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A Study of the Design and Mode of Higher Vocational Colleges English Teaching Based on PAD Class

王玉, 长江
Creative Education Studies (CES) , 2019, DOI: 10.12677/CES.2019.74089
Through the theory and implementation programs of PAD Class, this study aims at exploring the design and mode of higher vocational colleges English teaching based on PAD Class and effectiveness of PAD Class in English teaching combined with empirical research methods such as questionnaire and interview. The results indicate that learners pay more attention to language achievements and practice in high level. The scores of the experimental group are significantly higher than that in the controlled group. A new perspective is presented for higher vocational English teaching reform.
空间科学学报 , 2014, DOI: 10.11728/cjss2014.01.011
Abstract: 选取第23太阳活动周(1997—2006年)期间542例由太阳爆发活动驱动的行星际激波事件,分析确定了太阳源头和行星际空间中影响行星际激波能否到达地球轨道的关键物理参数;在此基础上,建立了预测行星际激波能否到达地球的新预报模型(EdEaSPM).回溯预报结果表明,EdEaSPM模型的预报成功率约为66%,略高于国际一流预报模型的预报成功率;EdEaSPM模型的虚报率未超过50%,改善了当前国际主流模型虚报率较大的情况;对于偏度指标,虽然当前所有模型的偏度值均大于1,但EdEaSPM模型的偏度值最接近于1且明显小于其他模型的偏度值;EdEaSPM模型的其他评价指标也都高于国际主流模型的相应指标.此外,选取2012年期间的激波事件对EdEaSPM模型进行了预报检验,预测结果与实际情况吻合.EdEaSPM模型不仅能够提前约1~3天进行预报,而且预报效果与国际一流模型具有可比性,尤其是在提高预报成功率及降低虚报率方面具有一定优势.
, ,谢善
- , 2018, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-6214.2018.02.008
Abstract: 摘要 航空发动机在大修时发现12Cr2Ni4A滑油附件主动轴轴头螺纹根部有裂纹显示。采用化学成分、金相、断口分析以及硬度检测等手段对裂纹产生原因进行分析。结果表明:裂纹为过大螺母预紧力产生的应力裂纹,但螺纹部位的加工设计不当加剧了裂纹的产生,例如螺纹根部存在氰化层降低了材料的断裂韧度;止动槽与螺纹交界处未倒圆易形成应力集中;止动槽上部宽底部窄,导致垫圈内锁片挤压U型槽底部产生挤压变形。为避免此类故障的发生,提出相应的改进措施:使用限力扳手控制螺母不要过度预紧,对不需要氰化的螺纹部位采取遮蔽的方式,对止动槽与螺纹转接处处进行适当倒圆
东北大学学报:自然科学版 , 2015, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3026.2015.01.009
Abstract: 利用电化学工作站,结合微观腐蚀形貌分析,研究了铁素体不锈钢在盐酸溶液中的腐蚀过程.结果表明:铁素体不锈钢在盐酸溶液中的腐蚀过程分为3个阶段:表面钝化膜的穿透、腐蚀产物膜的增厚以及阴阳极反应平衡.不锈钢在表面钝化膜的穿透和腐蚀产物膜的增厚阶段仅发生均匀腐蚀,而在反应平衡阶段不锈钢表面出现大量的晶间腐蚀和少量的点蚀.当盐酸质量分数大于10%时,铁素体不锈钢在盐酸溶液中的极化曲线钝化区完全消失,其腐蚀过程主要受阳极控制.随着盐酸质量分数的增大,溶液电阻Rs和电极反应的电荷转移电阻Rt均逐渐减小,同时腐蚀电极表面双电层结构中的充放电能力不发生改变.
电网技术 , 2006,
Abstract: 提出了一种基于直流侧电容电压控制和补偿电流反馈控制的电力有源滤波器新型控制算法。将周期离散控制技术和数字锁相环技术应用于直流侧电容电压的控制,通过非线性平均电流补偿技术计算出下一个工频周期内补偿电流的校正值实现了补偿电流反馈控制。该算法避免了复杂的谐波电流计算,提高了运算速度,能够跟踪并补偿频繁变化的负荷谐波。数值仿真计算和动模实验结果证实了该算法的有效性。
- , 2015, DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2015.01.009
Abstract: 川气东送管道站场、阀室大量采用一体式焊接截止阀作为压力或气体取样的根部接口阀,自投产以来,多次发生阀杆微漏,若处理不及时,持续泄漏会造成爆炸、火灾等安全事故.根据川气东送管道站场的泄漏状况,在投产初期采用更换阀门方法不可取的情况下,采取不停输带压堵漏技术.通过对现场泄漏状况的勘查,进行专用夹具的设计、制造,并在实验室内模拟现场压力表根阀泄漏后的带压堵漏治理,取得了良好效果.经现场实际应用,成功解决了困扰输气生产过程中一体式焊接截止阀阀杆泄漏的难题
The Interpersonal Relationship Marketing of Confucian Businessman

