%0 Journal Article %T Climatologia e variabilidade sazonal do n¨˛mero de ondas de calor e de frio no Rio Grande do Sul associadas ao ENOS %A Firpo %A M¨˘ri Łżndrea Feldman %A Sansigolo %A Cl¨®vis Angeli %A Assis %A Simone Vieira de %J Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia %D 2012 %I Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia %R 10.1590/S0102-77862012000100010 %X this work investigates the seasonal variability occurrence of cold and warm waves in the brazilian state of rio grande do sul and its relationships with el niŁżo and la niŁża events. 39 years (1967-2005) temperature data series from 13 uniformly distributed meteorological stations over the state were used. the relationships between waves and enos were obtained from 2x2 contingence table analysis for the central months of each season. the statistical significance was evaluated using the fisher exact test. it was observed that the seasonal variability of cold waves is different than the warm wave variability. there are more cold waves during the months with lowest minimum temperatures, and the warm waves have a more heterogeneous behavior. in most localities, the relationships between the occurrence of the warm waves and el niŁżo events are more significant in july. for la niŁża and cold waves, the month with more significant relationships is april. in both cases, there are lags between the el niŁżo/la niŁża occurrence and their impact in the setting of warm/cold waves. %K cold waves %K warm waves %K enso %K contingency tables. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0102-77862012000100010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en