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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


An Investigation of the Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulated Learning among Chinese College Students: The Mediated Role of Task Value

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1111474, PP. 1-16

Subject Areas: Linguistics, Psychology, Pedagogy

Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Task Value, Self-Regulated Learning, Chinese College Stu-dents

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Background: University and college students are the driving force of the sustainability of the future, and their level of self-regulated learning will directly affect their ability to develop sustainably. However, for the current Chinese private college students, they have been used to cramming teach-ing, and it is difficult for them to change from passiveness to positiveness at once, so it is necessary for educators to study and guide the self-regulated learning among Chinese private college students. Methods: This study explores the relationship among self-efficacy, task value and self-regulated learning. In total, 343 freshmen from a selected Chinese col-lege completed a questionnaire to report on their self-efficacy, task value and self-regulated learning. Data analysis was performed by mean, stand-ard deviation, Pearson correlation analysis, linear regression analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: Results from Pearson corre-lation and linear regression analysis illustrated that both self-efficacy and task value were significant predictors of self-regulated learning. SEM con-firmed the mediating role of task value between self-efficacy and self-regulated learning. However, the results also revealed that task value played a partial mediating role between self-efficacy and self-regulated learning. Conclusion: The implication of this study is that self-efficacy and task value can be used to improve students’ self-regulated learning, and in order to achieve sustainable change, further actions should be carried out to have a greater impact on long-term development. Finally, this study puts forward three suggestions for improving Chinese private college students’ self-regulated learning and also makes theoretical and practical contribu-tions to academic research in this field.

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Huang, T. (2024). An Investigation of the Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulated Learning among Chinese College Students: The Mediated Role of Task Value. Open Access Library Journal, 11, e1474. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1111474.


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