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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Investigation of an Eight-Week Neuromuscular Training Intervention on Biomechanical Parameters of the Lower Quarter in Adolescent Female Soccer Players

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108239, PP. 1-21

Subject Areas: Kinesiology, Biophysics

Keywords: Neuromuscular Training, Motor Control, Injury Prevention, Adolescent Female Soccer Players

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Purpose: Mounting evidence supports the implementation of neuromuscular training (NMT) interventions to improve biomechanical profiles for prevention of musculoskeletal injury in dynamic pivoting athletes. Research has demonstrated there is a clear link between functional movement behavior and vulnerability to injury. However, there is limited research examining the capacity of NMT to positively influence pathomechanical movement behavior. This investigation assessed the strength, balance, and functional biomechanics of uninjured adolescent female athletes following an eight-week NMT intervention, which was conducted in order to expand upon research aimed at injury prevention in the lower quarter. Methods: 37 female soccer players ages 10 - 15 participated. Hip strength was measured with hand dynamometry, and single-leg stance modified balance (SLSM) was measured in multiple conditions. A 3-Dimensional Dynamic Movement Assessment (3D-DMA) system assessed lower quarter joint excursion during select functional loading tasks. Participants completed an 8-week, 16-session NMT intervention followed by repeated measurements. Results: Following the intervention, significant improvements were found in: hip abduction strength bilaterally (p = 0.000), hip extension strength bilaterally (p = 0.000), SLSM in eyes-closed condition bilaterally (p = 0.000), and DMA functional outcomes in the Full Squat Test (p = 0.019), Step-Up Test (p = 0.007), Single-Leg Squat Test (p = 0.000), and Single-Leg Hop Test (p = 0.000). Conclusions: These data indicate an 8-week NMT intervention is sufficient to elicit positive neuromuscular adaptations in the lower quarter associated with pathomechanical loading patterns. Such adaptations support improved function across a diversity of complex sport-related movements. More research is needed to further develop the efficacy of NMT interventions in various at-risk populations across a range of time scales.

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Parker, C. , Robinson, K. , Nessler, T. , Sells, P. and Lydon, K. (2022). Investigation of an Eight-Week Neuromuscular Training Intervention on Biomechanical Parameters of the Lower Quarter in Adolescent Female Soccer Players. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e8239. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108239.


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