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匹配条件: “陈璇” ,找到相关结果约208099条。
Research on Cultural Product Marketing—Thinking of Korean Dramas’ Effect in China

, 守则
E-Commerce Letters (ECL) , 2015, DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2015.43007
Abstract: 在全球经济一体化的背景下,文化产业必将成为新世纪最有潜力的经济增长点。电视剧产业作为韩国文化产业发展的支柱产业,在中国市场一片红火。在传播韩国传统文化的同时,也带来了可观的经济效益。本文简要分析了文化产品作为特殊产品的特征,介绍了韩剧的中国效应,分析了其在中国成功营销的原因。旨在对我国影视产品营销能有一些启迪。
Under the background of global economic integration, cultural industry is bound to become the most potential part in economic growth in the new century. As the most important industry in Ko-rea, the television industry is very hot in China. Not only can it spread traditional culture of Korea, but also lead to considerable economic benefits. The characteristics of the cultural product are briefly analyzed, its effect in China is introduced and the reasons of its successful marketing are explained. The purpose of this paper is to bring enlightenment for our country’s media products.
The Reference of Methodology Innovation of Vienna School and Frankfurt School to Chinese School of New Liberal Arts

, 马冀
Creative Education Studies (CES) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/CES.2022.102049
Abstract: 在经济全球化背景下,西方发达资本主义国家对广大发展中国家进行后殖民主义的文化输出,西方教育和研究的价值观、方法论主宰了中国的科学研究和高等教育。而当前教育部提出的建设“新文科”是扭转这种趋势的重要契机,其中以建设哲学社会科学中国学派为最重要的内容。根据以往知名学派的建设经验,想要建设哲学社会科学的中国流派就势必要从研究方法论上打破西方的学术殖民,建设有中国特色的科学的研究方法论。本研究通过对历史上较为著名的学派建立过程中研究方法论发展变化的研究,指出研究方法论对学派的作用,为中国学派的创立提出警醒,并根据中国国情和研究方法论发展的规律,为中国学派的研究方法论建设提出一些建议。
Under the background of economic globalization, western developed capitalist countries export culture to developing countries, and more and more western values and entertainment lifestyles continue to scour the traditional Chinese values. The current Ministry of Education proposed that the construction of “New Arts” is a good opportunity to carry forward Chinese culture. The construction of the Chinese school of philosophy and social science is an important part of “New Liberal Arts”. In order to construct the Chinese school of philosophy and social science, it is necessary to break the western academic colonization from the research methodology and construct the scientific research methodology with Chinese characteristics. By studying the role of the development and changes of research methodology in the process of the establishment of the more famous school in history, this article points out the role of research methodology in the school, puts forward a warning for the establishment of the Chinese school, and puts forward some suggestions for the construction of the research methodology of the Chinese school according to China’s national conditions and the law of the development of research methodology.
A New Circuit for Manchester Decoder Based on FPGA

, 远知
Open Journal of Circuits and Systems (OJCS) , 2014, DOI: 10.12677/OJCS.2014.33006
Manchester code is applied in a lot of communication systems. A new circuit to decode Manchester code is provided in this paper. How to function is described about the circuit in detail, and approach to the circuit has been developed based on FPGA. With some simulations and an application, it shows a well anti-noise ability, and can decode Manchester code without restoring clock from the received waveform.

Public Policy Making Mechanism in Ethnic Minority Areas

, 鸿杰
Modern Management (MM) , 2013, DOI: 10.12677/MM.2013.33A004
China is a multi-ethnic country. The stability and prosperity in ethnic areas are related to the interests of the whole country. This paper analyses the multi-national area public policy making mechanism from the process of the public policy making, and proposes some improvement suggestions for the multi- national area public policy.
The Construction and Prospect of the Core Quality of Vocational Qualification for Secondary Vocational Students in the Comparative Perspective of the Stage of Secondary Education in China

