%0 Journal Article %T Organiza£¿£¿o pol¨ªtica e cultivos il¨ªcitos de coca na Bol¨ªvia: uma abordagem etnogr¨¢fica %A Sousa %A Rosinaldo Silva de %J Revista Brasileira de Ci¨ºncias Sociais %D 2010 %I Associa??o Nacional de P¨®s-Gradua??o e Pesquisa em Ci¨ºncias Sociais - ANPOCS %R 10.1590/S0102-69092010000200002 %X the political culture of a peoples is a relevant aspect to understand the relationship they maintain toward its state, as well as their demands based on particular justice and democracy notions. in the bolivian case, my approach will privilege two factors that help understanding cultural and political orientation of the indigenous majority: (1) the argument around the right to cultivate coca leaf, even if it goes against international and national legislation; and (2) the present influence on political action standards based on ancestral principles of pre-colombian andean politics. my goal is to show how both long-lasting structures and the implementation of international anti-drug legislation influence the conformation of the bolivian political culture. %K cocaleros %K political culture %K andean world %K bolivia %K coca leaf. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0102-69092010000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en