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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Google Cloud Platform Adoption for Teaching in HEIs: A Qualitative Approach

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106819, PP. 1-23

Subject Areas: Education

Keywords: Google Cloud Platform Adoption, Economies Development, Higher Education Institution

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Higher educational institutions (HEIs) are continuing to struggle with mounting fiscal problems due to economic downturn, which are increasingly forcing information technology (IT) departments to do more with same or less budgets. One area of growing interest for meeting the high technology demands and minimizing costs is the use of Google Cloud Platform to centralize computing and information management functions. Google Cloud Platform is a rapidly growing, yet evolving model that offers significant advantages to these institutions and is being widely used by large & small corporate organizations to manage their IT provisions and reduce their operational as well as IT maintenance costs. The use of Google Cloud Platform could also possibly allow HEIs to shift resources normally allocated for procurement, infrastructure, development, maintenance, and staffing to pay-as-you-go services to minimize operational & maintenance costs. However, despite such potential benefits of Google Cloud Platform higher educational institutions are yet to reap the benefits of this emerging technology as can be witnessed by snail pace adoption of Google Cloud Platform solutions. This paper thus intends to investigate the factors which could affect the acceptance and use of Google Cloud Platform in HEIs especially in developing economies like Malaysia.

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Hamed, P. K. and Preece, A. S. (2020). Google Cloud Platform Adoption for Teaching in HEIs: A Qualitative Approach. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e6819. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106819.


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