%0 Journal Article %T Manda quem pode: a elite governante da cultura em Portugal (1976-2011) %A Oliveira %A Patr¨ªcia %A Vargas %A Carlos %J Revista Brasileira de Ci¨ºncia Pol¨ªtica %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S0103-33522012000200003 %X based on a prosopographical analysis, this paper focuses on recruitment patterns of the ruling elite within culture. the universe examined comprises members of the ruling elite in portugal's culture, from the 1st to the 18th constitutional governments, spanning the 1976-2011 period. this analysis takes into account demographic characteristics (age and gender); academic credentials; professional and political careers; as well as eventual cultural skills of culture ministers and state secretaries. this paper also proposes a comparative analysis of profiles of the ruling elite in portugal's culture. %K culture %K elite %K government %K prosopographical method %K politics %K portugal. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0103-33522012000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en