Modern Marketing (MOM) , 2015, DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2015.54009
The word of Confucian businessman first appeared in twentieth century because of the Nanyang Chinese. But Tao Zhugong, Zi Gong etc. are all the representative of the ancient Confucian busi-nessman who arose before twentieth century. Confucian businessman is defined as Chinese people who are influenced by Confucian culture, as a successful businessman with high moral quality and cultural accomplishment. The Confucian businessmen harvest success and also win the people’s respect. The reason for its success is the interpersonal relationship marketing. The meaning of Confucian marketing has been far beyond the economic category and is more worthy of inquiry.
The Influence of Social Factors on Empathy for Pain

Advances in Psychology (AP) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/AP.2020.102024
Empathy is a multiple concept, which can refer to a mental ability or a mental state. Generally speaking, empathy refers to the psychological process in which an individual perceives or imagines the feelings of other individuals and partially experiences the feelings of other individuals. Empathy for pain is an important part of empathy research, because it has the advantages of better observation and clear quantitative indicators, and empathy for pain has great significance in real life. The influencing factors of empathy for pain are the core of the research of empathy for pain. Empathy for pain is affected by a number of factors, including the painful person factors, the observer factors, and situational factors in general. This paper discusses the effect of social factors on empathy for pain from another perspective. In this paper, the effects of gender, social status, interpersonal distance and emotional background on empathy for pain are explained and described, and other social factors on empathy for pain are briefly introduced. At the end of this paper, the future research on the influence of social factors on empathy for pain is briefly prospected. The future research should pay more attention to the combination of research content, theory and practice.
Numerical Simulation Research on Bending Forming and Springback of Aluminum Alloy Profile

Applied Physics (APP) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/APP.2021.112014
Abstract: 铝合金作为汽车轻量化的主要材料,具有广泛的应用前景,如何准确评价铝合金型材弯曲成型及回弹性能对于工业生产具有重大的应用价值。针对铝合金型材的弯曲回弹,本文采用ABAQUS数值软件进行了有限元模拟,并将模拟结果与实验结果对比分析,验证模拟的可靠性。利用仿真结果获得了型材弯曲回弹时应力、应变的变化情况,给出了阻尼系数与回弹量误差之间的关系。结果表明,回弹前各部位对应的应力、应变值均大于回弹后的,应力、应变最大处基本在同一位置。回弹偏差受到阻尼系数的影响,误差最小在10%,因此数值模拟对实际产品生产有一定指导意义。
As the main material for automobile lightweight, aluminum alloy has a wide range of application prospects. Accurate evaluation of the bending forming and resilience performance of aluminum alloy profiles has great application value for industrial production. Aiming at the bending springback of aluminum alloy profiles, ABAQUS numerical software was used in this paper to carry out finite element simulation, and the simulation results were compared with the experimental results to verify the reliability of the simulation. The simulation results were used to obtain the stress and strain changes of the profile during bending and springback, and the relationship between the damping coefficient and the springback error was given. The results show that the corresponding stress and strain values of each part before springback are larger than those after springback, and the maximum stress and strain are basically at the same position. The springback deviation is affected by the damping coefficient, and the minimum error is 10%. Therefore, numerical simulation has certain guiding significance for actual product production.
中国电机工程学报 , 2005,

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