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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Intrafamiliary Education and Its Disciplinary Interfaces

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107041, PP. 1-11

Subject Areas: Education

Keywords: Teenager, Education, State, Family, Punishment

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Living in a violent environment is a negative factor, not only because of the physical marks, but also because of the psychological consequences of an emotional and behavioral order. To identify the socioeconomic context of a group of families, in addition to the punitive educational strategies used in intrafamily education. This is a quantitative and qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study. The research was carried out through a semi-structured script on socioeconomic characteristics, notions about education and punitive measures used as an educational tool, in a municipality in the state of Alagoas. The sample consisted of 16 participants, responsible for the domestic education of adolescents. It was possible to observe that most parents/guardians used some type of corrective educational measure, such as deprivation of pleasurable activities, physical punishment or even domestic work. It is worth mentioning that the majorities are unaware of the Menino Bernardo Law, and some disagree with the State’s interference in the education of their children. It was inferred that parents are unaware of the current legislation and the applicable punishments, although they recognize the need to educate themselves without violence.

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Silva, A. , Barros, S. , Moreira, R. , Vieira, A. , Lúcio, I. and Dias, P. (2020). Intrafamiliary Education and Its Disciplinary Interfaces. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e7041. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107041.


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