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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Mind-Brain-Body System’s Dynamics

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106720, PP. 1-49

Subject Areas: Anthropology, Biophysics

Keywords: Tension Domain vs Energy Domain, Deterministic Chaos, Spin-Internal Motion, Tension|Energy <?|ê> Exotic Objects, Mindedness, Mind-Brain-Body Dynamics

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All the current computational mind-brain models are based on the mechanistic (mechanical philosophy) and deterministic vision of the world, conceived in the sign of Cartesian dualism and Newtonian physics, which operate in every sector of knowledge and know-how by reason of a universal mechanistic order. At present the Western theories about the position of human mind in Nature can be reduced to five: Materialism, Metaphysical idealism, Dualism, Holism, Quantum. Based on the identification of two distinct and imbricated physical planes of reality, namely the plane or domain of tension and the plane or domain of energy, a relationship-based alternative explanation of the mind-brain-body system non-linear dynamics is advanced. The paleoanthropological and psychologic roots of the anthropopoietic process are discussed. As advanced in previous works, a cosmogonic hypothesis is summarized on the possible derivation (and subsequent coexistence) of the physical dimension defined by the Planck constant from (with) a physical dimension defined by a non-uniform distribution of tension gradients, the “raw material” of which the mental phenomenon it’s made of. Biological systems are defined as non-linear dissipative systems embedded by super-complex anticipatory systems relying on thermodynamics of non-equilibrium, at the phase boundary between chaotic and ordered (coherent) regimes. The role played by nerve cells in the phylogenetic diversification process is also discussed. In conclusion, an anthropological, phenomenological and physical interpretation of mind, consciousness and the mind-brain-body system’s dynamics is advanced. Mind is not an intrinsic property of matter, nor a state of matter. Mind is a particular way of being of tension in relation to energy, made available when the autopoietic dynamic of a biological system is mediated by the neurologic relational module. Mind is grafted on the stream of sensations (state variations) elapsing within the neuro-dependent dynamics while energy merges into tension on the edge of chaos, that is, a stream of state variations experienced as events, i.e. knots of relations non isolated nor isolatable from the whole in which they are comprised, whose value and relevance is species-specific dependent.

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Messori, C. (2020). Mind-Brain-Body System’s Dynamics. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e6720. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106720.


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