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匹配条件: “胡贵明” ,找到相关结果约180333条。

- , 2015,
Abstract: “隔”与“不隔”是王国维重要的美学概念,张爱玲则从京戏间离处理方法与技巧里提炼出“洋人看京戏”的小说审美理论。外行看热闹,洋人看京戏始终与京戏“隔”着一层,但他也自得其乐; 内行看门道,行家看京戏与京戏“不隔”,他看到京戏唱念做打功夫及文化底蕴,心领神会。张爱玲认为艺术家要具备洋人看京戏与行家看京戏“隔”与“不隔”两种视角,既能站在生活之内看人生,也能站在生活之外看人间。通过“隔”与“不隔”,艺术家在世界、作品与读者之间建立一个适当的审美距离,便于读者思考人生与人性中的问题,从而达到一种间离审美效果。
Alienation and non-alienation are important aesthetic concepts proposed by Wang Guowei. Zhang Ailing drew on alienation skills in Peking opera to form her aesthetic theory of novels known as “foreigners watching Peking opera”. According to Zhang, foreigners see Peking opera from the perspective of alienation: they know little about the opera but can still enjoy it. Experts, however, see Peking opera from the perspective of non-alienation and can fully appreciate its music, vocal performance, mime, dance, acrobatics and cultural values. Zhang believed that artists should be equipped with the two perspectives; that is, they can view the world as both insiders and outsiders. Alienation and non-alienation enable artists to keep a suitable aesthetic distance between the world, works and readers. At this distance, readers can better think about life and humanity, thus achieving aesthetic effect of alienation
Lithofacies Paleographic Characteristic of Middle Permian under Sequence Stratigraphic Framework in Sichuan Basin

刘满仓, 杨威, 郭凯, ,
Advances in Geosciences (AG) , 2015, DOI: 10.12677/AG.2015.52013
With the recognition and vigorous exploration of carbonate reservoirs in Sichuan Basin, bank facies reservoir developed in middle Permian Maokou and Qixia Formation also constitute beneficial layer of the basin where new gas source can be discovered. According to core observation, field profile measurement, microscopically rock thin section identification, and other testing data, combining the research of sedimentary facies signs such as petrology, paleontology, sedimentary structure, etc., the area develops sedimentary model as shallow-water carbonate platform in middle Permian, further classifies as the sedimentary facies of carbonate platform, platform margin slope and several subfacies and microfacies. We apply Vail’s classical sequence stratigraphy theory as guidance and identify stratigraphic sequence boundaries as lithology-lithofacies convert interface, so determine that Middle Permian develops five Ⅱ-type third degree sequence, and each sequence is divided into two depositional system tracts as TST and HST. Base on sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphy analysis, we take each sequence systems tract as the mapping unit and the “single-factor analysis and comprehensive mapping method” as the technical methods and compose lithofacies paleogeography map of each sequence system tract and describe its evolution character. Associated with reservoir physical property character of each phase belt, the platform edge shoals and inner platform shoals that are considered the most beneficial reservoir facies, especially shoal facies grain limestone in SQ2 HST and SQ4 HST which was dolomitisated has more reservoir significance.
Sequence Stratigraphy Analysis and Reservoir Evaluation of Reef of Changxing Formation in Huajiaoping of Lichuan

代龙, , , 黄丽丽, 王伟, 周喆, 王丹
Advances in Geosciences (AG) , 2013, DOI: 10.12677/AG.2013.34033
Huajiaoping of Lichuan is located in platform margin facies between carbonate platform facies in eastern Sichuan and Western Hubei Trough. In the study area, the water gradually changed from the deep to shallow in the stage of Changxing Formation of Late Permian, and developed a huge scale of platform margin reef deposition in aggradation- progradation. Through the multidisciplinary analysis of measured profiles, the authors made an in-depth analysis on the Huajiaoping reef sequence stratigraphy and reservoir. The study demonstrated that the body of reef in the Huajiaoping of Lichuan was located in HST of sequence 1 and TST of sequence 2 of Changxing Formation, and internally consti- tuted by the four parasequence sets. As the relative sea level fell gradually and hydrodynamic force improved progres- sively, the reef in the Huajiaoping had experienced four stages of evolution, including the foundation stage, the initial flourishing stage, the prosperous stage, and the organic reef declining stage.
矿物岩石 , 2013,
Abstract: 在野外剖面及岩心观察的基础上,结合镜下薄片、扫描电镜、阴极发光及物性分析等对建南地区长兴组的储层特征进行了详细的研究。长兴组礁滩储层岩性以礁云岩、礁灰岩和颗粒云岩为主,储集空间以晶间孔、晶间溶孔和裂缝为主,为裂缝-孔隙型储层。储层物性中等-较差,为低孔中低渗储层。储层的发育主要受岩性、沉积相、相对海平面变化、成岩作用等方面的控制,其中储层以台缘礁滩相为有利相带,发育于相对海平面下降时期,岩性以礁云岩和礁灰岩为主。白云石化作用是储层发育的基础,溶蚀作用和破裂作用则是改善储层物性的关键。采用孔隙度和渗透率两个参数对长兴组礁滩储层进行综合评价,认为储层类型主要为Ⅲ类(低孔低渗),其次为Ⅳ类(特低孔特低渗),Ⅱ类(中孔中渗)和Ⅰ类(高孔高渗)储层较少。
海相油气地质 , 2015,
Abstract: 根据四川盆地上石炭统黄龙组野外剖面和钻井岩心观察以及镜下岩石薄片鉴定分析,并结合岩性、古生物及测井等沉积相标志研究以及区域沉积背景和岩性组合特征,认为四川盆地黄龙组主要发育一套潮坪—陆棚沉积体系,其中潮坪体系主要发育碳酸盐岩潮坪相,陆棚体系以周缘受局限的海湾陆棚相为主。并进一步划分出4个亚相带和10个微相带。编制了黄龙组一段、二段和三段的沉积微相平面图,指出潮间坪浅滩、潮间藻砂坪、潮下坪浅滩、滨外浅滩微相为本研究区储层性能最有利的沉积相带。
Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Second Member of Jialingjiang Formation Reservoir in the Huangcaoxia Structure of East Sichuan

