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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Cassava By-Products as Feed for Pigs in Burkina Faso: Production Processes, Nutritive Values and Economic Costs

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105711, PP. 1-14

Subject Areas: Animal Behavior, Agricultural Science

Keywords: Cassava By-Products, Animal Feed Technologies, Pigs Feed, Burkina Faso

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Introduction: In Burkina Faso, as in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the low availability and high cost of feed is the main limiting factor for pigs’ productivity. While cassava byproducts are well known and used in many countries to overcome this constraint, very little is known on its uses as feed in Burkina Faso. Objective: The study aims to develop processes for the production of pig feeds from cassava leaves and by products (peelings and residues of sieving for gari making). Experimentations: Some cassava leaves, peelings and residues of sieving gari were collected, sun-dried and milled (peels and residues) or mortared (leaves). The dry matter contents were 88.89%, 90.83% and 91.67% respectively for food of cassava peeling (FCP), leaves (FCL), and gari sieving residues (GRSF). The crud protein (CP) contents were 28.87% for FCL, 4.22% for FCP and 1.72% for GRSF. Crude fiber (CB) and ADF were 15.98% and 30.6% for FCP, 15.79% and 23.29% for FCL and 3.27% and 4.45% for GRSF. The NDF content of FCL (45.32%) was higher than the FCP (38.36%) and GRSF (18.42%) feed respectively. Lignin levels were more important in FCP than in FCL and GRSF. The digestible energy (DE) contents were 2424 kcal for FCL, 2683 kcal for FCP and 3471 kcal DE for GRSF. The production costs of a kg of Dry Matter (DM) of FCP were 15 FCFA, FCL were 101 FCFA and 150 FCFA for GRSF. Conclusion: Pig’s feed production based on cassava by-products in Burkina Faso is a good opportunity to make feed more available at reduced cost. Further research is needed to assess pigs zootechnical performances and cost benefits of pig’s diets with these feeds.

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Kiendrébéogo, T. , Zampaligré, N. , Ouédraoogo, S. , Logténé, Y. M. and Kaboré-Zoungrana, C. Y. (2019). Cassava By-Products as Feed for Pigs in Burkina Faso: Production Processes, Nutritive Values and Economic Costs. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5711. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105711.


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