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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Indian Monsoons Roaming in Time and Space and Global Climate Calamities Control Vitalities

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106568, PP. 1-41

Subject Areas: Geology, Environmental Sciences

Keywords: Freon of Global Air Conditioner, Indian Air Wheels and Monsoons, Indus Basin Water Treaty, Irrigation System of Pakistan, Global Heat Transmission to Troposphere, Major Promoter of Global Calamities, 3 Unique Parts of Pakistani Water Evaporation and Precipitation Cycle, Global Climates Emergencies

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The huge rise in worldwide almost all calamities is the aftermath of extreme Global Heat and Temperature (GHT). These have taken a steep upward turn with continuously flourishing growth since 1965/70, steered by implementation of Indus Basin Water Treaty of 1960 (IBWT). This 16.48 ZJ (Zeta Joules = 1021 Joules) rate of rising Global Heat could have been reduced by about 9.235 ZJ through optimal development and use of Pakistani resources in its local water evaporation and precipitation cycle (WEPC) of unique characteristics by about 1980, but this only opportunity was missed due to having no vision of forthcoming Global Emergency and its only solution. This and another 15.78 ZJ again with another unique global characteristics are badly needed as soon as possible to block any further continuous growth of GHT and fizzle out its so far accumulated and constantly further expending heap. Almost all of these resources are being wasted as a result of misguidance through wrong and un-logical recommendations based on redundant informations, misconceptions and wrong interpretations. In this work recent reliable data is analyzed and a few basic ideologies are presented to put the things back on the right track in order to handle the Global Environmental Emergencies along with earliest and maximum possible blockage of Global Calamities. The extremities of roaming of Indian monsoon both in time and space are analyzed and what it dictates in design and optimum development of the above referred resources, for both local requirements and most critical needs of Global Emergencies are elaborated.

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Nazeer, M. M. (2020). Indian Monsoons Roaming in Time and Space and Global Climate Calamities Control Vitalities. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e6568. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106568.


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