%0 Journal Article %T F¨ªsica para crian£¿as: abordando conceitos f¨ªsicos a partir de situa£¿£¿es-problema %A Campos %A B.S. %A Fernandes %A S.A. %A Ragni %A A.C.P.B. %A Souza %A N.F. %J Revista Brasileira de Ensino de F¨ªsica %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S1806-11172012000100013 %X it is well-known that the schools of fundamental teaching, especially the public ones, treat of the physics and phenomena related to the nature with little relevance in the initial s¨¦ries, this because in the discipline which it should be inserted (sciences), the larger focus is given to the biological sciences. however, it is in that stage that the child can have the contact with certain scientific concepts that it may awake interest in science. thinking about that, and in view of the popularization of science in the early years of school, we took situation-problems involving experiments for a class of fourth year of a municipal school of gandu-ba, asking students to draw and write the strategy used to solve the situation-problem, and then, in a moment of discussion, to give an explanations, with appropriate language, about the physical concepts involved in the developed activities. in this discussion, children made us realize how their inferences approach the concepts related to the physics, moreover demonstrating other typological aspects that develop abilities in the children. in spite of they use simple and typical age language, they got to solve the proposed problems, what we verified in their speech, writing, and drawings. the surprising thing was to hear the questions come of them, which it is concerned not only to the physics, but also, to other knowledge ¨¢reas , which leads us to believe that despite his age, there is already mature enough to work with certain contents, of course in an accessible language, and that enables the understanding and integration of these children in the scientific activities. %K teaching of sciences %K situation-problem %K initial series. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1806-11172012000100013&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en