%0 Journal Article %T Avalia£¿£¿o da indu£¿£¿o, recupera£¿£¿o, agita£¿£¿o ao despertar e consumo com uso de duas marcas de sevoflurano para anestesia ambulatorial %A Tomal %A C¨ªntia Reina Grisan %A Silva %A Ana Gabriela Padua Dias da %A Yamashita %A Am¨¦rico Massafuni %A Andrade %A Pamela Vieira de %A Hirano %A M¨¢rcia Tamiko %A Tardelli %A Maria Angela %A Silva %A Helga Cristina Almeida %J Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia %D 2012 %I Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia %R 10.1590/S0034-70942012000200003 %X background and objectives: due to its pharmacological characteristics, sevoflurane is the ideal anesthetic for short-duration procedures. there are two brands of sevoflurane in the brazilian market, sevocris£¿ and sevorane£¿, with different formulations and packaging. the objective of this study was to assess whether there are differences between the two anesthetics regarding induction, maintenance, recovery, and consumption. methods: one hundred and thirty children were included, divided into two groups according to the brand used: group 1 was assigned to sevoflurane crist¨¢lia£¿ and group 2 to sevoflurane abbott£¿. the following parameters were assessed: heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fraction of inspired and expired sevoflurane, bis values, tympanic temperature, induction and recovery time, agitation upon awakening measured by the paed scale, and anesthetic consumption by weighing the vaporizers. anesthesia was induced with 1 mac and increased every three breaths at 0.5 mac, up to 3 mac. results: there was no difference between groups regarding the duration of the procedure, the anesthesia, and the parameters evaluated at induction. in group 1, the number of children who required additional bolus of sevoflurane for anesthesia maintenance was higher than in group 2 (p < 0.05). the fraction of inspired and expired sevoflurane at the end of the procedure was lower in group 1 (p < 0.001). upon awakening, bis value was lower in group 1 (p = 0.045). other parameters evaluated in recovery showed no difference between groups. the use of anesthesia was similar between groups. %K ambulatory surgical procedures %K anesthetics [inhalation] %K anesthetics [sevoflurane] %K anesthesia %K general %K quality of health care. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-70942012000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en