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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Bridge the Gap—Incorporating Classroom Response Systems for Classroom-Embedded Formative Assessment

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109829, PP. 1-19

Subject Areas: Distance and Open Education, Teaching and Learning Technologies, Higher Education, Educational Technology, Technology, E-Learning and Knowledge Management, Language Education, Educational Reform

Keywords: Classroom Response System (CRS), Formative Assessment, Assessment for Learning (AfL), Sociocultural Interaction, Web-Based Applications

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Research on the topic of summative assessments has attracted a large audience. The latest trend of a “process-oriented view of learning” has given rise to a heated discussion about assessment as a facilitative instrument to scaffold learning rather than being regarded solely as a “high-stake” measurement tool. Black and Wiliam contributed heavily to theorizing about the pedagogical use of assessment in the classroom with their widely read papers “Assessment and classroom learning (1998)” and “Classroom assessment and pedagogy’ (2018).” Other scholars in the field also contributed their expertise and experience enormously to further exploration in this field. But there still exists a gap between the ideal theoretical model of assessment for learning (AfL) and the actual practices in a real classroom learning environment. This paper discusses how a solution to the problem can be achieved by incorporating a web-based mobile technology—Classroom Response Systems (CRSs) to implement “Web-based Formative Assessment” in secondary schools. A literature review on the topics of formative assessment and technology-enhanced pedagogy is synthesized. A research project on using CRSs to facilitate classroom learning is presented in terms of 1) the effectiveness of CRSs as instructional instruments for adolescent learners in secondary schools; 2) secondary school students’ preference over CRS question types and response formats; and 3) secondary school students’ reflection on and attitudes towards CRSs as a way of formative assessments and instruction. This research provides evidence that the web-based interactive tasks involving the use of CRSs serve to enable learners to develop learner agency and effective learning strategies.

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Shi, W. and Hargis, J. (2023). Bridge the Gap—Incorporating Classroom Response Systems for Classroom-Embedded Formative Assessment. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e9829. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109829.


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