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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Problems of Educational Policy Implementation and Its Influence on the Welfare of Teacher Labor Market in Nigeria

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108868, PP. 1-22

Subject Areas: History, Statistics and Econometrics, Social Issues and Public Policy, Politics

Keywords: Nigeria Education Policy and Problems of Implementation, Teacher Labor Market in Nigeria, Policy Implementation in Nigeria, History of Nigerian Education System, Education and Governance in Nigeria

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The formulation of each educational policy level sets the stage for its implementation, which, according to Ukeje (1986), is perhaps the most crucial aspect of planning. Unfortunately, educational policies and goal attainment in Nigeria have been irreconcilable due to implementation problems, which have caused significant constraints on the welfare of the teacher labor market. The gaps between policy formulation and implementation arouse investigations to identify factors that constrain the effective implementation of educational policies in Nigeria and its implications on the teaching workforce. This review indicates the factors constituting problems of policy implementations in the Nigerian educational system and its influence on the welfare of the teacher labor market through an extensive discussion and review of literature on Nigeria’s education policy and implementation. This paper underpins that the lack of successful implementation of education policies in Nigeria, majorly caused by insufficient funding/corruption, accountability/governance, and lack of continuity of education policies, has led to the inability to meet desirable educational standards and goals and objectives even in the 21 century. These effects have caused significant influences such as negative image and status of teaching, the impact of a poor working environment on job satisfaction/teaching effectiveness, limited connections between teacher education and school need, and brain drain of qualified teachers/scholars on the welfare of the teaching workforce. The researcher recommends that the federal government of Nigeria works hand in hand with expertise in the formulation and analysis of educational policy to reassess past and current factors that constrain effective education policy implementation and how negatively it affects the welfare of the teacher labor market in Nigeria. Then, reinforce positive change.

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Enyiazu, F. A. (2022). The Problems of Educational Policy Implementation and Its Influence on the Welfare of Teacher Labor Market in Nigeria. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e8868. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108868.


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