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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Study of the Association between the Consumption of Dietary Supplements and Lifestyle Factors in a Population of Moroccan Academics during the COVID 19 Health Crisis

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107585, PP. 1-30

Subject Areas: Public Health, Nutrition

Keywords: Dietary Supplements (DS), COVID19, Containment, Students, Lifestyle

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The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of dietary supplement (DS) consumption by students, their perception of it during Covid 19 confinement, as well as the factors associated with it. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out online with a questionnaire, with a population of 350 students from Casablanca (Morocco), from March to May, 2020. The consumption pattern of DS, socio-demographic characteristics and lifestyle were collected. The association between the different factors was made by Pearson’s correlation analysis. 69.4% of participants consume DS of which 32% are boys and 27.4% are girls. The most prominent reason for taking DS was to fight fatigue and combat stress (19.8%), and participants preferred to buy them in pharmacies and drugstores (55.5%), on medical prescription. (32.77%) or on the advice of a pharmacist (7.92%). 50.60% consumed vitamins, minerals and/or trace elements, 4.5% proteins/Amino acids and 4% fish oils. About a third (35%) consumed more than one type of supplement at the same time. 45.54% used them occasionally, 17.92% regularly and 6.08 frequently. 48.4% respected the recommended daily doses. Supplementation was significantly associated with body mass index, physical activity, socioeconomic level and is slightly conditioned by dietary practices. 32.5% think that DS is harmless to health; 21.27% that regular consumption can prevent some diseases; 46.23% that excessive consumption can present health risks. These risks could be related to some components of DS. 21.78% of respondent’s experience real satisfaction after consuming DS; 34.65% feel better; while 2.97% think they have no effect. Students seemed more likely to consume DS during confinement than the general population, which raises questions related to their impact on health. Thus, awareness campaigns for students on the risks and dangers of these substances are necessary. Strict regulations to ensure their job security are recommended.

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Mestaghanmi, H. , Labriji, A. , Kehailou, F. Z. , Sabri, A. , Barka, C. A. , Bouzoubaa, H. , M’Touguy, I. , Jabari, M. and Amrani, S. E. (2021). Study of the Association between the Consumption of Dietary Supplements and Lifestyle Factors in a Population of Moroccan Academics during the COVID 19 Health Crisis. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7585. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107585.


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