, 英葵
Vocational Education (VE) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/VE.2020.93024
Abstract: 核心素养的内涵研究已经成为教育界关注的重点,对于中职学生的核心素养内涵可以通过同义务教育高中阶段核心素养相比较实现其定位。经过对已有文献的梳理发现:中职学生职业核心素养是帮助其走向“职业人”乃至“全面发展的人”的重要素养;在职业核心素养方面加大研究力度对推进中职学生核心素养培育有益;在未来的研究中,应该更关注职业核心素养课程、校企合作和“三教”情景教学等方面工作。
The research on the connotation of core literacy has become the focus of education. The core literacy connotation of vocational students can be compared with the core literacy of compulsory education high school. After sorting out the existing literature, it is found that the vocational core literacy of secondary vocational students is an important literacy to help them to move towards “professionals” and even “all-round development”. Cultivation is beneficial in future research, more attention should be paid to core literacy courses, school-enterprise cooperation, and “three teachings” scenario teaching.

中外法学 , 2011,
Abstract: 德国刑法学自客观违法性论战胜主观违法性论而取得理论上的支配地位以后,历经了一元结果无价值论的盛行、行为无价值概念的引入、一元行为无价值论的闪现以及折中二元理论最终成为通说的过程。对于中国刑法不法理论来说,从中可以得出几条基本经验:第一,只要承认不法具有确定犯罪类型的功能,那么二元论就拥有难以撼动的内在合理性。第二,强化法益侵害对于不法的基础性意义,这是现代法治国家刑法理论发展的大势所趋;同时,行为无价值也完全可以和法益保护立场相一致。第三,结果无价值与行为无价值应以法益侵害和结果归责为纽带建立起紧密的内在联系。

中外法学 , 2012,
Abstract: 根据我国刑法第16条的规定,义务违反与结果之间的规范关联(即结果的避免可能性)是过失犯成立的独立要件。首先,对于同时包含了作为和不作为要素的过失行为,只要作为与结果有因果关系,就应当首先考虑作为犯的问题。其次,在判断注意义务的结果避免可能性时必然需要运用假定因果关系的思维方法,但应根据规范目的对假定因果关系进行限制。根据这一方法,只要合义务替代行为的结果避免可能性达到了占据优势的程度,就足以肯定义务违反和结果之间的关联。最后,在客观归责理论中,结果避免可能性属于危险创设,而非危险实现的问题。

法学家 , 2014,
Abstract: 彻底厘清客观归责与主观归责之间的界限,既是犯罪阶层判断得以清晰化的必然要求,也是解决因果流程的偏离这一重要实际问题的关键所在。从主观归责来看,故意的认识对象仅包含行为的法益侵害危险,而不包括行为结束后的具体因果发展进程;故意的成立要件已涵盖了故意犯主观归责的全部内容。就客观归责而言,因果流程涉及的是危险实现问题;对此应当从事后的客观立场出发、结合评价规范的目的来加以判断。因此,因果流程偏离的问题纯属客观归责的范畴。

法学研究 , 2011,
Abstract: 在现代法治国的不法理论框架内,作为主观未遂论之具体表现的计划理论和印象理论均具有不可克服的内在缺陷。主观的未遂犯处罚根据论虽为德国的通说及立法所采纳,但这不仅有其特定的历史原因,而且目前正受到日益激烈的批判。从世界范围来看,未遂犯论的客观化已成为刑法学发展的趋势和潮流。我国应采纳客观的未遂犯处罚根据论,并以事后查明的行为时全部事实为基础,站在行为时社会一般人的立场来判断法益侵害的危险。

法学研究 , 2015,
Abstract: 为扭转我国正当防卫审判实践中长期存在的唯结果论倾向,有必要从侵害人的视角出发,对正当防卫的教义学研究重新加以审视。正当防卫的本质除了法益保护,还在于侵害人因违反不得侵害他人法益的义务,主动使自己陷入法益冲突的险境,从而使自身法益的值得保护性下降。侵害人法益值得保护性的下降程度影响着防卫权边界的划定,从而与防卫限度的判断密切相关。如果站在实施防卫行为时,综合考量侵害行为给有效防卫造成的困难、侵害人给防卫人的安全带来的危险程度,能够认定防卫行为是为有效、安全地制止不法侵害所需的最低限度反击手段,则侵害人法益的值得保护性归于消灭,除非被损害的法益与被保护的法益在价值上存在极端悬殊的差别。

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