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Design of Intelligent Traffic Light Control System Based on FPGA

Open Journal of Circuits and Systems (OJCS) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/OJCS.2021.102002
Abstract: 一直以来,传统的红绿灯是采用固定时长方式进行路面交通控制,是成熟有效的系统,具有通行效率不高的缺点。为优化路口的车辆通行,本文设计了一种自动感知的交通光控制器系统(ATLC),对道路交通流进行了研究。该方法利用通行高峰和低谷不同数据,可以有效地减少非高峰时段的等待时间,包括紧急情况和VIP车辆通行以及行人的安全也都可考虑在内。本文设计的低成本自动交通灯控制系统,为地面通行提供了稳定的交通流量。该系统利用VHDL语言进行开发,使用时序仿真进行测试。该系统能够检测不同时刻车辆通过率,调节相对应的交通灯时间长度随之变化,实现对红绿灯的智能调节。利用此智能调节控制路面交通,可使主支干道协调配合,从而提高路口的通行效率。
For all the times, the traditional method of fixed length of traffic light for road traffic control has long been a proven and effective system, but it has the disadvantage of low traffic efficiency. In or-der to optimize traffic at intersections, a traffic light controller (ATLC) system based on flow sensing is studied, and the traffic flow is discussed. This method takes advantage of peak and slump trough traffic slots to effectively reduce waiting times during off-peak hours, including emergencies and VIP vehicle passes and pedestrian safety. The low-cost automatic traffic light control system de-signed in this paper provides a stable traffic flow for ground traffic. The system is developed with VHDL and tested by time series simulation. The system can realize the intelligent regulation of the traffic light, detect the arrival rate of vehicles at different times, so that the corresponding length of the traffic light configuration time changes accordingly, so as to intelligently regulate and control the road traffic, so that the main and branch roads coordinate, thus improving the efficiency of the intersection.
Comparison of Several Common Approximate Adders

Open Journal of Circuits and Systems (OJCS) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/OJCS.2021.103003
Abstract: 加法器作为重要的算术模块,在决定运算速度和功耗方面起着关键作用。对运算速度和效率的需求以及一些应用的容错特性促进了近似加法器的发展。传统加法器一般采用精确加法运算,电路面积、功耗均较大。近年出现了一种新兴的电路设计方法——近似加法计算,通过简化电路适当降低计算精度,最终实现面积、功耗、延时与精度的折中。本文比较了目前国内外主流的近似加法器设计,并在误差和电路特性方面进行了比较评估。仿真结果表明,LOA由于完全利用逻辑或门进行低位运算,面积最小,功耗也最小,但未考虑精度的问题,错误率最高;ETAII和ACA面积比LOA稍大,功耗也相应增加,并且设计时考虑了精度,使得错误率降低;ACA在延时方面优势最突出;SCSA配置了窗口加法器,面积与功耗更大,这也使其精度得到了更大的提升。
As an important arithmetic module, the adder plays a key role in determining the operation speed and power consumption. The demand for computing speed and efficiency and the fault tolerance of some applications have promoted the development of approximate adders. Traditional adders generally use precise addition operations, and the circuit area and power consumption are relatively large. In recent years, a new circuit design method—approximate addition calculation, has appeared. By simplifying the circuit, the calculation accuracy is appropriately reduced, and finally the area, power consumption, delay and accuracy are compromised. This article compares the current mainstream approximate adder designs at home and abroad, and compares and evaluates the errors and circuit characteristics. The simulation results show that the LOA has the smallest area and the lowest power consumption due to the full use of logic or gates for low-bit operations, but the accuracy is not considered, and the error rate is the highest; ETAII and ACA have a slightly larger area than LOA, and the power consumption increases accordingly, and accuracy is considered in the design, which reduces the error rate; ACA has the most prominent advantage in terms of delay; SCSA is equipped with a window adder, which has a larger area and power consumption, which also improves its accuracy.
The Research of a Method to Select Fault Line for Power Distribution Networks Based on Transient Quantity Mutation

, 宋吉江
Advances in Energy and Power Engineering (AEPE) , 2015, DOI: 10.12677/AEPE.2015.35022
For the single-phase grounding fault in the power distribution, a method to select fault line was proposed in the paper. Firstly, wavelet decomposition was used to transient zero-sequence current of each line after fault; then, the percentage of the low frequency energy to the total energy, which were calculated by the wavelet coefficients, was used to distinguish strong or weak fault; finally, the fault line was selected by comparing the polarities of the wavelet packet decomposition coefficient in the strong fault situation, but comparing the transient zero-sequence energy in the weak fault situation. The MATLAB simulation results show that the method is proposed has good ability to carry out the fault line. The criterion can keep the high reliability when the circuit is bus-bar, high resistance or voltage zero grounding.
Research Progress on the Effect of Orexin During Peri-Anaesthesia

