光谱法等氧化钙含量检测方法,并在分析现代检测方法的特点基础上,对石灰石中氧化钙含量检测方法的发展方向提出了展望,希望能够进一步提升和完善。
With the development of science and technology and the broadening of nanotechnology, the ap-plication range of limestone is gradually expanding, which plays an important role in the national economic construction. However, due to the requirements of adapting to the environment and eco-logical balance, especially with the continuous improvement and implementation of the construc-tion plan of small towns in China, the amount of exploitation that can be used to produce cement limestone will gradually decrease. In the process of developing limestone mineral resources, in order to further improve the mining efficiency and ore quality, it is necessary to determine the quality of limestone in time. This paper starts with the detection methods of calcium oxide content in limestone, and focuses on the detection methods of calcium oxide content such as complexometric titration, potentiometric titration, flame atomic absorption spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of modern detection methods, the development direction of calcium oxide content detection methods in limestone is prospected, hoping to further improve and perfect.
南方医科大学学报 , 2007,
分析化学 , 1981,
Abstract: 载体分馏法在测定稀土氧化物中非稀土杂质的应用是十分成功的,它的检测能力要比一般的电弧粉末法高一个数量级左右[1],若分馏选择在控制气氛中进行,其效果更好。
南方医科大学学报 , 2004,
Abstract: 目的评价连续性肾脏替代疗法(crrt)治疗重症急性肾功能衰竭(arf)的临床应用价值及影响预后的因素。方法回顾分析crrt治疗(crrt组)的116例重症arf患者的临床特点、疾病严重程度及其预后,并与同期行间歇性血液透析(ihd)治疗(ihd组)的102例重症arf患者相对照。结果(1)crrt组患者的平均apacheⅱ评分为27.0±7.5,其中≥29分56例(48%),24~29分36例(31%),<24分24例(21%);而ihd组患者的平均apacheⅱ评分为21.9±5.2,其中≥29分0例(0%),24~29分44例(43%),<24分58例(57%)。crrt组平均apacheⅱ评分显著高于ihd组(t=4.769,p=0.000),提示crrt治疗的患者多为病情危重的重症病例。(2)crrt组患者治疗后的存活率为37%(43/116),而ihd组为48%(49/102),两组比较无显著性差异(χ2=2.678,p=0.1018);若仅选取apacheⅱ评分≥24分的危重病人进行比较显示:crrt组的存活率24%(22/92)显著高于ihd治疗组的9%(4/44)(χ2=4.229,p=0.0397),提示对危重arf患者,crrt效果优于传统ihd。(3)对crrt存活与死亡亚组患者的一般临床资料、疾病的严重程度(用apacheⅱ评分表示)等因素进行统计学分析,结果显示死亡亚组患者的年龄、病情严重程度以及需要使用机械通气和升压药的百分率明显高于存活亚组(p<0.05)。结论(1)crrt是治疗重症afr的有效方法之一
南方医科大学学报 , 2009,
To Explore the Relationship between Family Function and Children’s State Trait Anxiety

Advances in Psychology (AP) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/AP.2021.112053
Family function (family intimacy and adaptability) has a subtle but crucial influence on all aspects of children’s development, such as academic performance, intellectual development, emotional development and so on. In this study, 198 primary school students were collected family function and state trait anxiety data, using correlation analysis, found that family function and children’s state anxiety and trait anxiety are negatively correlated. Especially, this association is particularly strong in early childhood. There is a high negative correlation between family intimacy and children’s trait anxiety at any age of children. This study suggests that family function may have a negative influence on children’s trait anxiety, and that family function can shape children’s trait anxiety to a greater extent in early childhood. Family intimacy has a more lasting effect on children’s trait anxiety. At the same time, family functioning may predict a child’s future emotional control and problem-solving ability in the face of setbacks.
围产期抑郁干预方法的研究进展 Research progress in Perinatal Depression interventions
- , 2019, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-1756.2019.05.030
Abstract: 摘要: 围产期抑郁严重危害母婴健康,实施有效的干预是防治的关键。本文从健康教育与促进、一般社会支持、心理疗法、药物疗法4个方面对围产期抑郁干预方法进行综述,为临床选择有效的干预方法提供指导
功能高分子学报 , 1992,
火炸药学报 , 2015, DOI: 10.14077/j.issn.1007-7812.2015.02.013
Abstract: 采用旋转黏度计分别测定了不同温度、分散剂加入量、炸药颗粒级配时HMX基浇注PBX药浆的表观黏度,通过流动曲线绘制和数据拟合方法考察了这些因素对表观黏度的影响。结果表明,随着温度升高,药浆的表观黏度降低,流动指数变大,流变特性更接近牛顿流体;卵磷脂的加入会影响药浆的流变特性,且有助于降低药浆的表观黏度,但其加入量存在一个最佳值;在药浆固相含量一定的情况下,其表观黏度在实验测定范围内随着细颗粒含量的增加而增大。

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