王伟, , , 陈守春, 李永芳, 代龙, 王丹, 蔡全升, 潘勇利, 王志峰
Advances in Geosciences (AG) , 2013, DOI: 10.12677/AG.2013.33024
The Jia-2 member is the main reservoir and gas-bearing interval of Jialingjiang formation in the Northeastern Sichuan area. Research on the reservoir has guiding significance to exploration and developing of this area, since Huangcaoxia structure is one of the main favorable areas. Based on the analysis of core, thin section and well logging data, second member of Jialingjiang Formation in Huangcaoxia structures of East Sichuan is identified as different types of dolostone reservoirs, which mainly develop in the subsection of . The reservoir type is defined as fracture-pore type, and the main reservoir spaces are intergranular denudation pore, intercrystalline pore, intercrystalline denudation pore, tectonic fractures and pressolutional fractures. The reservoir is controlled and influenced by sedimentary facies, diagenesis and tectonic factor. The dolomite flat and Oolite bank microfacies are the best reservoir facies belt. Dolomitization and denudation can help to form many pore spacies, and permeability of the reservoir can be enlarged by tectonic factor. These contribute to form a high quality reservoir.
中国公共卫生 , 2008, DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2008-24-05-55
Abstract: ?网络为人群共享网上信息资源提供了基础,同时也易引发网络成瘾[1].近年来,中等职业学校学生已成为网民的重要组成部分,他们大多由于成绩不佳而升入职业学校就读,自我防护意识和自控能力薄弱,易被网络上的不良信息影响.因而成为互联网成瘾症(InternetAddictionDisorder,IAD)的高发人群.网络成瘾主要表现为对网络有心理上依赖,从网上行为中获得满足和愉快,并以上网来逃避现实生活中的情绪和烦恼等.这不仅影响了他们自身的正常学习、生活与人际交往,而且易给社会带来危害[2].因此,对他们网络成瘾状况进行研究,从而引导其合理使用网络.
电子学报 , 2007,
Abstract: 通过二维地、海面发射率的研究,研究了高、低阶微扰法的有效性,分析了不同极化方式、表面模型和介电常数的影响,得到了均方根高度的有效范围,给出了高斯模型的相关长度的匹配范围.结果表明,模型差异不影响低阶微扰法求解时均方根高度的有效值,但对高阶微扰法的结果影响很大;高斯模型下,高阶微扰法求解时相关长度的有效值远小于低阶时的结果.理论与矩量法计算及测量值的比较,证明了高阶微扰法的有效性.
人民黄河 , 2010,
Abstract: ?采用基于样条变换的非线性plsr法,建立了贵州省黄猫村岩溶流域的月平均流量预测模型.结果表明:该方法可以用来对流量进行预测;模型预测期的误差一方面来自于观测误差,另一方面是模型中缺乏上游测站的资料.
- , 2017, DOI: 10.16538/j.cnki.jfe.2017.09.002
Abstract: 扶贫项目如何准确瞄准贫困农户是反贫困理论的焦点问题,也是一个世界性难题。文章从政治关联的视角深入分析了这一问题。通过对5省30个贫困村互助资金试点村调研数据的分析发现:(1)具有政治关联对农户参加扶贫项目有显著正向影响;(2)村级治理不完善是导致政治关联影响扶贫资源瞄准的重要原因;(3)政治关联影响扶贫资源瞄准的外部原因是政府主导的扶贫项目过多,公益组织在扶贫领域发挥作用太小。因此完善村级治理,鼓励公益组织在扶贫领域中发挥作用,降低政治关联对扶贫项目瞄准的影响,是实现精准扶贫的重要措施。文章揭示了村级治理不完善与扶贫项目瞄准之间的矛盾,并从政治关联的角度分析了公益组织在扶贫领域中发挥作用的重要性。研究结论对我国治理贫困和完善精准扶贫机制有重要启示作用。

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