Advances in Clinical Medicine (ACM) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2020.103056

In recent years, with the deepening of basic research, more and more studies have shown that orexin plays a role in different aspects of anesthesia, and it has a reference value for further un-derstanding of general anesthesia recovery and analgesic mechanisms. This article briefly sum-marizes the molecular characteristics and the role of anesthesia-related aspects.


科学通报 , 1995,
Abstract: 自然银和含银铁-金合金见于辽宁复县50号金伯利岩岩管和山东蒙阴胜利1号金伯利岩岩管金刚石中.此二岩管金伯利岩均位于奥陶纪,分别起源于200和220km,其金刚石品位系中国目前所见原生矿中最高者.

煤炭工程 , 2012,
Abstract: 为了延长矿井服务年限,提高受底板水害威胁的煤炭资源的回收率,使得矿井经济效益达到最大化,本文以刘桥一矿Ⅱ662工作面为例,通过对相关地质、水文地质资料进行综合分析、研究,确定采用注浆技术对其底板含水层进行改造,结果表明该方法效果显著,对指导矿井生产具有有一定的参考意义。

科学通报 , 1995,
Abstract: 自然银和含银铁-金合金见于辽宁复县50号金伯利岩岩管和山东蒙阴胜利1号金伯利岩岩管金刚石中.此二岩管金伯利岩均位于奥陶纪,分别起源于200和220km,其金刚石品位系中国目前所见原生矿中最高者.

财会月刊 , 2013,
Abstract: 国税发[2009]31号第九条规定,房地产开发企业销售未完工开发产品取得的收入,应先按预计计税毛利率分季(或月)计算出预计毛利额,计入当期应纳税所得额。开发产品完工后,企业应及时结算计税成本并计算此前销售收入的实际毛利额,同时将实际毛利额与其对应的预计毛利额之间的差额,计入当年度企业本项目与其他项目合并计算的应纳税所得额。在进行年度纳税申报时,企业须出具对该项开发产品实际毛利额与预计毛利额之间差异调整情况的报告以及税务机关需要的其他相关资料。由于预收款预计利润的影响,房地产开发企业的所得税费用处理起来要比其他企业复杂一些,现举例分析如下:例:某企业于2012年1月1日开发某房地产项目,当年预售,且当年预售全部售罄,取得预售收入1000万元,款项已全部收齐。当年发生管理费用、营销费用及财务费用100万元,当地规定的预计利润率为15%,当年已预交37.5万元企业所得税。2013年部分产品完成竣工验收,结转预售收入600万元,预售成本420万元,当年发生管理费用、营销费用及财务费用60万元。2014年其余开发产品竣工,结转预售收入400万元,预售成本280万元,当年发生期间费用50万元,该开发项目当年清盘。该企业所得税率为25%,为简便起见,不考虑缴纳的流转税影响(包括土地增值税),计算所得税时也不考虑流转税的影响。

科技进步与对策 , 2013, DOI: 10.6049/kjjbydc.2012100266
Abstract: 游走于人与自然之间的科学技术,扮演着人与自然关系中介和桥梁的角色。科学是自然品质的人工展现,技术是人精神品质的自然化。人与自然的关系实质是通过科学技术的信息传递实现的双向塑造。在和谐沟通人与自然的关系方面,现代科学技术应肩负3个方面的主要责任:准确表达、适度人化,使人与自然之间保持必要的张力;以人为本、平等互利,实现人与自然的双向尊重和保护;风险评估、代价权衡,重构人与自然的和谐关系。科学技术责任认定代价权衡

全球科技经济瞭望 , 2010,
Abstract: 农村金融一直是政府和学术界近年来关注的热点问题,欠发达地区农户融资难现象成为制约该地区经济发展的瓶颈。本文在欠发达地区实地调研的基础上认为:融资难现象实际上是农户进入了一个经济与金融欠发达导致农户商业性贷款少、融资渠道窄、规模小、非生产性用途比重大,进而再次影响经济发展的恶性循环圈。结合欠发达地区自身的特殊性,要从根本上走出这样的困境,着眼点应是农户自身,并针对此采取相应的措施。

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