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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Development Pathway for Dual-Qualified Teachers in Ethiopian Federal Technical and Vocational Education Training Institute

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1111982, PP. 1-11

Subject Areas: Pedagogy

Keywords: Dual Qualified Teachers, Vocational Education, Competencies, Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Skills

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The purpose of the study was to explore challenges, benefits, characteristics and developmental pathways experienced by the teachers to be a Dual qualified teacher’s in the Technical and Vocational Education Training Institute typically to represent educators who have a duality of qualifications and competencies. The development pathway for dual-qualified teachers is a comprehensive and multi-faceted process. It combines elements of academic education, industry experience, teaching practice, and continuous professional growth. They possess in-depth theoretical knowledge in their specific disciplines while also having hands-on practical expertise. A development pathway for dual-qualified teachers in technical and vocational education training institutes involves a combination of academic enrichment or Initial Education and Center of Competency Certification with a relevant master’s degree program in a technical or vocational discipline, along with obtaining necessary teaching certifications, practical industry experience, specialized teaching training, continuous engagement with the industry, active participation in curriculum development, and a commitment to professional growth through research, mentoring, and staying updated. The presence of such teachers enhances the overall educational experience and effectiveness within the institute, promoting high-quality vocational education and the development of competent professionals. It emphasizes the seamless integration of technical expertise and teaching proficiency to effectively prepare students for successful careers in the vocational education sector.

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Teferi, G. B. and Gu, Q. (2024). Development Pathway for Dual-Qualified Teachers in Ethiopian Federal Technical and Vocational Education Training Institute. Open Access Library Journal, 11, e1982. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1111982.


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