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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Building Knowledge: Giving a New Meaning to the Teaching of Chemistry in Everyday School Life

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107271, PP. 1-10

Subject Areas: Curriculum Development

Keywords: Chemistry Teaching, School Daily Life, Utilitarian Chemistry

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This work was developed from an Extension Project developed in the 1st year of High School, in Public Schools located in the municipality of Passos, Minas Gerais. The project aimed to assist teachers and students of the 1st year of high school in learning the discipline of Chemistry and show that the performance of experimental and playful activities help to bring the chemistry seen in the classroom to the students’ daily lives, thus making more dynamic classes. For this, the project proposed a participatory teaching methodology, through pedagogical workshops on the theoretical contents, taught in the classroom, that is, a creative and constructive teaching practice of Chemistry, different from the traditional pedagogy that values verbalization and transmission of theoretical content, decontextualized knowledge and memorization of formulas. After the practices, a questionnaire with closed questions was used to evaluate the workshops developed. The project was carried out in three public schools, focusing on acid and base themes and chemical reactions. The workshops were held between August and October 2019, four workshops were held in each school, totaling 114 students. From the activities carried out, it was possible to conclude that, the students are able to identify and assimilate the chemical contents in a playful and participatory way, arousing the curiosity for the Teaching of Chemistry.

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Modesto, R. D. C. C. , Souza, C. C. D. P. , Camargo, M. A. F. and Camargo, C. A. C. M. (2021). Building Knowledge: Giving a New Meaning to the Teaching of Chemistry in Everyday School Life. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7271. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107271.


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